The Straits
The Straits is an upcoming Australian television drama series for ABC1. The ten part series follows The Montebello, a crime family involved in smuggling, whose business is transporting drugs into Australia, and guns and exotic wildlife out, making use of ties of blood and loyalty in the Torres Strait Islands. When Harry Cox, the head of the family, starts to plan his succession he sparks a vicious family power struggle, while under attack from ambitious bikies and mercurial Papua New Guinea raskols, the family must hold together through torture, assassination and imprisonment. [1]
The series is based on an idea by actor Aaron Fa’aoso and produced by Penny Chapman and Helen Panckhurst from Matchbox Pictures. It is directed by Peter Andrikidis, Rachel Ward and Rowan Woods. It is written by Louis Nowra, Blake Ayshford, Nick Parsons, Kristen Dunphy and Jaime Browne.
- Aaron Fa’aoso
- Brian Cox
- Rena Owen
- Firass Dirani (Underbelly
- Jimi Bani
- Suzannah Bayes-Morton