my name is Philipp and I'm a HR Manager at ista Deutschland GmbH in Essen, Germany. Before I worked as a Consultant with Towers Watson, where I specialised in position evaluation with the Global Grading System, compensation benchmarking as well as design of compensation structures and the set-up of several compensation and grading related HR processes. Further I did some Talent Management projects e.g. Career Paths, Knowledge Management with Enterprise 2.0 tools.
At ista I'm mainly responsible for Recruiting and Personnel Development for our IT and Products departments whilst being responsible for some special projects too.
On a pro bono basis I do some consulting work for organisational users and a lot of administrator work for regular users of, a German non-profit social network meta-platform, which is run by the charitable OpenNetworX foundation in Hamburg. The software, called Just Connect, we use there is being provided free of charge by Just Software AG, an Enterprise 2.0 software vendor from Germany.