Billy Martin (guitarist)
William Dean Martin (Billy Martin) (born June 15, 1981) is the rhythm guitarist and keyboardist for Good Charlotte.
Born in Annapolis, Maryland, Martin has been playing guitar since he was in 6th grade when he received his first guitar for Christmas. His first band, was Overflow, where he was the singer and guitarist, started with his friend and DJ and Steve Sievers, who now helps Martin run his clothing line, LeVeL 27. Billy Martin is a vegetarian and is a huge animal lover. His middle name comes from the famous Rat Pack member Dean Martin. However, rumors still persist that he was named after the Michael Jackson song Billie Jean.
While recording GC's third album The Chronicles of Life and Death, he and Benji Madden switched guitar roles. (Madden was the original lead guitarist while Martin was the original secondary guitarist.) Martin also plays keyboards on the album, with the exception of "The Truth", and occasionally plays keyboards at their concerts. Martin, who enjoys drawing, created the artwork for The Chronicles of Life and Death album sleeve and cover. He also designed all the artwork for the videos "Predictable" and "The Chronicles of Life and Death".
He plays Paul Reed Smith (PRS) guitars, Mesa-Boogie Amps, and Boss Effect Pedals.
Billy Martin also wrote "Mountain" and "Ghost of You" off of the Chronicles of Life and Death cd.
Martin's favourite director is Tim Burton and his favourite film is Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
Martin's Tattoos
- On Martin's left shoulder, he has the GC birds (sparrows) holding a banner that says "mom".
- On his upper left arm he has a horseshoe that has a star inside a heart inside of it, a toy soldier with blocks that say "DAD," and three flaming sailors. Above all that are the two neon guy and girl figures from the cover of Silverchair's "Neon Ballroom" cd, dancing in clouds with a spaceship over them.
- On his lower left arm, he has five black stars.
- On his lower left arm, he has a sunflower.
- On his left elbow, he has a nautical star with clouds inside of it.
- Above the star on his left elbow, he has a spider.
- On his right middle finger is what looks like a crown.
- On his right knee he has Kermit the Frog's head.
- On the back of his right leg, he has "NFG" on a banner for New Found Glory, wrapped around a dagger.
- On his right arm, he has Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- On his left wrist, he has the engravings of The Ring from the Lord of the Rings.
- Next to Jack, he has Sally the ragdoll, also from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- Next to Sally and towards the bottom, he has Zero the ghost dog, and Lock, Shock, and Barrel towards the top.
- On his lower left arm, he has bat wings carrying the letters "OF," five black stars going down the middle, a sunflower, and Jack Skellington's skull from The Nightmare Before Christmas with crossbones that have red spiderwebs in between the bones, as well as a little mushroom 1UP symbol from the Super Mario videogames.
- Behind his left ear, the number 27 with a greenish glow surrounding it.
- On the back of his neck he has Lisa and Vicky, his mother and sister's names, in a red heart