Other thunder gods?
Was he really "an Indo-European thunder god"? I don't think there were other thunder gods in the PIE pantheon... --Ghirla | talk 07:26, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- I suppose you can have only one thunder god at a time, but there are other names (Thor etc.) that may also date to PIE times. So maybe there were areal variants, and thus "different gods" across the PIE dialect continuum, who knows. It is not even certain the name Perkwunos dates to PIE times, it may also be a Balto-Slavic innovation. dab (ᛏ) 09:01, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- When you're praying about a storm, all gods are thunder gods. --Fulminouscherub 01:11, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Material: Ai. parkati:- `heiliger Feigenbaum', nind. parga:i `Steineiche'; venet. VN Quarque:ni `Eichenmänner' (lat. Relikt?); Nymphis Percernibus vielleicht ligurisch (Vaucluse); lat. quercus f. `Eiche'; ital.-trent. porca `Föhre' (rät. *porca); kelt. Hercynia silva `das deutsche Mittelgebirge' (aus *Perkunia:, älter *Perkwunia:), cymr. perth f. `Busch, Hecke' (*kwerkw-t-?); kelt. VN Querquerni (goidel.) in Hispania Tarrac.; aus *Perkunia: wohl entlehnt germ. *fergunio:, ahd. Fergunna `Erzgebirge', mhd. Virgunt f. `Waldgebirge westlich Böhmens', got. fai/rguni n. `Gebirge', ags. firgen `Waldhöhe'; ahd. fereheih, langob. fereha `Speiseeiche', aisl. fjo,rr m. `Baum, Mann'; ablaut. ahd. forha `Kiefer', ags. furh; aisl. fura f. `Föhre', fy:ri n. `Föhrenwald'; aus ahd. *forh-ist `Föhrenwald': nhd. Forst; aus ahd. kien-forha (kien- zu ags. cen `Kienfackel', ablaut. zu ags. ci:nan, oben S. 355) wird nhd. Kiefer; unsicher ob nach Vendryes RC 44, 313 ff. hierher auch got. fairhwus `Welt', ags. feorh, ahd. ferah `Leben', wgerm. Alaferhuiae (= *Alaferhwio:s), zu aisl. fi:ra:r (*firhw-jo:R), ags. fi:ras Pl. `Männer' usw.; alit. perku/nas Donnergott, lit. perku/nas `Donner', perku/nija f. `Gewitter', let. pe:\,rkuo^ns `Donner,Donnergott', apr. percunis `Donner'; aruss. Perunù `Donnergott', russ. peru/n `Donnerkeil, Blitz' sind volksetymol. nach slav. *pero: `schlage' umgestaltet; unklar ist ai. Parja/nya- `Gewittergott' (s. oben unter <a href="lemma=per-3">per-3</A>, perg-).
Material: Arisch nur mit t-Formans: ai. p.r/t-, p.r/tana: `Kampf, Streit', av. p@r@t-, p@s^an a: `Kampf, Schlacht', p@r@tamna `die miteinander Kämpfenden', paiti-par@tata `bekämpft'; arm. hari `ich schlug' (Aor. zum Präs. harkanem, s. u.), harac `vulnus'; orot `Donne r', orotam `donnere'; alb. pres `haue ab, nieder; schneide', Aor. preva, me' pret `es kümmert mich, ist mir angel egen', pritem `werde geschnitten; zerkratze mich; kümmere mich um etwas'; lat. premo:, -ere, pressi, pressum `drücke', pre:lum `Presse, Kelter' (*pres-lom); Wurzel < i>pr-em- (mit durativem -em-) und pr-es- wie gr. [tre/mw] `zittere: [tre/w]' (*treso: ) ds.; lit. periu\, per~ti `mit dem Badequast schlagen, jemanden baden; schlagen', let. per/u, pe\rt ds .; lit. pirti\s, let. pi\rts `Badestube'; aksl. pero,, pìrati `schlagen, bes. mit dem Bläuel schlagen, waschen', skr. peùre^m, pra ùti `waschen'; ablaut. aksl. pìrjo,, *pìre^ti `contendere', so,-pìrja, s&ug rave;-porù `Streit', c^ech. pr^u, pr^iti se `streiten' und aksl. *pìro,, *p erti in russ. pru, pratì, peretì `drücken, drängen', naporù `Sto&szl ig;' usw., aruss. pìrtì `Badestube'; perg-: arm. harkanem (p.rg-) `schlage, zerhaue (Holz), fälle (Bäume), erschlage, k&aum l;mpfe'; air. orcaid, mir. oirggid `erschlägt, tötet, verwüstet'; mir. cymr. orn `Morden , Zerstören'(*[p]org-no- od. -na:); abret. treorgam `perforo:', orgiat `caesar' (= caesor), gall. orge `occide', PN Orgeto-ri:x; anders über kelt. org- s. Lewis-Pedersen 387 (zu hett. ha rganu- `zerstören'; vgl. das air. Verbalnomen orcun aus *orgena:); vielleicht hierher ai. Parja/ny a- Regen- und Gewittergott; s. unter <a href="lemma=perk%BAu-s">perkwu-s</A>. Lit.: WP. II 42 f., WH. II 288, Trautmann 215; Vgl.: weiter zu <a href="lemma=perg-1">perg-1</A>. S.: 818-819
Thracian, Mordovian
Here is a quote from an earlier version of the Wiki article: [ . It was Mordovian, a Finnic people, not Moldovan, a Romance people. Alexander 007 12:00, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- I was curious to trace the error to its source, and here it is: [ . It was User:Renata3.Alexander 007 12:18, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
I'm going to expand Thunderstones with details. I just started it. It's already been remarked (I'll get the link) that this may explain even more the semantic relationship between stones and thunder gods. My primary reference at the moment is Charles Fort's Book of the Damned, 1919. Alexander 007 13:47, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- There are also reports of stone-axes falling from the sky during a thunderstorm. See [1]. The phenomenon is unexplained and largely ignored by mainstream science. Alexander 007 13:56, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- Worked stones in general are associated with thunder and a thunder god. See " is curious to meet with the same ideas in the most different climates and in districts widely separated from each other. Everywhere worked flints are attributed to a supernatural origin; everywhere they are looked upon as amulets with the power of protecting their owner, his house or his flocks. Russian peasants believe them to be the arrows of thunder, and fathers transmit them to their children as precious heirlooms. The same belief is held in France, Ireland, Scotland, in Scandinavia and Hungary, as well as in Asia Minor, in Japan, China and Burn Lap; in Java, and amongst the people of the Bahama islands, as amongst the negroes of the Sudan or those of the west coast of Africa, who look upon these stones as bolts launched from heaven by Sango, the god of thunder..." ---Seems like there is more than just "the wooded mountain" element here. Worked stones in general go hand-in-hand with thunder gods. However, I don't know if linguists have caught up with the anthropologists on this topic. Alexander 007 14:24, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- I'm wondering whether these associations led to popular etymology or whether the "rock, mountain" forms (discussed in Perkwunos) are directly related. It's interesting, anyway. Alexander 007 15:49, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- The PE refers to the per "strike" association. The word for "oak" is inextricably linked with words for "mountain, rock", no telling which is primary. dab (ᛏ) 15:57, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- It can be confusing. This is probably many thousands of years of mythological associations, folk etymologies, and real etymologies tied up. If anybody ever comes across a thunderstone, let me know before you put in on Ebay :) Alexander 007 16:06, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
Bagme Bloma
What does Bagme Bloma have to do with this? 05:03, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- it's about a tree on a mountain ('fairguni'). I was not being serious adding it, though :) dab (ᛏ) 10:14, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Why is it that so many reconstructed Proto Indo-European words I've seen begin with an asterisk? Knyght27 09:54, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- Because they have been invented or deduced in modern times from indirect evidence, rather than having direct evidence. --Henrygb 10:00, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Page title
I can neither read nor type the page title (I see a rectangle Perkʷunos). So it should be changed to Perkunos or Perkwunos and redirects used. --Henrygb 10:00, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- I concur. --Ghirla | talk 10:06, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- I only moved it because someone added the wrongtitle template; ʷ is a valid symbol, and if you see rectangles, something's wrong with your browser, but I have no problem with having it at Perkunos, since, as the article points out, the reconstruction of the labiovelar is dubious anyway. dab (ᛏ) 10:13, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- Maybe I'm being dense - I'm certainly no expert - but what is the significance of the "superscript w" (for lack of a better word) in the page title? I'm guessing it's an IPA symbol. So does that imply that the whole title is to be read as if it is IPA? Or something else? I think this article needs a better introduction rather than dropping straight into technical details. Muntfish 10:18, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- It is probably better to move it to a title without the superscript; see Wikipedia:Naming conventions (technical restrictions)#Subscripts and superscripts for details. In this particular case, if it's an IPA symbol, it should be used with {{IPA}} for the benefit of some browsers; however, that (and {{unicode}}) is not possible on page titles. --cesarb 15:40, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- I only moved it because someone added the wrongtitle template; ʷ is a valid symbol, and if you see rectangles, something's wrong with your browser, but I have no problem with having it at Perkunos, since, as the article points out, the reconstruction of the labiovelar is dubious anyway. dab (ᛏ) 10:13, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- the symbol represents a PIE labiovelar. Go ahead and move it back to Perkwunos, but then the kw will also represent a PIE labiovelar, just in a non-standard way. I had a similar experience at Kwetwores rule which I created at the ASCII title but which was moved to the correct Unicode title. I don't care either way. dab (ᛏ) 15:52, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
- It does not function for me.
Moved page. It didn't render right in my browser regardless of what text encoding I used. I'm forced to use MSIE, but I suspect your average reader would be too. --malber 21:50, 26 January 2006 (UTC)
Another name
For Xavier Delamarre, "Le vocabulaire indo-européen" (Indo-European Vocabular), 1984, there would be another name for the god of storm (and war), the form *Mawor, that we find in the roman Mars (Mavors), the indian Marut, and perhaps the latvian Martins.
I heard that Thor went back to an IE root like ton, related to tonare, and not tar. Could be related, though. Also, this pageonly discusses the origin of the word "Perkwuno" in length, not tar. 惑乱 分からん 21:06, 28 January 2006 (UTC)