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My name is Riley Hale, I work as a National Fugitive Recovery Agent for the Wolfe Fugitive Recovery Agency, I am known to most by my nickname Blade, I am one of the 200 or so agents employed by Wolfe in the Los Angeles area, For those who do not know National Fugitive Recovery Agent means one who is licensed in all states as opposed to only one state like normal F.R.A.'s.

Detailed Information

My name is Riley Morgan Hale, I'm from South Pasadena, California where I have lived my whole life, I work as a National Fugitive Recovery Agent which I have been doing for almost 9 years now, I love reading and learning new things, I got to graduate high school when I was 13 and college when I was 17 which I am really proud of, I believe in honor and am very close to my friends and family, I have a somewhat large family and am close to almost all of them, My dad is my personal hero and we have always been close, Academics was always a favorite of mine and I always enjoyed school, I didn't have many friends but I was still happy, If I wasn't a F.R.A. I would love to own my own custom bike shop or maybe be a soldier or federal agent, However i really like the Fugitive Recovery industry, I believe highly in law and order and don't much care for criminals, I come from a wealthy family but I don't much care for the stereotypical rich family, I can't stand snobs or rich people who think that having money makes them better then other people, I love Horror and Action movies but my favorite genre would have to be police drama, My all time favorites would have to be Heat and Training Day, I love my job, I have been doing it for a long time now and I believe I am good at it, I work for as long as it takes to get the job done and do not stop before I have completed the task, Unlike many people I can truly say I am 100% happy with my life and who I am, I am a strong minded person and I will not change who I am for anyone.


I have many interests including Reading, Writing, Walking, Riding, Collecting and Watching DVD's, I love Martial Arts and have been involved in them since I was 4 years old, I gained my 3rd Dan Black Belt when I was 13 years old, I love motorcycles and I am an avid rider, I like to ride as often as I can, I started riding when I was 6 and have loved it ever since, I love edged weapons especially the Katana and the Naginata, I also like firearms and have been training in them since I was 10 years old, I carry a SIG-Sauer P229 chambered in .40 S&W as my sidearm.


I am an only child though I do come from a somewhat large and relatively wealthy family, I have my 2 Parents, My Maternal Grandparents, 3 Aunts, 4 Uncles and 10 Cousins, My Father Bill is a former National Fugitive Recovery Agent and the owner of a Financial Services Company, My Mother was a Lawyer, One of my Uncles is Mechanical Engineer, One is a Doctor, One of my Aunts is a Veterinarian, One is a Graphic Designer and One is a Teacher, I am close to almost all of my family and they are all great people, I had an Uncle Richard who was also a National Fugitive Recovery Agent, He was killed in the line of duty in 1987,

My family is of Welsh decent, They came to the United States in 1868, They changed the Family name from Hale to Thorne for a brief period in the 1870's before changing it back.

Wolfe Fugitive Recovery: General Overview

The Wolfe Fugitive Recovery Agency was created in 1978 by Brian Wolfe, It finds work for agents in return for a fee from each job the agent does, It is one of only 3 agencies in the united states that provides National Fugitive Recovery Agent training, The agency generally holds three 14 week classes per year, It has gone on to become one of the countries most respected agencies, Employing agents in over 15 cities across 3 states, It opened a branch in New York City in 1987 and another one in Houston, Texas in 1989, It is one of the few agencies to have full law enforcement accreditation, The agency primarily handles Bail Enforcement but it can also Locate Parole Violators, Locate Probation Violators, Locate Missing Persons, Locate Stolen Property, Locate Assets, Provide Personal Security, Handle Debt Collections, Business Theft and Repossessions.

Motto- "Honor, Integrity, Justice- Never sacrifice the first two to attain the last one"


I would like to give certain people I have had the honor to work with the recognition they deserve,

Bill Hale, My father and my first partner, He taught me the best of everything I know, We worked together for a little over a year before he retired.

Joey "Lake" Lakeland, My second partner who was tragically killed in the line of duty in 2007, We had worked together for over 5 years and he was one of the most dedicated and hard working agents I have ever known.

Jeff "Jay" Holmes, My third and current partner, We have worked together since the death of Agent Lakeland, He is a great agent and is getting better with time.

Earl "Tex" Lewis, 30 year veteran, One of Wolfe's longest serving and most highly respect agents.

Terry "T.J." Jackson, 21 year veteran, Another one of Wolfe's most highly respected agents.

Aaron Parker, 20 year veteran, My Father's former partner and great friend to all, One of the kindest and most honorable people I have ever met.

James Howard, A good friend of mine who was tragically killed in the line of duty in 2005.

Brian "Wolf" Wolfe, Owner of Wolfe Fugitive Recovery Agency, 23 year veteran National Fugitive Recovery Agent and all around great person.

Chris Cooper, One of Wolfe's relatively few female agents, Proving women can do anything men can, A super hard working and dedicated agent.

Sean "Demon" Knight, Agent in Training, He is a hard worker and has a very bright future ahead of him, He will make a great agent, Maybe even one of the best.

All the Agents employed by Wolfe, They seem to always be doing the best job they can and getting little to no respect from anyone, I would mention them all individually if I could, Anyone who has the guts to do the job I respect 100%.

Important Note

This page was created by me and I would appreciate if no one alters it without my confirmed permission, I do not mess with your things and I only ask the same in return, Plain and simple no "Ifs", "Ands" or "Buts" about it.