President of the Community of Madrid
After the democracy restoration in Spain in 1978, the process for creating the autonomous communities began. The Autonomous Community of Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spanish) was created in 1982. Now, autonomic elections are called every 4 years. This is the list of the presidents of Madrid:
1st (1983-1987).........PSOE:51 AP-PDP-UL:34 IU:9.........................Joaquín Leguina (PSOE)
2nd (1987-1991).........PSOE:40 FAP:32 CDS:17 IU:7........................Joaquín Leguina (PSOE)
3rd (1991-1995).........PP:47 PSOE:41 IU:13......................................Joaquín Leguina (PSOE)
4th (1995-1999).........PP:54 PSOE:32 IU:17......................................Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón (PP)
5th (1999-2003).........PP:55 PSOE:39 IU:8.......................................Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón (PP)
6th (2003-2003).........PP:55 PSOE:47 IU:9....................................... READ BELOW*
7th (2003-2007).........PP:57 PSOE:45 IU:9.......................................Esperanza Aguirre (PP)
PP: Popular Party, center-right
PSOE: Spanish Worker's Party, center-left
IU: United Left (Spanish Comunist Party), left
5-25-2003 elections: PP won a plurality. PSOE + IU were 56, one more than PP was. Negotiations between PSOE and IU immediately took place. Some time later, a pact was achieved. The first step of that pact was on the Parliament Table (the parliament life regent organ). The plan was to elect 3 PP, 3 PSOE and 1 IU member, thus granting the majority to the left coalition.
But something was wrong. When, in the parliament constitutive session, the age president called for votation, 2 PSOE seats were empty: their owners did not enter the room. The result: 4 PP members against 2 PSOE and 1 IU guaranteed a PP majority on the Table.
Later, the "fled" deputies granted an interview on TV. They said they couldn't accept IU's conditions for a left-winged government in Madrid (which include IU controlling about 50% of the budget). PSOE immediately fired them, and blamed PP for bribing them. PP refused accusations and put a demand on the Supreme Madrid Justice Court (the higher madrilene justice instance before the Spanish Supreme Court) for calumnies, which was filed.
The two fled deputies, Eduardo Tamayo and María Teresa Sáez refused to return their seats to PSOE, and joined the Mixed Parliamentary Group, thus creating a very strange situation: there wasn't any majority. The president of the Parliament, Concepción Dancausa (PP) told she wanted to call for new elections, so PSOE candidate Rafael Simancas presented to a vote for investiture to force a 2 months delay (he said he didn't want to become elected).
In the meantime, a parlamentary comission investigated the causes of the "flee". After a month of 12-hour sessions, it approved a conclussion, saying Tamayo and Saez didn't have an economic cause to flee from parliament, and weren't bribed by PP. That conclussion was refused by the Plenary Session, by 55 votes YES (PP) and 56 votes NO (PSOE, IU and Mixed Group).
Then, new elections were called. Tamayo and Sáez created a new political party, New Socialism, but didn't obtain any seats. The new result was a majority for PP: 57 seats (48%, +2 seats), against PSOE: 45 seats (38%, -2 seats) and IU: 9 seats (8.5%, no change in seats). Some time later, PP candidate Esperanza Aguirre won the investiture vote and was named 3rd President of Madrid Autonomous Community.
-- 20:24, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC) by Habbit (please spare my English)