The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper
"The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper" is a computer-animated short produced by DreamWorks Animation, released in movie theaters and on DVD in 2005. The 12-minute film showcases the adventures of four penguins, sometimes known as the Madagascar Penguins, who live in the Central Park Zoo and believe they are spies.
In the story, the youngest penguin on the team, Private, slips out of the zoo on Christmas Eve to find a present for a lonely polar bear. While roaming the mean streets of Manhattan, he is captured by an Old Lady who mistakes him for a chew toy for her vicious dog, Mr Chew. The other three penguins, Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico, rescue Private from the Old Lady's Apartment before it's too late.
The short was directed by animation veteran Gary Trousdale, produced by Teresa Cheng, and written by Michael Lachance.
It premiered in theaters on October 7, 2005 with the stop-motion computer-animated film, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. The short was later included on the Madagascar DVD, which was released on November 15, 2005.
- The Old Lady who captures Private in The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper also played a cameo part in Madagascar as the lady who assaulted Alex the lion with her bag in Grand Central Station.
- This is the first time Rico, one of the pengiun characters from Madagascar, speaks English saying "eggnog" and later "kaboom".