Idol Project
Idol Project is a short-lived anime series made in 1995. This anime follows a cute 14-year old girl named Mimu Emilton, who dreams of becoming an idol, much like her own idol, Yuri. Yuri brought world peace through her music, and became the world's president. Mimu has a chance to audition in her hometown of Starland in front of Yuri, with the help of 6 "Excellent Idols" (Yuri's predecesors):
Rucka, Actress Idol
Corvette, Dancing Idol
Extra, Musician Idol
Layla, Rockstar Idol
Palpu, Kungfu Idol
Shion, Ninja Idol
However, before Mimu has the chance to sing in front of Yuri and the Excellent Idols, they (minus Yuri) are kidnapped by aliens and taken to another universe! They land on this tropical world, the Tropical Dimension's Bali Hawaii, where they are well welcomed. A competition is to begin in two hours to raise Bali Hawaii's sun, as idols from all over space arrive to take part. The owner, Mr Bananaan, desires the Excellent Idols to win, since they are his most recent obsession. The competitions include the Swing Ski, Muddy Quiz Contest, and Water-Scooter Fight. After hilarious events, Yuri mistakenly is named the only one able to help the sun rise again for the first time, was it Yuri's singing or Mimu's? After the competition, Mimu must save up enough money to make it back to Starland, her hometown... universes away! How will she get back? How come everyone is beginning to look like Yuri?
Note: This is a very cute anime, filled with "panchira" and "close" female friendships (Corvette, the Dancing Idol, seems to be very fond of Mimu).