Knaster's condition
In mathematics, a partially ordered set P is said to have Knaster's condition upwards (sometimes property (K)) if any uncountable subset A of P has an upwards-linked uncountable subset. Anologous definition applies to Knaster's condition downwards.
The property is named after Polish mathematician Bronisław Knaster.
Knaster's condition implies ccc, and it is sometimes used in conjunction with a weaker form of Martin's axiom, where the ccc requirement is replaced with Knaster's condition. Not unlike ccc, Knaster's condition is also sometimes used as a property of a topological space, in which case it means that the topology (as in, the family of all open sets) with inclusion satisfies the condition.
- Fremlin, David H. (1984). Consequences of Martin's axiom. Cambridge tracts in mathematics, no. 84. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521250919.