Jiminy is a moderator at CWHNetworks (http://www.cwhnetworks.com)
He was the head moderator until he gave the post to another moderator (lavarock09). He has been a member of CWHNetworks from the beginning, and is well known among the staff.
His real name is Julian Farmer, and he lives in Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. He is aged 14, and goes to Bishop Wordsworth's School (http://www.bws.wilts.sch.uk).
He is good with computers, and owns a website (http://www.lareneg.co.uk). He also plays the piano grade 7, and has got his grade 5 theory (pass with merit). He skipped grades 1 and 6 on piano, and skipped grades 1-4 with theory.
He enjoys annoying the school IT Suite prefects, in particular Tom Curr.
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This page was designed to be defaced. It was created on March 20th 2006 and will be defaced from March 21st 2006.
--Cwhjiminy 18:58, 20 March 2006 (UTC)