Pakistan Education and Research Network
Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN) is a part of the overall vision and amongst the objectives of IT Action Plan that was launched by Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman as Minister of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan in August 2002. The project was financed by the Government of Pakistan in cooperation with PTCLs (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) Research and Development funds. The network was designed, operated and maintained by NTC earlier and now by PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) and it is managed by Higher Education Commission(HEC). The project was aimed towards establishing an integral part of the overall education system of the country and was designed to interlink all public/private sector chartered universities/degree awarding institutes registered with Higher Education Commission. The interconnectivity of all these universities/institutes was aimed to provide integration of data banks, collaboration for research and development activities and up-gradation of teaching and learning skills among these universities/institutes.
The Higher Education Commission Pakistan redesigned Pakistan Education & Research Network (PERN) and established a high speed dedicated National Research & research Education Network (NREN) as PERN2 for the universities/institutes and other academic sectors of Pakistan. This provides students, faculty members and researchers a fully integrated and dedicated communication infrastructure using advanced Information & Communication Technologies. This NREN is being established to achieve true collaborative research, knowledge & resource sharing and distance learning. The PERN2 has connectivity to other NREN(s) of the world including APAN (Asia), Internet2 (USA), GEANT2 (Europe) etc. and has initiated collaborative research with the consortiums of NREN(s). PERN2 fulfills the requirements of advance technologies and applications with proper security and management. The advance features include, but not limited to QoS, IPv6, MPLS routing/switching, Gigabit Networks, Adaptive Applications and Multicasting.
PERN2 Connections
PERN2 interlinks more than 100 public/private sectors academic and research institutes of the country over an IP based infrastructure through metro fiber ring (Gigabit Ethernet) in the cities where facilities are available. The remaining universities/institutes are interlinked via leased dark fiber or legacy TDM communication system. PERN2 is internationally connected through TIEN3 which is The third generation of the Trans-Eurasia Information Network TEIN3that provides a dedicated high-capacity Internet network for research and education communities across Asia-Pacific. TEIN3 already connects researchers and academics in China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Australia. Bangladesh, Bhutan and Cambodia are in the process of getting connected, bringing the total number of partners involved in TEIN3 to 19.
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