Shanti (TV series)
The story begins of two friends of the biggest bollywood production house in the counry. Two friends Kamesh Mahadevan and Raj G.J. Singh writer, directors and producers live in the lavish Shanti Mansion. Behind the walls of Shanti Mansion lie dark secrets of the past lives of both the friends.
Every Character has a past and has something hidden, it all gets revealed when Shanti arrives, an aspiring journalist hoping to write the biographies of Kamesh and Raj, a duo famous for their principles(they only approve of a movie when it is appreciated by the servants of the house) and tales of how they started from rags to riches.
Then are shown the family members, Kamesh's eldest son Ramesh is mentally challanged Younger son Somesh is a failing director struggling over the script which gets rejected even by his own father. His wife Ayesha is the daughter of a film producer whose career was ruined by the duo. His adopted daughter Nidhi was revealed to be the illegitimate daughter of Kamesh. Raj's wife took to Ashrams and Sadhus, while his son Nihal returns with a friend Michelle, who accidentally revealed that she is his wife. His daughter Maya is drawn to depression by her mother's absence.
All this is witnessed by Shanti who too has a shady past, because one of them is her real father, Shanti's mother was a labour working during the construction of Shanti Mansion, she got raped by both Kamesh and Raj.