Wikipedia:Requested articles/Social sciences
Social sciences and philosophy: Anthropology, Sociology, Class Structure - Archaeology - Geography, cities, regions and named places - Governance / Governments / Politics / Political Science - History - Genealogy & Genealogists - American Civil War - Military / Military History - Linguistics - People - Philosophy - Psychology - Society / Culture
Anthropology, Sociology, Class Structure
Agokwa (Chippewa, Ojibwa) - Alternative Spring Break - Arapesh - Bhilala - Bordieu - Cultural broker - Elsie Clews Parsons - Eric A. Havelock - Human Behavioral Ecology - Ian Goody - Jan Assmann - John Wymer - Liberal Theory of State - Low Suite - Name and Shame - Pattern Variables - Power Elite - Sacred Contagion - Sidney Mintz - Social Exclusion Unit (United Kingdom) - social pendulum - southern aristocrat - Survival tactic - Tchambuli - Third Worldism - Waunana - See Category:Anthropology.
Cultural Practices, Customs and Folkways
African traditional religions - Arrephoroi (Athenian temple maidens) - Bran pie (Bran-pie, gift exchange) - California culture / Culture of California - Februa - First Christian Fellowship of Eternal Sovereignty - Fonkong - Gallopalooza-(Louisville Painted Horses) - Gangster culture - Garden Hermits - Geronticide (killin old, like Eskimos) - Hand kissing - Indo-Caucasian - Introductions (How to properly introduce 2 parties) - jack-o'-lantern syndrome - Jellaba - Jñatjo - Kinship systems - Kuzbu - Manteis - pre-engagement - regnant - Rhodesians (remaining Whites of Zimbabwe) - Social intelligence - Tamaya and Kagiya (popular phrases with historical significance shouted during fireworks in Japan) - Thakkars
i would like an article written about the yawalapiti indigenous peoples of Brazil. Information on customs and visiting them as well would be helpful. Thanks. A: acute disease - adultolescent - affluent alienation - Afro-pessimism - age grades - age structure - agency of socialization - agnotology - altruistic love - anomie theory - anti-humanism - approach - archaeology of knowledge - ascriptive characteristic - authentic act - Authoritarian character - autocratic rule - B: background expectancies - Berelson, Bernard - biomedic model - Bloom's Toxonomy - C: capital-intensive agriculture - capital-intensive manufacturing - chivalry in america - class reproduction - collective representation - collective violence - commodity chain - commodity riots - communal riot - Comparative Sociology - conflict methodology - conscience collective - Consumption Society - Contact high - contingency work - contradictory class locations - created environment - crisis medicine - crisis of representation - Cross-case analysis - crude birth-rate - crude death-rate - cultural deprivation - cultural reeducation - cultural reproduction - cultural superstructure - cultural transmission - cultural universal - culture core - culture of honor - curative medicine - custodial care - D: defensive medicine - deinstitutionalization - deskilling - developmental state - deviance amplification - deviant subculture - devil theory - disenchantment - domestic labor - domestic science (the historical movement, the teachings, or the practice thereof) - doubling time - dual career family - dual welfare system - durable inequalities - E: ecologism - egalitarian ethic - egalitarian family - emancipatory research - export-processing zone - F: family of orientation - formal relations - functional rationality - G: genealogy of power/knowledge - Germany - killing jews - Giovanni Arrighi - Grass, Otto - H: Heterochronicity - high-context cultures - high-trust systems - Hippie Paranoia - Historical Sociology - history of poverty in the united states - I: Imperitively coordinated associations (Ralf Dahrendorf, author) - inclusivist - Income Distribution - United States - Indian Child Welfare Act - industrial production - informal relations - infrastructural determinism - instinctual theory - institutional capitalism - institutional demand - institutional discrimination - intensification - intergenerational mobility - international division of labor - interpersonal violence - interpretive - J: Japanization - K: kergymatic - Key stimulus - Kinetic Ethics - knowledge-constitutive interest - L: late modernity - latent function - latent functions - legitimation crisis - liebenstrom - life-course - life-world - lifestyle changes - looking-glass self - low-context cultures - low-trust systems - M: macro-level - male inexpressiveness - Malthusian society - managerial capitalism - managerial class - manifest function - Mechtoid - medical gaze - medical model - medicalisation - mental superstructure - meta-narratives - micro-level - mode of reproduction - moral entrepreneurs - mortification of the self - Most recognized sounds by commercial products - munich wersonality rest (MPT) - N: National Children's Leukemia Foundation - negotiated order - neolocality - neotribalism - new international division of labour - O: occupational personality questionaire - ontological security - open lineage family - P: panopticism - patient dumping - personal is the political - pluralist theory - political and social unrest in 21st century Africa - political commentary - post-intellectualism - post-socialist state - powerlessness - primary group structure - private health care - proto-globalization - R: racial humor - radical sociology - Randall Collins - realist perspective - recursiveness of social knowledge - reflexive sociology - relative autonomy - religion of humanity - restratification - Robin Blackburn (academic, author & editor) - role conflict - ruling elite - S: secondary data - secondary group structure - self-mortification - sexual script - sick role - situational identity - social closure - social disorganization - social dysfunction in 21st century Africa - social forces - social reproduction - social trend - sociocultural materialism - sociology of mental health - solid waste - soul course - state society - stateless society - status offence - stigmatise - symbolic world - T: theoretical approach - third space - total institutions - trading network - traditional state - transformative movement - troll-sysop power struggle (see anarchopedia article for one point of view) - U: unit of analysis - University of Chicago Committee on Social Thought, Bellow, Grene, Shils, Bloom, etc. - W: Welfare Queen - world system theory - Z: zweckrational
A: Ah'med Ech Chiruani - Alexander Nikolayevich Afanasyev - Américo Paredes - Archer Taylor - Archie Green - Archive of American Folksong - Arthur Huff Faucet - Assended Masters - C: Carl Wilhelm von Sydow - CityLore - D: Don Yoder - E: Edwin Sydney Hartland - Eliot Wigginton - European ethnology - F: fenario - Festival of American Folklife - folk museums - folklife festivals - Folklore Society - foodways - Francis Gummere - G: George Laurence Gomme - Gladys Reichard - J: Jólasveinar - Julius Krohn - K: Kaarle Krohn - Kurt Ranke - L: life-cycle rituals - M: Melville Herskovits - motif (folkloristics) - motif index - N: Newbell Niles Puckett - O: occupational folklife - P: paremiology - R: Ralph Rinzler - Richard Dorson - Robert Winslow Gordon - S: Stith Thompson - T: tale-type - W: Warren Roberts - Y: Yuri Sokolov
Anatolian mythology - The Apocalypse - The End of the World. - Azazez - Dictynna - Felys - Hex and Curses - (Removal of) - Jurjung-Aiyiyi-Toijon - Lycaean Pan - Mythological cosmologies(including articles such as Norse cosmology) - nekuia - Spirit wife - Wulgaru (or possibly woolagaroo; Aboriginal Australian demonology) - Ornithomancy -
Ain Mallaha / Eynan (Natufian Settlement?) - Asikli Höyük - Bayou La Batre Culture (Late Archaic culture extant on the Gulf Coast of North America c. 2500-500 BCE) - Bromme Culture - conjunctive archaeology (fore-runner of the New Archaeology of the 1960s) - Franz Xavier Kugler - Famous expert on Mesopotamian astronomical texts and Mesopotamian mathematics, a Jesuit of late 19th - early 20th century - Gebelein (Archeologial site Naga el-Gherira in Egypt ) - Gene Savoy, archeologist, Peru explorer - Gurnah (Middle Kingdom site in Egypt where buriel sites for military officers, also recognised village of tomb raiders) - Indigenous Archaeology - Klekkende Høj - Kong Asgers Høj - Denmark's largest stone age burial passage tomb. - Mechtoid - Nebi Yunus (mound in Iraq; site of a Muslim shrine dedicated to the prophet Jonah; pertaining to Nineveh) - Nikolaos Platon Greek archaeologist; excavator of Zakros - Reginald Campbell Thompson - Sean Savoy, archeologist, Peru explorer - Tjongerian - Vegetalismo - Walter W. Taylor - worlebury camp
Geography, cities, regions and named places
See also: World Heritage Sites
List of uninhabited regions - Harold Washington Public Library - Consolidated Statistical Area - Map measure
Afghanistan: See: Wikipedia:Requested articles/Afghanistan
Australia: Kimberley-Perth Canal
Austro-Hungarian Emprire: Slovakland
Canada: Greater Saskatoon Area, Saskatchewan - Greater Winnipeg Area, Manitoba - Haliburton Highlands - Corso Italia (Toronto neighbourhood)
Colombia Magangue
Cyprus Kormakiti (home to a Maronite enclave)
"Fort Randall, Alaska"
Germany Michaelstadt, Germany (I think its in bavaria).
Indonesia Baliem Valley [1]
Iran: Kuh-e Jebal Barez
Ireland: See Towns of the Republic of Ireland - Natural resources of Ireland
Russia Gogland
South Korea: Sanbon
Maldives: North Male Atoll
Mexico: Cueva de Villa Luz - Río Grijalva - Río Balsas - Zaragoza, Coahuila
Pakistan: Shaharah-e-Islamabad
Poland: Cieplice (formerly Bad Warmbrunn)
Portugal: Juromenha
Russia: Verhojansk
Spain: Isla De Alboran -
South Africa: for more see List of towns in South Africa -
United Kingdom: See also: UK Geography Wikiproject Highworth and St Blazey (the only two English towns without articles) - Yes Tor - See also Scotland - Northern Ireland - wales
U.S.: Lake Ashmere, (Hinsdale, Massachusetts (Berkshire County)) - Scurry, Texas - Coastal Indians of washington - Chapelsnap - Condit Crossing, Pennsylvania - Echo Canyon (Utah, though there's also a Simpsons episode ;-) - Helper, Colorado - Ghost Town In The Sky - Lake Barkley, Tennessee - Beaverhead Rock - Westbank Expressway (New Orleans, LA, USA) - Calumet Sag Channel and Little Calumet River (in Chicagoland, to match Grand Calumet River) - Wakefield, Ohio - Knockemstiff, Ohio
See also neighborhoods of: Pittsburgh, PA; Seattle, WA; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD; Minneapolis, MN; Philadelphia, PA
Also, a category and/or list request for either U.S. county seats or a county/parish/borough seats category and/or list for each of the 50 states
List of African place name etymologies - List of Asian place name etymologies - List of Australian place name etymologies - List of Caribbean place name etymologies - List of Central American place name etymologies - List of European place name etymologies - List of South American place name etymologies
Political Geography
Accretion - Cultural Geography - Quasi-state - Voluntary cession
Governance / Governments / Politics / Political Science
A: Africa Growth and Opportunity Act [2] - Artificial States - States created by west by dividing africa among themself. so new states were created, which previsaly not seen itself as single state or single people. [3] - Arturo Escobar - Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum APPF - Authoritarian nationalism - B: Barry Jones (Australian Politician/Quiz Champion) - Blue-Ribbon Panel - Bush Commission - C: Campus Greens - Chinese colonization of Tibet - Christian Party (United States) - Civic Competition - Collective Security Treaty Organisation [4] - Community Mental Health Act - conflict management group - D: Defensive democracy - Democratic Consolidation - The Democrat's Public Education Policies - Direct Primary - The Drug-Free Century Act - Dual kingship - E: Emergency AIDS Bill - F: Farheen Hakeem- Fiscal responsibility - Food politics - FREE PRESS - G: Guest Worker Program - H: Historical institutionalism - Hoover Commission - I: Inherent Sovereignty - The Islands (Nine Nations) - J: Jack Ambroff - Joan Mondale - L: laisser faire (not the same as Laissez-faire) - Lakovian frames (Pioneered/Invented by George Lakoff?) - Liberal nationalism - List of Active Reunification Movements - List of disputed elections (most notable, and/or links to more detailed lists; see electoral fraud for a start) - List of government sponsored failures (in the spirit of List of commercial failures) - M: Mauritanians - Minority Appeasement - Mongolian Communism - N: Nathan Sproul - nay sayer - Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party - nomocracy - O: Oplan1000 - P: party institutionalization (Panebianco's theories) - Payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) - Peelian Reform - Policy of Russia - Political elites - Political transformations - presidential debates - ProjectQED - Provisional National Defence Council - Public opinion and media - Q: quasi government - R: Rebel Alliance Forums - Regulatory Impact Analysis - Rope line - S: Sergeant at law - Shanghai Cooperation Organisation [5] - Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act - South American Presidents - Southern Cameroon Youth League (SCYL) - synthetic terror - T: Theodore Lowi - The Treaty Obligations of the United States - U: US aid to Israel - usurper - W: we campaign in poetry but we must govern in prose
A: African and Malagasy Union (Brazzaville Group) - Assembly of European Regions - B: Balkanism - Bikeshed - C: Child Poverty - Chinese colonization of Tibet - Coercive Diplomacy - Comity Clause of the U.S. Constitution - Commitment to Development Index - Committee of 300 - Comparative Institutionalsim - compradors - Constitutive political theory - Contemporary African Database - Corporate Republic - "Cry Harold!" - D: documentary - 'Invisible Children' - Donald Barrios - Dukedom of New Sealand - E: Economic imperialism - Environmental crime - European Anticapitalist Left - European integration theory - G: G-33 - G-90 - Ganf of 500 - George Wolfe - Georges Weiss - Georges Weiss - Georges Weiss - H: Heartland Theory (some content can be merged from Geopolitics - Hama Thai - I: Imperial Overstretch - Indigenous Peoples' Rights - inquilinos - International Health - In proprio moto - K: Kadura Fares - KOMPAK - L: Lamfalussy, Alexandre - List of national capitals by population - Lusotropicalism - M: Max Fischer - Melanesian Spearhead Group (Forum for the governments of Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji and Solomon Islands) - Meltzer Report - Modern Western Imperialism - Monterrey consensus - Monopoly Capitalism - N: Naji al-Hadithi - National United Front of Kampuchea (known by French acronym FUNK) - NEPAD Declaration on Democracy, Political Economic and Corporate Governance - NEPAD Progress Report - Neo-Nazism in Canada - New Thinking (Soviet Reforms) - No action motion (a United Nations procedure?) - No Banana Union (European Organization Against Software Patents) - P: Pan-African Parliament Trust Fund - Parliamentary Words and Meaning - Party Government - Potential worldwide impact of a Sino-American war - Program 863 (Chinese government project to develop post-nuclear superweapons including killer nanites) - principal asylum applicants - Privileges and immunities abuse - R: Royal Government of the National Union of Cambodia (known by French acronym GRUNK) - Rugged Individualism - S: South American Presidents - Suez Conference - T: Tim Osman (google to see who that person is known as internationally) - Trans Atlantic Aerospace Agreement [6] - U: United States Aid to Pakistan - W: Westphalianism
#: 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - A: Abalone Alliance (West coast movement related to Clamshell Alliance) - B: Banana Wara - Belgian nobility - Budget Affairs Commission - of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China - C: Chamberlain Case, The (Australia, started 1982) - Civilian Power - Cobell Litigation (US) - D: David Elliott Ritch (Cayman Islands) - E: Emergency AIDS Bill [7] - F: Federales (Mexican police/paramilitary force) - Fictional Chief Justices of the United States - - G: Government by assassination (Japan 1930s) - H: I: Immigration in Egypt - Indiana Federation of College Republicans - Integral Nationalism - Internal Leadership (or if loan word "Innere Führung"), a fairly new system in chain of command governance being implemented unique to the German military, references; [8] [9] [10] [11] - J: James Goodby, chief negotiator for nuclear threat reduction agreements (the Nunn-Lugar program) - Jury Duty - Japan-U.S. Security Treaty K: Kelly Ayotte - L: Little Bohemia - Lyle Hillyard - M: Matt Goldblatt (Rochester political force) - Midterm Elections - Monopoly Capitalism - Moon-Mars Initiative - Morning in America (1984 Ronald Reagan campaign theme) - N: National Security Letter(s) - Nevada Gaming Commission - P: Partai Reformasi Tionghoa Indonesia - Peacebuilding Commission - - Prawn cocktail offensive - President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography (1968-1970 forerunner of Attorney General's Commission on Pornography) - R: Ricardo Granda - Robert K. Killian - S: Statute for Religious Freedom - Strategic adjustment - Strategic culture T: Ted Sampley - Theo-political - Theories on The Legality of The United States Income Tax System - TVA v. Hill (see: snail darter) - U: United States 2008 Election - United States Election audits and electoral fraud - United States Midterm elections, 2006 (concise combination of US House, Senate, & Gov election) - W: William Warren Conolly (Cayman Islands) - Williamson v. Lee Optical - World Leaders-Head of Country EVERY Country & Political System 2005 Titles - Dr Wolfgang Gerhard Guenter Ebel
Members of the U.S. Congress
Anthony Ellmaker Roberts - Alfonso E. Lenhardt - Brian D. Kerns - Charles M. Hamilton - David D. Phelps - Felix J. Grucci, Jr. - Gary Lee Sisco - George W. Gekas - James H. Maloney - James V. Hansen - James W. Ziglar - Jeff Trandahl - Jeri Thomson - John Cooksey - John J. Rhodes - Larry Combest - Larry Combest - Lloyd John Ogilvie - Martin Heller - Robert A. Borski - Ronnie Shows - Stephen Horn - William J. Coyne
Albion Nation - Colorado River Interstate Compact - District council - Free State of San Francisco (political movement) - Homeowner's associations - Interstate Driver’s License Compact - Jimmy Griffin (former mayor of Buffalo, New York) - Policy Commissioner - Purpose of city/county governments - Virg Bernero Hudson Heights, Manhattan - this is a neighborhood, why does it redirect to Broadway (a street passing through many neighborhoods)?
1982 Debt Crisis - 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - Conference on Children and Youth (WFMH) - Expert Committee on Questions of Population and Racial Policy (Third Reich, Germany, 1933) - Federal Ministry of Family, Youth and Health (Germany) - Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring (Third Reich, Germany, January 1, 1934) - Nazi Anti-Flag Desecration Law - Petrogard Soviet - Universal Service Fund - [(TIT SIMEDREA: Archbishop of Bukovina, Bishop:Targovista; WWII interceder with Antonescu for end to deporations and killings}] - De facto segregation - Absentee Property Law of 1950 (Israel) -
Human Rights
If removing a country-specific human rights article from this list please ensure that it is listed at Human_rights#Country-specific_articles
C: Chinese colonization of Tibet - D: Darfur Accountability Act - E: Ear squats - H: Horseshoe Theory of Political Alignment - Human Rights Commission - Human rights in Albania - Human rights in Andorra - Human rights in Armenia - Human rights in Austria - Human rights in Azerbaijan - Human rights in Belgium - Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Human rights in Bulgaria - Human rights in Chile - Human rights in Croatia - Human rights in Cyprus - Human rights in Denmark - Human rights in Egypt - Human rights in Estonia - Human rights in FYR Macedonia - Human rights in Georgia - Human rights in Germany - Human rights in Greece - Human rights in Hungary - Human rights in Iceland - Human rights in Ireland - Human rights in Israel - Human rights in Italy - Human rights in Latvia - Human rights in Liechtenstein - Human rights in Lithuania - Human rights in Luxembourg - Human rights in Libya - Human rights in Malta - Human rights in Mexico - Human rights in Moldova - Human rights in Monaco - Human rights in Norway - Human rights in Palestine - Human rights in Poland - Human rights in Portugal - Human rights in Romania - Human rights in San Marino - Human rights in Serbia and Montenegro - Human rights in Sierra Leone - Human rights in Singapore - Human rights in Slovakia - Human rights in Slovenia - Human rights in South Africa - Human rights in Spain - Human rights in Sweden - Human rights in Switzerland - Human rights in Syria - Human rights in the Czech Republic - Human rights in the Netherlands - Human rights in the Vatican City - Human rights in Ukraine - Human rights in Zimbabwe - P: Patient's rights - S: Secretary of State for the Home Department -v- Limbuela - W: Willie Lynch Process (Unsure about the category picked.)
A Connecticut Party - Animal Defenders International - Transportation Safety Institute Ana Dolidze-young and influential Georgian human rights activist.Current president of the Georgian Young Lawyers' Association, largest and influential Georgian NGO
American Historical Review - Indiana Magazine of History - Journal of the Early Republic - Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era - Pacific Historical Review - Western Historical Quarterly - William and Mary Quarterly
AMICC (American NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court) [12] - The Black Star Project[13] - CONCERN worldwide - Foundation Center - German Association of Psychiatry - German Research Institute of Psychiatry - German Society for Rassenhygiene (1930s) - ICYE International Cultural Youth Exchange - IJM International Justice Mission - Illuminanti - Joint Action Group on Gender Equality - Third World Network - Tibetan Youth Congress - Ulster Liberation Army - UNA-USA (United Nations Association of the United States of America) [14] - Women's Commission For Refugee Women and Children
Best Available Science - Comparable Worth - Crowned Republic - cult-like behavior in LaRouche Movement - Election observer - high-modernist ideology (James Scott) - Horizontal inequality - Human Security Report [15] - Iris Marion Young - JAKIM (Malaysian Islamic Development Department) - Kal Holsti - Monterrey consensus - None Dare Call it Conspiracy - The Orange Party - Political marketing - political opposition - sovereign order - Sympathy vote -
Current Lieutenant governors (US)
Barbara Lawton (Wisconsin) - Jack Dalrymple (North Dakota) - James E. Risch (Idaho) - Jane E. Norton (Colorado) - John Cherry (US politician) (Michigan) - Sally Pederson (Iowa)
Roman History
The Benedictine reform/revival (in Anglo-Saxon England) - Cardinal date - The Period of Disunity in Chinese history - Ornithomancy, divination based ont the flight of birds.
14th Century
The Reiassance Reformation and what religion it reformed.
15th Century
What were the perils of sea travel in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries for the 'professional' sailor? (The Age of Exploration.) For example, navigation and navigational tools, weather conditions, food and health.
16th Century
Collectanea Satis Copiosa - Motecuzoma II
17th Century
Henry Wriothesly (third Earl of Southampton) - Isaak de Luca (connected with the establishment of coffee houses in Vienna around late 1600 to early 1700) - Restoration of Independence (Portugal)
18th Century
José Antonio Galán, leader of the "Comuneros" peasant movement in 17th century Colombia - Manumission Society - Treaties of Versailles of 1783
19th Century
Baldknobbers, Vigilantes of the Ozarks - British Malaya - Era of Good Stealings - History of electricity - Melun Act of 1851 - Nashville Convention - Ten Percent Plan - The Treaty of New Echota December 29, 1835 - Treaty of Pontotoc - Foreign Assistance Act of 1962,
21st Century
Geodetic Airframe Construction - Gossamer Albatros - human-powered flight across the English Channel, 1980 - Nuremburg Tribunal - Paulskirche Movement - Tiananmen Square Incident (is this different than Tiananmen Square protests of 1989?) - CIA Drug Traficking - Williams v. Mississippi (Supreme Court Case) - History of WW2 Detention Camps in India - Normand Bethune - Journalism during WWII
African history
See Wikipedia:List of Africa topics
'Ali 'Abd al-Raziq - Andre Thevet (Frère André Thévet, 1516-1590, Grand voyageur, Cosmographe royal et Auteur échevelé) - Archinov - Carlton J. H. Hayes - Chester G. Starr (ancient Greek history) - Constance Classen (author of "Worlds of Sense" and "Aroma") - Dom Pezron (Benedictine monk from Brittany) - Felshtinsky, Yury (author of the books "FSB: Blowing Up Russia" and "LPG, the Lubyanka Criminal Group") - Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg - Joseph Barre - Leonard Schapiro - Marc Gilbert - Moet de la Forte-Maison - Olwen Hufton - Oscar Handlin (author of The Uprooted, among many other books) - Paul Buhle - R. Douglas Cope - Stephen Koss - Tony Judt - Walter Licht
Genealogy & Genealogists
American Civil War
General and unsorted
A# Native American trans-oceanic voyages American Indians' travels throughout the ancient world #: 1622 opechanconough surpise attack on virginian settlements - 1904 Date System - 21st century societal chaos in Africa - 5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - A: Anglo-French rivalry - Antiking - Asiatic Registration Act - B: bezprizorni (wandering street children of 1917 Russian revolution) - Bloody June Days - Budek, Polish Priest, Krakow Riots 1407 - C: Caerlanrig and James V of Scotland - Cannons of Construction - Constructive Engagement Policy - Conversion of Iceland - Convict Labor - Convict Leasing - customs racketeering (1770's) - D: Damage Control (News) - De Scandalis Magnatum - E: Early feminist views on abortion (Someone has been inserting the abortion controversy into articles such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. At this point it would be better to give the issue an article of its own.) - Eastern Establishment - Edward Constant II [16] [17] - Elizabeth Hayward - Ethnohistory - European Expansion from the 1400's through the 1700's - Exchange of Minorities between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (1912-1928) - F: Fanciullacci - Feoff system - Fern?n P?rez de Andrade - Franco-British Union (a proposed union in 1940) - Free Kashmir Movement - G: Gaitan, Jorge - Gertrude Mukangango - Greek Holocaust or Minor Asia Catastrophe - Groltzius - H: Henry Trendley Dean (1893-1962, pioneer fluoridationist) - History of Indian influence on Southeast Asia - History of Saying Thank You - History of Yokohama, Japan - Howard (1066) pre-1066 Germanic Origins [Huguard ?] - J: Jean Ren? Sigault - Joseph Gauderique Aymerich - K: Kalmar Agreement, 1397 - Kenneth Trentadue - Kingdom of England and Wales - Kings of Granada - Kotynos - The olive wreath crown that were worn by Roman emperors and given to winners of the Olympics. - L: Ladies National League - Laurel wreath - Long hunter [18] - M: Maria Kisito - Mark Mazower - Mary Draper - Mediobarbus - Metallurgy during the Industrial Revolution - Minyue Kingdom - N: Native American Tribal Termination - Nebuchadnezzer Chronicle - Necropolitics - Nihonmachi (Japan towns) in the 17th Century - P: Peking To Paris Rally, 1907 [19] - Persecution of Communists and Socialists during the Holocaust - Pioneers of the Western Frontier 1860-1890 - Political instability in modern Africa - Political Mythology - Post Office Occupation - Pre-colonial Indonesia - Q: Quataert, Donald - R: Red Serbs - Reich Law Gazette - Rise of modern states - S: Scottish Reformation - Scramble for Concessions - Stele of Vultures - Sterling Area - Submarine Pens - T: Thormodus Torfaeus the author of "the Orcades", Copenhagen,1715 - Trade between India and the Greco-Roman World - Treaty of Long Island - The Treaty of Turin - Turkish Spy, The - Two power standard [20] - U: Unit 1855 - Unit 2646 - Unit 8604 - Unit 9420 - W: White Serbs - Y: Yanone
Historic places
Armenian Apostolic Church , Armenia Church built by The Apostols of Jesus in Armenia. - City of Laurelwood (Laurelwood, Oregon) - Fairmount Boulevard Historic District (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) - Fort de Chicago - Hollenden Hotel (Cleveland, Ohio) - List of tallest lighthouses in the United States - Litzmannstadt Ghetto (Lodz, Poland) - Lux Hotel - Mission of the Guardian Angel - Park Synagogue (Cleveland, Ohio) - Pattala - Samuel Building (Cleveland, Ohio) - San Diego history - Takht-i-Soleiman (Iran, Armenia). - West Side Market (Cleveland, Ohio) Nilova Monastery (Russia, Stolobyni Island)
Historic individuals
Earl of Denby - Francisco Atanasio Domínguez (See - Hudson Austin (Revolutionary in Grenada) - John of Gorze (diplomat under Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, later a monastic reformer) - Juvenal Uwilingiyimana, former Rwandan politican, wanted for crimes against humanity - William I de la Roche (Grand Duke of Athens, 1280) - William J. Kraus (Attorney and Businessman, Cleveland, OH 1913-2004)
A: Acronym Institute - Am Spiegelgrund clinic - Nazi Psychiatric Hospital in Vienna where thousands of adults and children deemed mentally or physically unfit where experimented on and euthanized. More information desired. - Army Airborne School - B: Black Reconnaissance - Bombing of Osaka in World War II - Brecourt Manor - C: Celebrities who served in WWII - Colonel de Bange the splendidly-named inventor of a 90mm cannon - Conspicuous Service Cross (For Francis P. Duffy article) - E: Emplacement - F: Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion - Flintlock 2005 - G: General Service Unit - Kenyan special forces - H: Herza region - Hitler's Directives - HMS Badger - HMS Duncan(1858) - Holocaust slave labor - Holocaust slave labor litigation - Hotwash - I: IMDEX - K: Kesig - Mongolian bodyguard unit of the Yuan Dynasty - Khiem Thao - L: L'union sacrée - M: Maschke Commission (set up to determine the fate of German WWII POWs) - Military Air Transport Service - Military linguistics - Military sociology - Mongol Invasion of Korea - N: Nazi uniforms - Nuclear monopoly - Nudelmann - O: Ordnance Department - A United States federal government department created during (or around) the - P: Political warfare - Post-Apocalyptic Scenarios - Poverty Draft - Presentation of the Flag (as in military fueral rites) - R: Recognized Air Picture - Reverse Lend-Lease (during WW2) - Rumeli Fortress - Istanbul - S: Sendlingen Christmas Murders - Shock Army - Sinchon massacre - Smart acquisition - Soviet South Army Group Based in Hungary during the Cold War. Last commander a General Bulukov? (sic) - Swiss phalanx - T: Tactics of the Roman century in combat - U: United Nations Partisan Forces Korea - USJFCOM (U.S. Joint Forces Command) - W: Werner Fürbringer First World War U-Boat commander, nicknamed Fips - Women in the military - Z: Zhang Xianzhong - rebel of the late Ming Dynasty
Alipore Bomb conspiracy or Alipore Bomb case - Baloch Liberation Army - Diametrically Opposed - Direct Order - Ethiopian Civil War - List of French wars - Operation Airborne Dragon - Operation BLUEBAT - Operation Iron Balance - Operation Meghdoot - Operation Zet - Operational Environment - Philippine Scout Mutiny - Ramree Island Massacre - Revolutionary Guards - russian elite military - Shingle Street the (failed) invasion of britain in august 1940 - Standing Consultative Commission set up by the Anti-Ballitsic Missile Treaty, or Strategic Arms Limitations (SALT) as a means to adjudicate disputes between the US and the USSR during the cold war
5th October 2000 Revolution in Serbia - Macedonian War = Borislav Herak (didn't he plead guilty?)
Bear River Expedition (1859) - Cheyenne Campaign (1861–1864) - Enganche Labour System - Fever River War (1827) - Gila Expedition (1857) - Kiowa-Comanche War (1860) - Klamath and Salmon Indian Wars (1855) - Klickitat War (1855) - Las Cuevas War (1875) - Osage Indian War (1837) - Pecos Expedition (1859) - Pitt River Expedition (1850) - Red River Expedition of 1806 (1806) - Sabine Expedition (1806) - Sabine-Southwestern War (1836–1837) - Sheepeater Indian War (1879) - Snake River War (1855) - Spokane-Coeur d'Alene-Paloos War (1858)
Espionage & Intelligence
Camp 020 (Merrie England's information-extraction shop, later Latchmere House prison[21][22][23][24]) - Clandestine operations (Military or political activities that are secret and disguised. See covert operations) - Maltese American Foundation - Maskirova[25] (the correct Russian word is "maskirovka") - Operation Sunrise (OSS operation at end of Second World War.) - Osprey-4, a joint service military intelligence operation from the early 1960's till about 1984 Charles Edward Radford, JCS "spy" on Nixon White House, Yreoman
Transmission sites of Omega Navigation System
Omega transmitter Bratland in Bratland, Norway - Omega transmitter Kaneohe in Kaneohe, Hawaii - Omega Transmitter La Moure in La Moure, South Dakota - Omega Transmitter Plaine Chabrier in Reunion - Omega Transmitter Shushi-Wan in Shushi-Wan, Japan
Battle of Atbara - Battle of Belgorod - Battle of Belorussia - Battle of Bougainville (1943) - Battle of Breakneck Ridge - Battle of Chernikov-Poltava - Battle of Dingjunshan - Battle of Königsberg - Battle of Longarone - Battle of Lvov-Sandomir - Battle of Pinjarra - Battle of Pryor Creek - perhaps also called - Battle of Smolensk (1943) - Battle of the Baltic (1944) - Battle of the Crimea (1944) - Battle of the Lower Dnieper - Battle of Voronezh (1943) - Battle of West Ukraine (1941) - Battle of West Ukraine (1944) - Battle of White Stone Hill - Fourth Battle of Kharkov - Siege of Budapest (1944-45) - St. Mere Eglise - Union General
Cyclone class patrol ship - EMP nuke Kaskara - Sword used by Sudanese against British rifles - La Page Gun (Anti-Aircraft gun mentioned in Catch 22) - (comment - it's a joke. The gun is 'lepage', after the maker of glue sticks. It never existed.) - M1 Howitzer (US 155mm towed gun) - Spike Bayonet - Straightsword - Japanese Swordsmith Association
Anything redlinked from list of firearms
A: Abingdon Male Academy - Admiral Billard Naval Academy - Admiral Farragut Academy - Advance Military Academy - Aiken Military Academy - Alabama Military & Scientific Institute - Alabama Military Institute - Alachua Military Institute - Alamo Military Academy - Albany Military Academy - Albemarle Military Institute - Alexander Institute - Alexander Military Institute - Allen Military Academy - Allen Military School - Amarillo Military Academy - American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - American Military Academy - Ames Military School - Anchorage Classical and Military Academy - Anderson Military Academy - Arizona Military Academy - Arkansas Military Academy - Arkansas Military Institute - Army & Navy Preparatory School - Arrow Rock Military Academy - Asheville Military Academy - Ashfield Military Academy - Astoria Military Academy - Atlanta Air Academy - Auburn Military Academy - Augusta Military Academy - Austin Military Academy - Austin Normal Military School - B: Bailey Military Institute - Barbour Hall Junior Military Academy - Bard Hall - Barnard Military School - Bastrop Military Institute - Bealey Military Academy - Beaumont Military Academy - Belmont Military Academy - Benedictine Military Institute - Bethel Military Academy - Betts Military Academy - Bingham Military School - Bingham's Military School - Bishop Military Academy - Bishop Quarters Junior Military Academy - Bishop Scott Military Academy - Black Foxe Military Institute - Blackstone Military Academy - Blakely Military Institute - Blees Military Academy - Bolles School of Florida - Bordentown Military Institute - Bowden Collegiate & Military Institute - Brandon State Military Institute - Branham and Hughes Military Academy - Breck Military School - Brennan's Military Academy - Brentwood Military Academy - Brentwood Military Academy - Briarley Hall Military Academy - Bridgeport Commercial & Military Academy - Brier Patch Military School - Brook Military Academy - Brown Military Academy - Brown Military Academy - Brownsville Military Academy - Bunker Hill Military Academy - Burbank Military Academy - Burlington Military Academy/College - Burnside Military School - C: California Military Academy - California Military Academy - Calvary Military Academy - Camden Point Military Institute - Cape Fear Military Academy - Captain James D. Cobb's Military School - Cardinal Farley Military Academy - Carlin Military Academy - Carlisle Military Institute - Carlisle Military School - Carolina Military Academy - Carolina Military Institute - Carolina Military-Naval Academy - Carson Military and Naval Institute - Castle Heights Military Academy - Caswell Academy - Catawba Military Academy - Catawba Military Academy - Cayuga Lake Military School - Chaddock Boys School - Chamberlain Military Institute - Chapultepec Military Academy - Charlotte Hall Military Academy - Charlotte Military Institute - Chauncey Hall School - Cheltenham Military Academy - Chesire Military Academy - Chester Military Academy - Cheviot Hills Military Academy - Chicago Military Academy - Chicago Military Academy - Christian Brother College Military High School - Church Military School - Churchill's Military Academy - Clason Point Military Academy - Clinton Liberal Institute & Military Academy - Coe Military Academy - Collegiate Institute - Colonel Edgar's Military Academy - Colorado Military School - Columbia Military Academy - Connecticut Military Academy - Cook Academy - Coral Gables Military Academy - Cornado Military Academy - Corpus Christi Military Academy - Cromwell Military Academy - Crossed Rifles Military Academy - Croton Military Institute - D: Danforth Military Academy - Danville Classical & Military Institute - Danville Military Institute - Davis Military Academy - Davis Military School - De La Salle Military Academy - De La Salle Military Academy - De Meritte Military Academy - De Veaux School - De Vitte Military Academy - Del Monte Military Academy - Delaware Military Academy - Donaldson Military School - Dr. Holbrook's Military Academy - E: Eagleswood Military Academy - East Florida Seminary - Eastern Military Academy - Eastern Military Academy - Edgar Military School - Edgehill Military School - Edwards Military Institute - El Paso Military Institute - Elberton Military Academy - Elm City Military Institute - Elsinore Naval & Military School - Endymion Military School - Episcopal Military Institute - Epworth Military Academy - Etowah Military Institute - Everest Military Academy - F: Fayetteville Literary, Scientific and Military School - Fayetteville Military Academy - Ferrell Military School - Ferrell's Military Institute - Fitzgerald and Clark School - Fleetwood Academy - Florida Collegiate & Military Institute - Florida Military Academy - Florida Military Academy - Florida Military Institute - Florida Military School & College - Florida Naval Academy - Forest Military Academy - Forest Military School - Fort Worth Military Academy - Francis Military Academy - Franklin Military Institute - Franklin Military School - Frederick Military Academy - Free Military School - Freehold Military School - French Camp Military Academy - G: Garden Military Academy - General McArthur Military Academy - General Pantops Academy - Georgia Military Academy - Georgia Southern Military College - Gibson F. Hill's Military Academy - Gideons Military Academy - Glen Turner Military School - Glenville Male Collegiate & Military Institute - Golden State Military Academy - Golden West Military Academy - Gordon Military College - Goss Military Institute - Grand Prairie Seminary - Green Gate Military School - Greenville Military Academy - Greenville Military Institute - Gulf Coast Military Academy - Gymnasium and Military Institute - H: Haggett Military Academy - Hampton Military Academy - Hanson's Military Academy - Harding Military Academy - Harding Military School - Harker Academy - Harris Military Institute - Harrisburg Military Academy - Harvard Military Academy - Henderson Military & Female Institute - Highland Military Academy - Highland Park Military Academy - Hill Military Academy - Hill Naval Academy - Hillsboro Military Academy - Hillsborough Military Academy - Hinfield Academy - Hitchcock Military Academy - Hoge Memorial Military Academy - Hogsett Military Academy - Hollywood Military Academy - Hollywood Military Academy - Honolulu Military Academy - Horner Military School - Hudson River Military Academy - Huntsville Military Academy - Hurt Military School - I: Illinois Military School - Ingles Military High School - Inter-American Military Academy - Irving Military Academy - Isaac Shelby County Military Academy - J: Jackson Military Academy & School of Fine Arts - Jarvis Hall Military Academy - Jarvis Military Academy - Jefferson Military College - Jefferson Military School - John F. Kennedy Military School - John Holbrook's Military School - Jones Military School - Jordan Hall Military School - Junior Military Academy - Junior Military Academy - K: Kamehameha Military School - Kanawha Military Institute - Kansas Military Academy - Kearney Military Academy - Kelley Military Academy - Kemper Military School & Junior College - Kenyon Military Academy - King's Mountain Military School - Kinston Military Institute - Kirkwood Military Academy - Kyle Military Institute - L: La Fayette Military Academy - La Grange Military Academy - La Monte Military Academy - La Salle Military Academy - Lagrange College & Military Academy - Lagrange Military Academy - Lancaster Military Academy - Latah Military Academy - Lawrenceburg Military Academy - Lee Military Academy - Lenoir County Military School - Linsly Military Institute - Linton Hall Military School - Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Livingston Military Academy - Lodwick Aviation Military Academy - Long Beach Military Academy - Los Angeles Military Academy - Los Ceritos Military Academy - Louisiana Military Academy - Louisiana State Seminary & Military Academy - Louisville Military Academy - Lovejoy Military Academy - Lowery-Phillips School - Lukin Military Academy - Lynnland Military Institute - M: Macon Military Academy - Madison Military Academy - The Manlius School - Mantua Classical & Military Academy - Marcell Military Academy - Marengo Military Institute - Marmaduke's Military Academy - Maryland Military & Naval Academy - Marymount Military Academy - Massachuetts Nautical School - Massey Military School - McCallie Military School - McDonogh Military Academy - McMinn Military Academy - Media Military Academy for Young Boys - Meridian Military School & College - Miami Military Academy - Miami Military Institute of the Ohio Military College - Midwest Junior Military School - Millard Preparatory School for West Point - Miller School of Albemarle - Mississippi Military Academy - Missouri Literary, Scientific & Military Academy - Mitchell Military Boys School - Mobile Military Institute - Mohegan Military Academy - Mohican Military Academy - Montclair Military Academy - Montrose Military Academy - Morgan Park Military Academy - Mount Saint Joseph Semi-Military Academy - Mount Sterling Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Mount Tamalpais Military Academy - Mountville Military Institute - Moye Military School - Mt. Beacon Military Academy - Mt. Lowe Military Academy - Mt. Pleasant Military Academy - Mt. Vernon Military Academy - Murphreesboro Military Academy - N: Nashville Military Academy - National Scientific and Military Academy - Nazareth Hall Military Academy - Nazareth Hall Military School - Nebraska Military Academy - New Bern Military Academy - New England Military Academy - New Hampshire Military Academy - New Jersey Military Academy - New Jersey Naval Academy - New Orleans Military Academy - Newport News Military Academy - Newton Hall Military Academy - North Carolina Military Academy - North Carolina Military Institute - North Carolina Military Institute - North Granville Military Academy - North Shore Military Academy - Northern Missouri Academy - Northridge Military Academy - Northwestern Military & Naval Academy - Northwestern Military Academy - O: Oak Hill Military Academy - Oakland Military Academy - Oakland Military Academy - Ogden Military Academy - Ohio Military College - Ohio Military Institute - Oklahoma Air Academy - Oklahoma Military Academy - Old Dominion Military Academy - Old Point Comfort Military School - Onarga Military School - Oneonta Military Academy - Orange Military Academy - Oregon Military Academy - P: Pacific Maritime Academy - Pacific Military Academy - Page Military School - Palm Beach Military Academy - Palo Alto Military Academy - Park Military Academy - Park Ridge Military Academy - Partridge Military Academy - Paterson Military Academy - Patrick Military Institute - Peacock Military Academy & College - Pecks Military Academy - Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Pennsylvania Military Academy - Pennsylvania Military College - Pennsylvania Military Institute - Pershing Military Institute - Petersburg Military Academy - Phelps Military Academy - Philadelphia Military Academy - Pillsbury Military Academy - Pine Forest Military Academy - Pine Ridge Military Academy - Ponca Military Academy - Porter Military Academy - Poughkeepsie Military Institute - Puget Sound Naval Academy (aka Hill Naval Academy) - Pullman Military Academy - Putnam Military Academy - Q: Quincy Military Academy - R: Racine Military School - Raenford Military School - Raleigh Military Academy - Ramsey Military School - Rappahannock Academy & Military Institute - Redondo Military Academy - Rhodes Military Institute - Rice Creek Spring Military Academy - Ridgewood Military Academy - Ringgold Military Academy - Riverview Military Academy - Rock River Military Academy - Rockingham Military Institute - Rockland Military Academy - Roosevelt Military Academy - Roosevelt Military Academy - Rugby Military Academy - Russell Military Academy - Rutherfordton Military Instiute - Rutland Military School - S: Sackett Harbor Military Academy - Sacred Heart Military Academy - Sacred Heart Military Academy - Salem Military Academy - Salisbury Military School - San Diego Army and Navy Academy - San Diego Military Academy - San Rafael Military Academy - Sanford Naval Academy - Schatlock Hall Military Academy - Schreiner Institute - Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute - Seale Military Academy - Selleck Overlook Military Academy - Selma Military Institute - Sepulveda Military Academy - Sewanee Military Academy - Shattuck Military School - Shelby Military Institute - Sierra Military Academy - Silver Lake Military & Naval School - Sing Sing Military Academy - South Carolina Military Academy - South Florida Military Academy - South Florida Military Institute - South Norwalk Military Institute - Southern California Military Academy - Southern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Southwestern Military Academy - Spears-Langfod Military Academy - Springside Military Institute - St. Alban's Academy - St. Aloyisius Military Academy - St. Austin's Military School - St. Charles Military College - St. Edwards Military Academy - St. Emma Military Academy - St. James Military Academy - St. James Military Academy - St. John's Academy - St. John's Military Academy - St. Joseph College & Military Academy - St. Joseph's Military Academy - St. Louis Military Academy - St. Matthew's Hall Military School - St. Matthews Military Academy - St. Matthews Military Academy - St. Norbert Military College - St. Patrick's Military Academy - St. Paul Military Academy - Stamford Military Academy - Stamford Military Academy - Starr's Military Academy - Staunton Military Academy - Stella Niagara Cadet School - Stonehurst Military and Naval Academy - Suffield Military Academy - Suffolk Military Academy - Sumter Military Academy - Sweetwater Military College - T: Talladega Military Academy - Tampa Military Academy - Taylor Military School - Tennessee Military Institute - Texas Military College - Texas Monument & Military Institute - Torrance Military Academy - Trinity Military Institute - Tugalo Institute - Tupelo Military Institute - U: Unity Scientific & Military Academy - University Military Academy - University Military School - University Military School - Urban Military Academy - V: Verner Military Institute - Vireum Military Academy - Virginia Literary, Scientific, & Military Academy - W: Warren County Military Institute - Webster Military Institute - Welch Military Academy - Wenonah Military Academy - West Alabama Institute - West Coast Military Academy - West Florida Seminary - West Lake Military Academy - Westchester Military Academy - Western Military Academy - Western Military Institute - Western Springs Military Academy - Westover Military Academy - Weymans Military School - Williams Military Academy - Williamsburg Military Academy - Wilmington Literary, Scientific and Military Academy - Wilson Military Academy - Worrall Hall Military Academy - Worthington Military Academy - Wright's Military Academy - Wyler Military School - Wytheville Military Academy - Y: Yonkers Military Institute
A: Abstract Humor - Actancy - C: Carleton Taylor Hodge - Cohort model - Common latin terms - Complete list of English swearwords - D: DARPAbet - Diathesis - E: epistemic commitment - F: Feature geometry - François Recanati - H: Hysterica passio - I: Implicative "we" - Interrogatives in Ido - J: Joint Incrementation - M: Mantaro Hashimoto - Morphophonemic Alternations - P: Paisachi - Piaget's theory of language development - Pierre Maillard (c1710-1762)[26], with attention to - prison slang - provection - R: Relevance Theory - S: Scrambling language - Semantic saturation - Spirantization (a lenition process) - T: Talmy Givon - Textual Analysis (should be linked to content analysis) - TRACE - type of writing - W: Word-recognition - Wrathful Dispersion
australian icons - carve the joint - coin the term - donet rat[27] - dresden doll - et wot - furry tooth - hat tip - hey snapperhead - let the sun creep on you - linguistic pet peeves - on the pipe - ongliding - "oriented" v. "orientated" - panagrams - slap mah fro! - structural linguistics - waxing philosophical - when the glass falls low
Fala dos arxinas (Verbo dos arginas) - Gacería - Mascuence - Moleste - Xíriga
Beghilos (special version of latin alphabet) - Chinese Profanity - English Slang-Terms not found in a dictionary that are used commonly throughout the english speaking world - Fey (Language) - Gibson Code - Got(h)landic - JLRT (Japanese Business Proficiency Test conducted by JETRO) - Languages of Angola - Languages of Cameroon - Languages of Ethiopia - Languages of Ghana - Languages of Nigeria - Languages of Sudan - Languages of Tanzania - Languages of Togo - Languages of Zimbabwe - Mediaglyph - Pham Xuan Thai Vietnamese linguist, creator of the Lingua sistemfrater - Shabaki language Language spoken by Shabakis in Iraq - Shha (the Cyrillic character whose lowercase looks exactly like an English lowercase h and whose uppercase looks ALMOST like one. (There's an article on it in the Japanese Wikipedia.)) - Sudre François French linguist, creator of the Langue musicale universelle and owner of a patent named "téléphonie", word created for his invention, a curiosity of the modern vocabulary - Toki Pona dictionary - Translation Theory - Unilingua - Untranslatable phrases - Zapoteco language (an indigenous language of Mexico, approx. 400,000 speakers)
Asheninka - John Simpson (Lexicographer) - Six links rule (see discussion on Dictionary article) - Tsetsêhestâhese
#: 13twelve - A: Abdelmalek Sayad - Alice Kober - Andrew Martinez UC Berkeley student who attended all classes nude. aka "the naked guy" - B: Béla Kiraly Commander, Hungarian National Guard - Ben Waxman (political activist and writer, student at Juniata College) - Billy Talen (aka Reverend Billy, leader of the Church of Stop Shopping) - C: Calvin H. Goddard (Pioneer in forensic science, specifically bullet identification) - D: David Finkelhor Sexuality researcher. - Delia Day Real name Susan Anton. Killed her husband, Travis, after spending years in an S&M lifestyle which was chronicled on a paysite. - E: Elvia Alvarado Labor organizer amongst poor Houndourans, co-author of a book about her life "Don't Be Afraid Gringo" in 1987 - F: Francisco Bulnes - G: Genene Jones nurse and child serial killer - H: Herbert Anaya - Hernan Bermudez (Current ambassador of Honduras to the UK (?)) - J: Jacques de Baerze (12th century Flanders wood carver/scuptor) - James Boggs - Jeff Getty - AIDS activist and first person with AIDS to receive a transplant in 1995. - Jiri Levy (Czech translation theorist) - John Kizon Perth, Western Australia (organized crime) figure. Convicted for Heroin + Gambling etc. - John Willke - Jörg Syrlin the Elder (13th century wood carver, worked on stalls at Ulm Munster) - June Fisher- Retired occupational medicine physician in the San Francisco Bay Area; current occupational health and safety activist; and founder and leader of TDICT. - K: Kirk Bloodsworth - Kody Scott aka "Monster" (former Crips gang member, author of an autobiography) - Kropotnik - L: Lemhi Shoshone Native American tribe in Idaho, Sacajawea's native tribe - - Letitia Baldrige (social secretary to the Kennedy White House; etiquette author) - List of unusually tall men - M: Monte Melkonian (Armenian-American soldier and terrorist) - N: Nick Land (Philosopher, writer) - O: Our Lady of the Wayside (Patron Saint of California) - P: Prior Silkstede Prior of Winchester Cathedral during 1500's - R: Ram Bahadur Bamjam (Nepalese boy meditating for 6 months without food in the village of Ratanapuri to gain enlightenment) - Ray Krone (Anti-death penalty activist who spent years on death row before being acquitted of all charges) - Ray Raphael (Author of Edges) [28] - Robin Ashton (ex-Deputy Director of the Executive Office for US Attorneys, now working for Leahy's investigations. V: vivekenanda (Philosopher) [29] - W: William Bright (linguist; co-author of The World's Writing Systems. ISBN 0195079930) - Z: Zefrank
Historical figures
José hobday...Franciscan Nun that writes and gives lectures on Catholic and Native American Spiritual believes. - The Blessed Mary McKillop...Undergoing canonization. Australian nun that campaigned for children's education and such in the 19th century. - Father Nelson Baker...Buffalo-area (NY) Catholic priest currently being considered by the Vatican for canonization. - Erhan Eker (May 2001, - Reformist action leader, Turkey) - George Joannides (July 1922 - March 1990, former CIA Agent [30], and a character in Kennedy assassination theories. Recently the subject of a dispute in federal court over unreleased CIA records pertaining to his activities as chief of the Psychological Warfare branch for the CIA's station in Miami. [31]) - John O'Neill (Leader of the Fenian raids against Canada) - Jon Sobrino...Jesuit priest. Liberation theologian at University of Central America (UCA). - John Dwyer (March 4, 1856 - February 1, 1934) English-born Australian labor activist, a leader of Sydney's Active Service Brigade. PhD Thesis on him:[32] - Charietto Ancient Celtic bounty hunter. Would assinate Germans. Worked for the Romans. Helped defeat the Franks. - Abraham Enloe Supposed real genetic father of Abraham Lincoln - William Boteler - Major General for Cromwell during the Protectorate - Reverend Richard Preston Founded the African United Baptist Association, important Black Canadian - Hendrik III van Montfoort Duke of Montfoort, or the decendent of one Wayne Cryts - Missouri farmer who challenged federal bankruptcy law and fought for private property after losing his soybean crop to a bankrupt storage facility c. 1980.
Anyone redlinked from Lists of U.S. county name etymologies
Nogi Maresuce japanese general, 19. century.
1998 U.S. embassy bombings conspirators
Adel Mohanned Abdul Almagid Bary, - Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali, - Ibrahim Hussein Abdel Hadi Eidarous, - Khalid al Fawwaz - Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali, - Mohammed Odeh, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed, - Muhsin Musa Atwalli Atwa, - Sheik Ahmed Salim Swedan,
Cabinet secretaries (Former U.S.)
Abrahão De Moraes -
Abul al-Hasan ben Ahmad -
Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky -
Al-Marrakushi -
Anders Severin Donner -
Andre Couder -
Arnold Kohlschütter -
Arnoldo Faustini -
Bernard Walter (Walther) -
Carl Östen Emanuel Bergstrand -
Casimir Marie Gaudibert -
Charles Wesley Elmer -
Christian August Hausen -
Christian Gärtner -
Christian Thomas Elvey -
Christoph Arnold -
Clarence Augustus Chant -
Cleostratus -
Colin Stanley Gum -
Daniel Barbier -
Daniel Chalonge -
Edberg Adrian Kreiken -
Eduard Heis -
Edward Skinner King -
Edwin Francis Carpenter -
Ernest Debes -
Felix De Roy -
Ferdinand Ellerman -
Francesco Carlini -
Francis Gano Benedict -
Friedrich Hayn -
Friedrich Karl Ginzel -
Gabir Ben Aflah -
Georg Christoph Eimmart -
Georg Samuel Doerfel -
George Cary Comstock -
Georges Furner -
Giovanni Campano -
Giovanni Cassegrain -
Giovanni Valentino Mattia Fabbroni -
Gottfried Heinsius -
Gottfried Kirch -
Grigory Moiseevich Kramarov -
Gyula Fényi -
Hans Fisher -
Harlan James Smith -
Harold Knox-Shaw -
Hendrik Anton Kramers -
Hermann Ganswindt -
Hermann Joseph Klein -
Hugo Hans Ritter von Seeliger -
Igor V. Belkovich -
Imre Izsak -
Jacob Robert Emden -
Jacques de Billy -
Jan Gadomski -
Jean Dufay -
Jean Felix Gambart -
Jeff Gropper -
Joel Shamel Alexander Rogers-
Johann Georg Hagen -
Johann Holetschek -
Johann Hommel -
Johann Karl Burckhardt -
Johann Kies -
Johann Matthias Hase -
Johann Tobias Bürg -
John Howard Dellinger -
John Stuart Foster -
Josef Hopmann -
Joseph Bienaime Caventou -
Josiah Edward Spurr -
Jules Alfred Pierrot Deseilligny -
Julius Bart -
Julius Bartels -
Kirill Pavlovich Florensky -
Kurt Heinrich Debus -
Marc-Auguste Pictet -
Martin van den Hove -
Mary Beth Norton -
Maurice Darney -
Mervyn Archdall Ellison -
Nicholas Erasmus Golovin -
Nikolai N. Artamonov -
Palon Heinrich Ludwig von Boguslawsky -
Paolo Casati -
Paul Guthnick -
Peder Horrebow -
Peter Crüger -
Peter Hédervári -
Philipp Johann Heinrich Fauth -
Pierre Herigone -
Ping-Tse Kao -
Priscilla Fairfield Bok -
Richard Dunthorne -
Robert Curry Cameron -
Roy Healy -
Theodore Maximillian Bilharz -
Thomas Hornsby -
Thomas Logie McDonald -
Vladimir Artemyev -
Walter Grotrian -
Werner Kolhörster -
Wladimir Wáclav Heinrich -
Wolfgang Ludwig Krafft -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Crater nomenclature.
Albert Oppel -
Amadeus William Grabau -
Pierre-Marie Termier -
Sainte-Claire Charles Deville -
Note: See the NASA Lunar Atlas for Feature nomenclature.
A: Abdi İpekçi - Admiral Edward Hughes - Aiven "The Great" Andrians Famous U.S. Political Party Leader. (HARP) - akhbar, might be a Arabic document that deals with certain event in early Middle Eastern history. - B: Bart Huges (the founder of the New World Trepanation) - Bertrand Denis d' Ogeron de la Bouere (French-Caribbean adventurer) - Bernard Second (Apache singer of ceremonies and multigendered man) - Bridget "Bride" Fitzpatrick (crew member aboard the SS Caribou when it sank) - C: Carl Anton Larsen (Norwegian whaling ship captain and Antarctic pioneer. Like Shackleton his ship was crushed by ice but he got his men back alive) - Cheif Tammany - Chevalier de la Luzerne - Commonwealth writers (school of socialist-leaning writers in Tudor England) - D: Dandemis, "Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong." - Daniel Payseur (U.S. Financier, Son of Louie the XIV and Marie Antoinette) - David Hansemann - David Philipson (Important American Jewish Rabbi, antizionist) - Death Valley Scotty - Dima Yurasov (Soviet independent historian) - E: Edward Paisnel ("Beast of Jersey" - British serial rapist) - Eugene Grace (CEO of Bethlehem Steel) - Eugene Sanger (German Rocket Scientist) - F: Figarella (Venezuelan General, Commander-in-Chief of Army 1974-1975, descendant of Antonio Jose de Sucre) - Francisco Bulnes - Francisco Sabate Llopart - Franczek Piper - G: George Coker, Lt. (Vietnam POW, featured in documentary "Hearts and Minds") - Guzman Blanco (Venezuelan dictator, 1880-1890) - H: Hartman Chester (Urban Planner, former president of the Poverty and Race Research Action Council) - J: Jean Clemens (daughter of Mark Twain) - Jean-Christophe Napoléon - Jeanette Enmanuel Tejada (businesswoman, botanist and candidate of Perú Possible party for 2006 Peruvian presidential election) - John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the New York Times, known as "The Dean of His Profession," who famously toasted the New York Press Club: "What folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes ... We are intellectual prostitutes." - Juan Manuel Sucre Figarella (Venezuelan General, Commander-in-Chief of Army 1974-1975, descendant of Antonio Jose de Sucre) - Juan Manuel (Venezuelan General, Commander-in-Chief of Army 1974-1975, descendant of Antonio Jose de Sucre) - M: Madame Montour and Andrew Montour - Medieval Economy - N: Nomi, Toshitaka (linked blood typing to personality characteristics in Japan) - Nusaybah (saved the life of Muhammad) - O: Orion Mountain Dreamer (native american? chief? wrote poem "the invitation") - P: Peter Llewellyn-Davies - Pietro Fedele (minister in Italian government under Mussolini) - R: Rafael Sanzio - Raoul Wüthrich - both Swiss and American citizen, boy who was 11-year-old when imprisoned, charged for incest [33] - Romasanta, Manuel - 19th Century Spanish Serial Killer who claimed to be a werewolf. A travelling Soap merchant, he was believed to have killed over 15 people. His defense was that he was a lycanthrope. S: Sahok The Great - Sara Elizabeth Young - Sucre Figarella (Venezuelan General, Commander-in-Chief of Army 1974-1975, descendant of Antonio Jose de Sucre) - T: Toksyun (Magyar ruler) - V: Viridomarus - W: Wapasha (several Sioux chiefs) - William Bean (first permanent white settler in Tennessee) - Franklin Pierce, Jr. - 15:05, 28 December 2005 (UTC) Oreste Pinto Dutch World War II era intelligence chief, latter wrote of his exploits, his writing where made into the 1950's show spycatcher. Christan Linderman, important Dutch resistance worker who later was revealed to be a traitor. many in List of kings of Persia - many under Baron de Ros -
Politicians (UK)
Watergate figures (Major)
Charles Nuzum - Cord Meyer, Jr. - Robert Gebhardt
Chester Plummer - Robert Latta
A: Abomunists - aequanimitas - Agonistic liberalism - Ars inveniendi - Arthur Pap - C: Cause and effect and Mill's methods - Christian Adolph Klotz - Communicative action - Conjunctive forks - E: Enumerative induction - Ernest Sosa - Existentialist ethics - F: Fabre d'Olivet - Feminist philosophy - "Fido"-Fido principle - G: Goatism - Graphomania - H: Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Professor at Stanford University - I: Idealistic pluralism - Infallibilism - J: John-Michael Kuczynski - K: Ken Wilbur - Knowledge-constitutive Interest - L: Lazy Reason - M: Martin Rowlands Professor of the University of Hertfordshire - Marx and Engels on religious belief - Mbiti, J. S. (African philosopher) - Metaconstitution - Metatheory - Methodological solipsism - Mongolian communism - Moral fallibility - N: Nick Land Lectured in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick - Non-maleficience - Nonconceptual content - O: Oppositional logic - P: Philosophy of humour - Philosophy of the social sciences - Phonocentrism - Pluralistic idealism - Post criticality - Preferential option for the poor - Principle of empirical verifyability - Q: Quality without a name - R: Radical orthodoxy - Ray Billington] - S: Shane Mercer'''(New Zealand philosopher) - Spheres of Justice - Stewart Shapiro - Stonepeace Buddhist philosopher (?) - synthetic a priori - T: T.M. Scanlon - Terence Parsons - Third man argument - Transcendental Realism - U: Univocity in Spinoza, Heidegger, and Deleuze - W: Wei Wu Wei (Buddhist/Taoist philosopher and essayist) - William Cleghorn - Z: Zera Yacob (Ethiopian philosopher 1599-1692)
A: Alpha-conditioning - Annihilation ECS - See query in talk - Arachnobutyrophobia - (not sure this exists) - Astronomic Philosophy - Pito cornelius's investigation of postmodernists philosophical currents - B: Bender-Gestalt test - Biomedical Therapy - (Also called Biological Therapy: drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, surgery, etc.) - C: Case study in psychology- methodolgy and uses etc Caesar complex - california verbal learning test or california verbal learning task - Cavarero, Adriana Charles F. Haanel (Author of "The Master Key System" and other quasi-psychology related books) - Charnley, Brian(Schizophrenia Artist) - Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder - Colorgenics - Compulsive Masturbation - Constitutive conditions cf existence conditions - Consumer psychology - Continuity of Species - Contrast gaining - Counterphobic attitude - Crabb, Larry Integration Counseling, pastoral counseling, Bible and Psychology based - CrazyMeds(mental health site which is the subject of some debate) - Crews, Frederick - (English professor, Freud critic) - D: Deliberate Negligence - Deregowski, Jan - (Especially 1972 study of pictorial perception and culture) - Dibs in Search of Self-a novel about play therapy and how it changed a child - Dusell, Enrique (Argentinian liberation philosopher) - Draw A Person test (DAP) - a psychological test in which the participant draws a picture of a person and the psychologist interprets the picture - Dysexecutive syndrome - E: Ebbinghaus Curve - Edifice Complex - Egon Brunswik (and Representative Design) - Egotrip (is this really psychological concept) - Emotional Failure - Empirical genetic prognosis (developed by Ernst Rüdin) - Evolutionary Developmental Psychology - Experimental Philosophy - F: False Authority Syndrome - Foco Theory - G: Gaspers - Gallomaniac - H: Happiness studies - Head Case - J: James Mckeen Cattell - Julian Rotter - K: Karmic DNA - Kegan, Robert (Harvard developmental psychologist, author of The Evolving Self) - Knobe, Joshua UNC-Chapel Hill Psychologist, pioneer of the field of - Knowledge Space Theory - Konrad J. Stettbacher - L: Levinson, Daniel (Seasons of a Man's Life, Seasons of a Woman's Life) - Liberation Psychology - Logical Notation - M: Maher, Brendan (Harvard experimental psychologist) - Marcia, James (Stages of Identity Formation) - Mark Mayer (Mind Illusionist) - Methodological Behaviorism - Milieu Therapy - Military Psychology - Mirror Stage - Moon Logic
N: Nicholas Spanos - Nouthetic Counseling Jay Adams, Martin Bobgan, psychoheresy, Bible only pastoral counseling - Nunc Stans - O: Optimistic Bias - Objective Psychology - P: Parameters of deviance psychology. pervasive, persistent, impairing. how they apply to children - Participative Management - Petre Tutea (Romanian Philosophe sans oeuvre) - pedophilia as a mental illness - Post Criticality - Postcolonial Psychology - Postmodern Mathematics - Psychiatric phenomenology - Psycho-Social Rehabilitation - Psychology of games (could also go under computer science) - Puer (Jungian) - Puer Aeternus - R: Relational Frame Theory - Rene Spitz - Robert Daniel Parsons - S: Scale-depenent Interactons - Self-pity - Sexual acts in front of children / Effects of sexual acts and pornography on children and/or adolescents - Shaping (operant conditioning) - Sibling rivalry - Significant Emotional Event (SEE) - Social Deprivation - Nestor Navarro - Sore loser - Spontaneous Trait Inference - Sukhabodhananda - South Asian Philosopher - Sylvan Contemplation - sympathy illness or sympathy pain or sympathy sickness (redirect all into one, perhaps the scientific name if it has one) - T: task cohesion - teloi - trail-making test - triadic reciprocal causation - V: Video Games as Stress Relief - Virginia Axline creator of "play therapy" and wrote "Dibs in Search of Self"
Cartesian Culture - domestic science (particularly the women's movement occurring late 19th, early 20th centuries) - Ethnozoology - Gender categorization - German Society for Eugenics (founded by Alfred Ploetz in 1905) - Hitler (name) - Minimum Smoking Age In Countries - Radical Honesty - Zhao Fusan (Chinese intellectual)
anthrophage - North American Native Warriors Association - postqueer movement [34], [35] - postqueer politics - Tara Foundation - Trinh Minh-ha - United Slaves organization
Capitalist patriarchy - Carol Queen - Claudie Broyelle - Combahee River Collective - DJ Kuttin Kandi - domestic science (the women's movement) - dominant narrative - Joan Riviere - Lookism - Michelle Mone [36] - raunch culture - third space - Women in Development
the UN Fourth World Conference on Women (held in Beijing, China, in September 1995) the UN Third World Conference on Women (held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1985)
The Cerne Society (circa 1805, England) - Dartmouth's Greek Organizations - Drinking society (incl. Oxford and Cambridge) - The Jungstadt - Pink Hat Society
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
Brad and Guiermo - Galimony - Jason Gage - Josh Altesman - Lipstick Feminism - Mogenic - Olga Broumas - OUTniagara - Solosexual - Thai Gay History - Una Vincenzo, Lady Troubridge - Zeb Atlas - See also: List of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community centers and List of LGBT publications
cHix0r - gmart - Jocelyne Wildenstein - Misogyny and Raeggaton - Monkeemobile - Tucker Estron - Twinkee house - - ualuealuealeuale - - welfare queen
work marriage, work husband and work wife based on this discussion
The Arm (Buffalo, NY mafia) - Dejan - male name - Deformed Chakra - Harry Potter slash (There's already an article on Slash fiction) - History of Maralinga - Humphrey the Wayward Whale (Humpback whale who got stuck in San Francisco Bay twice) - ijazah (Islamic practice) - Manson Lamps - May-December Relationships - Piranian The Partnership (Detroit mafia) - Patriarca crime family (New England mafia) - stone bow - Trafficante crime family (Florida mafia) - Vilnius Brigade (Lithuanian mafia) - Winebox Inquiry New Zealand (Inquiry into Certain Matters Relating to Taxation in the 90's) - LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman (two teens that created a radio documentary entitled "Ghetto Life 101" for NPR and later another documentary called "Remorse: The 14 Stories of Eric Morse".) - Sociophysics (statistical science that serves to bring Asimov's Psychohistory to the realm of an actual science) Celtic Calendar and the corresponding zodiac
Not Familiar Enough To Know Where It Goes
Agathyrsoi - Agori Tribe - Bill Roggio - Blog Against Racism Day - Bureaucratic-burgeoisie/comprador class - Cyberwhore - Famous Jewel/Diamond/Art Thefts/Heists - Girl Friday (probably referring to His Girl Friday) - Julie La Maupin - 17th-18th century French Opera star and fencer. - Neo-Medievalism - Nuclear Emergency Response Team - Nuclear Emergency Search Team - Paper Angels by Ginny Lim 1991 - Regulatory Fit - Remittance Man - Semantic Saturation - Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - treaty of kunta hora - Guatemala Coup D'etat Roxanne Pallet