"Gossip Candy" is the forty-seventh single by J-Pop singer Koda Kumi, released on July 7, 2010. Like her previous singles "4 Hot Wave," "Freaky," and "Moon," this single includes four songs. One song has two versions on the single. This is the first single by Kumi Koda since her last studio album, Best: Third Universe/Universe. Like many of her singles, this one includes a DVD that includes the music videos to "Inside Fishbowl," "Outside Fishbowl," and "Lollipop."
The tracks Inside Fishbowl and Outside Fishbowl are two different versions of the same song.
The song "Got to Be Real" from this single was used in a Pepsi Nex commercial in which Koda danced around life-sized Pepsi bottles. The song "Lollipop" is featured in a commercial for 7-Eleven's (7&i) online shopping in which Koda shops on the website.