Fulvous | |
Colour coordinates | |
Hex triplet | #E48400 |
sRGBB (r, g, b) | (228, 132, 0) |
HSV (h, s, v) | (35°, 100%, 89%) |
CIELChuv (L, C, h) | (64, 101, 38°) |
Source | Internet |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Fulvous (Template:PronEng) is a colour, sometimes described as dull reddish-yellow, brownish-yellow or tawny, it can also been liken to a variation of buff, beige or butterscotch. As an adjective it is used in the names of many species of birds, and occassionally other animals, to describe their appearance. It is also used as in mycology to describe fungi with greater colour specificity, specifically the pigmentation of the surface cuticle, the broken flesh and the spores en masse.
The first recorded use of fulvous as a colour name in English was in the year 1664. [1]. Fulvous in English is derived from the Latin "fulvus", a term that can recognised in the scientific binomials of several species, a can provide a clue to their colouration.
- Fulvous Babbler
- Fulvous Owl
- Fulvous Parrotbill
- Fulvous Shrike-tanager
- Fulvous Whistling Duck
- Fulvous Wren
- Fulvous-bellied Antpitta
- Fulvous-breasted Flatbill
- Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker
- Fulvous-chested Jungle-flycatcher
- Fulvous-chinned Nunlet
- Fulvous-crested Tanager
- Fulvous-dotted Treerunner
- Fulvous-headed Brush-finch
- Fulvous-headed Tanager
- Fulvous-vented Euphonia
- Gyps fulvus, the Griffon Vulture
- Charadrius fulvus, the Eastern Golden Plover
- Mulleripicus fulvus, the Ashy Woodpecker
- Eulemur fulvus, the Brown Lemur
- Spermophilus fulvus, the Yellow Souslik
- Epinephelus fulvus, the Golden Hind
- Dorylus fulvus, a West African ant
- Technomyrmex fulvus, a Central American ant
- Smicronyx fulvus, a sunflower seed weevil
- Tigriopus fulvus, a marine copepod
- Menemerus fulvus, a Japanese jumping spider
- Euconulus fulvus, a New Zealand land snail
- Fomes fulvus, a North American conk
- Plagiobothrys fulvus, Fulvous Popcorn Flower
- Chrysopogon fulvus, Red False Beardgrass