A Goy is Yinglish for a non-Jew.
- The existense of any such language or dialect is questionable at best. In English, goy is simply a slang word used, often in a derogatory manner, to describe a non-Jew.
It probably derives from the Hebrew phrase Goyei Haarotzos (Nations of the various lands) found in Aleinu (a prayer).
- Actually, that is incorrect. Goy is a Hebrew word for "nation" and is used in the Bible to describe Jews and non-Jews alike. In Yiddish, it came specifically to mean non-Jews, but since the supposed goyei haaratzos is a prayer that precedes Yiddish by 1500 years, the etymology is incorrect.
A Goy is the opposite of a Yid (Jew).
- Juxtaposing two types of people in the world: Jews and everyone else. That is the beginning of a racist discourse.
He is an average law-abiding middle to upper class non-Jew.
- Baseless class distinction: middle to upper class non-Jews = neutral (average).
This can be contrasted to Sheigetz which usually refers to a low class non-Jew, who is coarse, uses foul language, takes drugs, and is dishonest,
- Where as lower classes of non-Jews are "coarse, uses foul language, takes drugs, and is dishonest"
or to a Yid who has abandoned his Yiddishkeit (Jewish Religion).
- Making Jews who do not behave according to Ezra's standards the equivalent of a sheigetz, i.e., "coarse, uses foul language, takes drugs, and is dishonest."
The difference between a Yid and a Goy is that a Yid is Shoimer Toireh uMitzvos (Keeps the Torah and its Commandments).
The worst thing that a Yid can do is behave like a Goy and not keep the Torah.
- The word "and" puzzles me. Does it mean "by not keeping the Torah" or is it some separate term. If the latter, then this reads "The worst thing that a Yid can do is behave like a Goy" and "The worst thing that a Yid can do is not keep the Torah." Both are clearly debatable since they are based on a particular POV. The first is also racist.
If he associates with Goyim unnecessarily, he may come to behave like them.
- In other words, no mixing between Jews and non-Jews because it is detrimental to Jews. Is Wikipedia out to say that Jews should not mix with non-Jews? I will skip a few lines now to:
[...] there is nothing worse than a Yid acting like a Goy.
- and:
He is much worse than a Goy who does the same, because a Goy is not required to keep the Torah.
- implying that non-Jews are bad. In other words, this is just an emotional racist diatribe from a particular Jewish POV. That is why I deleted it and will keep doing so. Danny
I agree with Danny. Ezra Wax is filling this entry with racist attacks on non-Jewish people. He has repeatedly made clear that he has no intention of working with others in a scholarly attempt to write encycloapedia articles. Instead, this vandal is slandering all gentiles, and all Jews who are not Ultra-Orthodox like him. People who repeatedly engage in vandalism need to have their IP blocked. RK