Diamond Dogs (film)
Diamond Dogs is a 2007 action/thriller film starring Dolph Lundgren and directed by Shimon Dotan and Dolph Lundgren (under the pseudonym 'Samuel Dolhasca').
The story of Diamond Dogs concerns a group of American fortune hunters who hire a mercenary called Xander Ronson (Lundgren) to act as their guide and bodyguard, while they search for a priceless Buddhist artefact deep within the Chinese wilderness. They get more than they bargained for, however, as they come face to face with Russian mercenaries also after the artifact.
- Dolph Lundgren - Xander Ronson
- Yu Nan - Anika
- Xue Zuren - Anne Shaw
- William Shriver - Chambers
- Raicho Vasilev - Zhukov
- Zhang Chunnian - Eye Patch
The film was filmed mostly in Mongolia, from 19 September 2006 through November 2006. It faced difficult and unanticipated circumstances. Dolph Lundgren stepped up to direct the picture instead of producer/director Shimon Dotan after just a few days into filming.
The film came out as a direct to DVD release. The DVD release dates are as follows:
- Germany - 31 August 2007
- China - 14 December 2007
- Brazil - 17 January 2008
- USA - 24 April 2008