Pimpalgaon Raja
- Pimpalgaon Raja is gram panchayat located in tahsil Khamgaon of Buldhana of Maharashtra situated on river bank Dnaynganga.It is 14km from town Khamgaon. Agriculture is main occupation.
Geographic co-ordinate
20° 43' 0" North, 76° 26' 0" south [1]
Places found around Pimpalgaon Raja [2]:
- Tarwadi (9 km / 6 mi.Tarwadi is 292° West-northwest of Pimpalgaon Raja WNW)
- Goshing (12 km / 8 mi.Goshing is 262° West of Pimpalgaon Raja W)
- Nandura (13 km / 8 mi.Nandura is 8° North of Pimpalgaon Raja N, Pop. 39,650)
- Khamgaon (14 km / 9 mi.Khamgaon is 104° East Southeast of Pimpalgaon Raja ESE, Pop. 94,604)
- Sahakar Vidya Mandir :- upto VII std in English Medium
- Zilla parishad :- from I to XII
Agriculture is main occupation of people, is the source of income for villagers. Dnanganga River is source of water for agricultural work.the Dam TANDULWADI is one of the big dam through which water is supplied to Nandura and Khamgaon. Bhalegaon is small village near pimpalgaon where fair is organised in Kartik pournima about after few days of Diwali which is one of the big festival. Holy place's in Pimpalgaon is Renuka Mata Mandir (underground temple)and Ram Mandir