Alfred of Sareshel
Alfred of Sarashel, also known as Alfred the Philosopher, Alfred the Englishman or Alfredus Anglicus, was born some time in the 12th century and died in the 13th century. Nothing more is known than that he lived and worked in Spain.
- Translation of the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis from the Arabic.
- Several commentaries on Aristotle, including four on his Meteors. These were extant down to the 17th century but have not survived.
- Wrote De motu cordis (On the Motion of the Heart) and dedicated it to Alexander Nequam.
- De naturis Rerum
- De Educatione Accipitrum (On the mode of training hawks)
- Five books on Boethius De consolatione philosophiae.
- De Musica
See also
Wikisource has the text of the 1885–1900 Dictionary of National Biography's article about Alfred Anglicus.