Film and Video Arts Society
The Film and Video Arts Society (FAVA) provides training, equipment, and networking opportunities for emerging and established filmmakers.[1] Established by independent artists in 1982, FAVA represents one of the oldest artist-run co-ops in Canada and reaches an impressive 25th anniversary milestone in 2008.[2] The Society operates out of one of Edmonton, Alberta's historic buildings: the Ortona Armoury, built in 1914 by the Hudson's Bay Company and originally used as a stable.[3] FAVA's successful model is now copied by other non-profit cooperatives;[4] having grown from 16 initial members to today's more than 300.[5] Early years of meager supplies and limited resources helped to nurture a communal sense of sharing and a pooling of equipment that extended even to the prestigious National Film Board of Canada who shared office space and an infamous "late-night key" (that provided access to a bounty of top-line equipment) with FAVA in the Ortona Armoury.[6] Today young and emerging artists have access to equipment, expert advice, and an established network of linked-in artists and policy advisers, that enable them to engage in creative and experimental projects that would be nearly impossible to attain on their own.[7]
- ^ FAVA Official Website
- ^ Sasano, Mari.[1] "FAVA's Sharon Murphy has big Bollywood Dreams". Edmonton Journal 12 Sep. 2008. Print.
- ^ Tousley, Nancy.[2] "Edmonton Has A Rich Cultural Community". Edmonton Journal 5 Oct. 2007. Print.
- ^ Hauer, Susan. [3] The Fundy Film Society, Chair's Annual Report. 30 June, 2004. Web. Accessed 10 Nov. 2008
- ^ Barry, David.[4] "The Most Important Place In FAVA Might Be The Lunch Room". Vue Weekly 24 Oct. 2008, Issue 627. Print.
- ^ Barry, D. 2008.[5]
- ^ Barry, D. 2008.[6]