Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (C)
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C closed subgroup -- C-function -- C-group -- C-minimal theory -- C normal subgroup -- C-number -- C-semiring -- C space -- C-symmetry -- C*-algebra -- C+-probability -- C. M. Whish -- C.L.E. Moore instructor -- C0-semigroup -- CA group -- Cabal (set theory) -- Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix -- Cable knot -- Cabri Geometry -- Cabtaxi number -- Caccioppoli Prize -- Caccioppoli set -- Cactus graph -- Cadaeic Cadenza -- Càdlàg -- Caesar cipher -- Cage (graph theory) -- Cahen's constant -- Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques -- Cahn–Hilliard equation --
Cairo pentagonal tiling -- Cake number -- Calabi conjecture -- Calabi–Eckmann manifold -- Calabi flow -- Calabi–Yau manifold -- Calculating machine -- Calculation -- Calculator -- Calculator input methods -- Calculatrivia -- Calculus -- Calculus Made Easy -- Calculus of constructions -- Calculus of functors -- Calculus of inductive constructions -- Calculus of moving surfaces -- Calculus of predispositions -- Calculus of structures -- Calculus of variations -- Calculus of voting -- Calculus on manifolds -- Calculus on Manifolds (book) -- Calculus on manifolds (disambiguation) -- Calculus ratiocinator -- Calculus with polynomials -- Calcutta Mathematical Society -- Calderón–Zygmund lemma -- Calendrical calculation -- Calibrated geometry -- Calibrated probability assessment -- Calibration (statistics) -- California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science -- Calkin algebra -- Calkin–Wilf tree -- Callendar-Van Dusen equation -- Calogero conjecture -- Calogero–Degasperis–Fokas equation -- Caloric polynomial --
Camassa–Holm equation -- Camber angle -- Cambridge Mathematical Tripos -- Camera auto-calibration -- Cameron–Erdős conjecture -- Cameron–Martin theorem -- Campbell's theorem -- Campedelli surface -- Canada/USA Mathcamp -- Canadian Journal of Mathematics -- Canadian Mathematical Olympiad -- Canadian Mathematical Society -- Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge -- Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics -- Canadian traveller problem -- Cancellation property -- Cancellative semigroup -- Candidate solution -- Candy Land -- Cannon's algorithm -- Canonical analysis -- Canonical basis -- Canonical basis (disambiguation) -- Canonical bundle -- Canonical connection -- Canonical coordinates -- Canonical correlation -- Canonical form -- Canonical form (Boolean algebra) -- Canonical Huffman code -- Canonical line bundle -- Canonical line bundle (disambiguation) -- Canonical quantization -- Canonical ring -- Canonical singularity -- Canonicalization -- Canopy clustering algorithm -- Cantellated 120-cell -- Cantellated 24-cell -- Cantellated 5-cell -- Cantellated 5-cube -- Cantellated 5-demicube -- Cantellated 5-orthoplex -- Cantellated 5-simplex -- Cantellated 6-cube -- Cantellated 6-demicube -- Cantellated 6-orthoplex -- Cantellated 6-simplex -- Cantellated 7-cube -- Cantellated 7-demicube -- Cantellated 7-orthoplex -- Cantellated 7-simplex -- Cantellated 8-simplex -- Cantellated cubic honeycomb -- Cantellated tesseract -- Cantellation (geometry) -- Cantitruncated alternated cubic honeycomb -- Cantitruncated cubic honeycomb -- Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem -- Cantor cube -- Cantor–Dedekind axiom -- Cantor distribution -- Cantor function -- Cantor medal -- Cantor set -- Cantor space -- Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm -- Cantor's diagonal argument -- Cantor's first uncountability proof -- Cantor's intersection theorem -- Cantor's paradox -- Cantor's theorem --
Cap product -- Capable group -- Capacity of a set -- Capelli's identity -- Capillary routing -- Capped grope -- Capturing race -- Carathéodory conjecture -- Carathéodory–Jacobi–Lie theorem -- Carathéodory metric -- Carathéodory's criterion -- Carathéodory's existence theorem -- Carathéodory's extension theorem -- Carathéodory's theorem -- Carathéodory's theorem (conformal mapping) -- Carathéodory's theorem (convex hull) -- Carathéodory's theorem (disambiguation) -- Cardinal assignment -- Cardinal function -- Cardinal number -- Cardinal number (linguistics) -- Cardinality -- Cardinality of the continuum -- Cardioid -- Caribou Mathematics Competition -- Caristi fixed point theorem -- Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize -- Carleman matrix -- Carleman's condition -- Carleman's inequality -- Carleson measure -- Carleson's theorem -- Carlitz polynomial -- Carlson symmetric form -- Carlson's theorem -- CaRMetal -- Carmichael function -- Carmichael number -- Carmichael's theorem -- Carmichael's totient function conjecture -- Carminati–McLenaghan invariants -- Carnot group -- Carnot's theorem -- Carol number -- Carpenter's rule problem -- Carroll diagram -- Carry (arithmetic) -- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch -- Cartan connection -- Cartan decomposition -- Cartan–Dieudonné theorem -- Cartan–Eilenberg resolution -- Cartan formalism (physics) -- Cartan–Hadamard theorem -- Cartan–Kähler theorem -- Cartan–Karlhede algorithm -- Cartan–Kuranishi prolongation theorem -- Cartan matrix -- Cartan model -- Cartan subalgebra -- Cartan subgroup -- Cartan's criterion -- Cartan's equivalence method -- Cartan's lemma -- Cartan's lemma (potential theory) -- Cartan's theorem -- Cartan's theorems A and B -- Carter subgroup -- Cartesian closed category -- Cartesian coordinate system -- Cartesian monoid -- Cartesian oval -- Cartesian product -- Cartesian product of graphs -- Carus Mathematical Monographs --
Cascade algorithm -- Case analysis -- Casey's theorem -- Cash–Karp method -- Casimir invariant -- CASINO -- Casorati–Weierstrass theorem -- Cassini and Catalan identities -- Cassini oval -- Casson handle -- Casson invariant -- Castelnuovo–de Franchis theorem -- Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity -- Castelnuovo surface -- Casting out nines -- Casus irreducibilis -- CAT(k) group -- CAT(k) space -- Catalan number -- Catalan solid -- Catalan surface -- Catalan's conjecture -- Catalan's constant -- Catalan's problem -- Catalecticant -- Catalog of articles in probability theory -- Catamorphism -- Catanese surface -- Catastro of Ensenada -- Catastrophe theory -- Categorial grammar -- Categorical algebra -- Categorical data -- Categorical distribution -- Categorical logic -- Categorical quantum mechanics -- Categorical set theory -- Categories for the Working Mathematician -- Categories of manifolds -- Categorification -- Category (mathematics) -- Category O -- Category of abelian groups -- Category of chain complexes -- Category of elements -- Category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces -- Category of groups -- Category of magmas -- Category of manifolds -- Category of medial magmas -- Category of metric spaces -- Category of preordered sets -- Category of relations -- Category of rings -- Category of sets -- Category of small categories -- Category of topological spaces -- Category of topological vector spaces -- Category of vector spaces -- Category theory -- Catenary -- Catenary ring -- Catenoid -- Caterpillar tree -- Cathetus -- Catmull–Clark subdivision surface -- Catuṣkoṭi --
Cauchy–Binet formula -- Cauchy boundary condition -- Cauchy condensation test -- Cauchy-continuous function -- Cauchy distribution -- Cauchy–Euler equation -- Cauchy formula for repeated integration -- Cauchy–Hadamard theorem -- Cauchy index -- Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem -- Cauchy matrix -- Cauchy momentum equation -- Cauchy net -- Cauchy principal value -- Cauchy problem -- Cauchy product -- Cauchy–Rassias stability -- Cauchy–Riemann equations -- Cauchy–Schwarz inequality -- Cauchy sequence -- Cauchy space -- Cauchy surface -- Cauchy theorem -- Cauchy theorem (disambiguation) -- Cauchy's convergence test -- Cauchy's functional equation -- Cauchy's integral formula -- Cauchy's integral theorem -- Cauchy's test -- Cauchy's test (disambiguation) -- Cauchy's theorem (geometry) -- Cauchy's theorem (group theory) -- Causal decision theory -- Causal loop diagram -- Causal Markov condition -- Causal sets -- Causal structure -- Causal system -- Causality conditions -- Cause–effect graph -- Caustic (mathematics) --
Cavalieri's principle -- Cavalieri's quadrature formula -- Cayley–Bacharach theorem -- Cayley–Dickson construction -- Cayley graph -- Cayley–Hamilton theorem -- Cayley–Klein metric -- Cayley plane -- Cayley process -- Cayley process (disambiguation) -- Cayley surface -- Cayley surface (disambiguation) -- Cayley table -- Cayley transform -- Cayley's Ω process -- Cayley's formula -- Cayley's mousetrap -- Cayley's nodal cubic surface -- Cayley's ruled cubic surface -- Cayley's theorem -- CC system -- CCR and CAR algebras -- Céa's lemma -- Cebeci–Smith model -- Čech cohomology -- Čech-to-derived functor spectral sequence -- Ceiling effect -- Celeritas -- Celestial coordinate system -- Celestial mechanics -- Celestial navigation -- Cell (geometry) -- Cell lists -- Cellular algebra -- Cellular approximation -- Cellular automaton -- Cellular decomposition -- Cellular homology -- Cellular Potts model --
Censored regression model -- Censoring (statistics) -- Census -- Center (algebra) -- Center (group theory) -- Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM) -- Center for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics -- Center manifold -- Center of curvature -- Center of mass -- Center of mass coordinates -- Centered cube number -- Centered decagonal number -- Centered heptagonal number -- Centered hexagonal number -- Centered nonagonal number -- Centered octagonal number -- Centered pentagonal number -- Centered polygonal number -- Centered set -- Centered square number -- Centered tree -- Centered triangular number -- Centered trochoid -- Centering matrix -- Centerpoint (geometry) -- Centillion -- Central angle -- Central binomial coefficient -- Central carrier -- Central composite design -- Central Department of Mathematics TU -- Central European Journal of Mathematics -- Central limit theorem -- Central moment -- Central product -- Central series -- Central simple algebra -- Central subgroup -- Central tendency -- Centrality -- Centralizer and normalizer -- Centrally closed subgroup -- Centre (category) -- Centre (geometry) -- Centre de Recerca Matemàtica -- Centre de Recherches Mathématiques -- Centre for Mathematical Sciences (Kerala) -- Centrifugal force -- Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas -- Centroid -- Centroidal Voronoi tessellation -- Centrosymmetric matrix -- Centrosymmetry -- Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica --
CEP subgroup -- Cepstrum -- Cerf theory -- Černy conjecture -- Certificate (complexity) -- Cesàro equation -- Cesàro mean -- Cesàro summation -- Ceva's theorem -- Cevian -- CGAL -- CH-quasigroup -- Chabauty topology -- Chaff algorithm -- CHAID -- Chain (algebraic topology) -- Chain complete -- Chain complex -- Chain rule -- Chain rule (probability) -- Chain rule for Kolmogorov complexity -- Chain sequence (continued fraction) -- Chaitin's algorithm -- Chaitin's constant -- Chakravala method -- Champernowne constant -- Championnat International de Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques -- Chan's algorithm -- Chang graphs -- Chang number -- Chang's conjecture -- Change detection -- Change-making problem -- Change of basis -- Change of variables -- Change of variables (PDE) -- Change ringing -- Channel code -- Channel surface -- Chaos -- Chaos communications -- Chaos game -- Chaos theory -- Chaos/old version -- Chaotic bubble -- Chaotic hysteresis -- Chaotic mixing -- Chaplygin problem -- Chaplygin's equation -- Chapman function -- Chapman–Kolmogorov equation -- Chapman–Robbins bound -- Character (mathematics) -- Character group -- Character sum -- Character table -- Character theory -- Character variety -- Characteristic (algebra) -- Characteristic 2 type -- Characteristic class -- Characteristic equation -- Characteristic equation (calculus) -- Characteristic exponent -- Characteristic exponent (disambiguation) -- Characteristic function -- Characteristic function (convex analysis) -- Characteristic function (disambiguation) -- Characteristic function (probability theory) -- Characteristic multiplier -- Characteristic polynomial -- Characteristic polynomial of a graph -- Characteristic sequence -- Characteristic state function -- Characteristic subgroup -- Characteristically simple group -- Characterization (mathematics) -- Characterizations of the category of topological spaces -- Characterizations of the exponential function -- Charles Haros -- Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography -- Charlie Eppes -- Charlier polynomials -- Charter of Swiss Public Statistics -- Chartered mathematician -- Charts on SO(3) -- Chasles' theorem -- Châtelet surface -- Chauvenet Prize -- Chauvenet's criterion --
Chebotarev's density theorem -- Chebyshev center -- Chebyshev distance -- Chebyshev equation -- Chebyshev function -- Chebyshev–Gauss quadrature -- Chebyshev iteration -- Chebyshev–Markov–Stieltjes inequalities -- Chebyshev nodes -- Chebyshev polynomials -- Chebyshev pseudospectral method -- Chebyshev rational functions -- Chebyshev's bias -- Chebyshev's inequality -- Chebyshev's sum inequality -- Chebyshev's theorem -- Chebyshev's theorem (disambiguation) -- Checking whether a coin is fair -- Checkpointing scheme -- Checksum -- Cheeger bound -- Cheeger constant -- Cheeger constant (graph theory) -- Chemical graph theory -- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems -- Chen prime -- Chen's theorem -- Cheng's eigenvalue comparison theorem -- Chennai Mathematical Institute -- Cheriyan–Mehlhorn/Gabow algorithm -- Cherlin-Zilber conjecture -- Chern class -- Chern Medal -- Chern–Simons form -- Chern–Weil homomorphism -- Chern–Weil theory -- Chernoff bound -- Chernoff face -- Chernoff's distribution -- Chetayev instability theorem -- Chevalley basis -- Chevalley scheme -- Chevalley–Shephard–Todd theorem -- Chevalley–Warning theorem -- Chew's second algorithm --
Chi distribution -- Chi-squared distribution -- Chi-squared test -- Chicago school (mathematical analysis) -- Chief series -- Chien search -- Chihara–Ismail polynomials -- Chihara polynomials -- Chiliagon -- China Girls Math Olympiad -- Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B -- Chinese hypothesis -- Chinese Mathematical Society -- Chinese mathematics -- Chinese monoid -- Chinese multiplication table -- Chinese number gestures -- Chinese numerals -- Chinese remainder theorem -- Chinese restaurant process -- Chiral algebra -- Chiral knot -- Chiral polytope -- Chiral Potts curve -- Chirality (mathematics) -- Chirikov criterion -- Chirplet transform -- Chisanbop -- Chisini mean -- Choi–Williams distribution function -- Choi's theorem on completely positive maps -- Choice function -- Choice sequence -- Cholesky decomposition -- Chomp -- Chomsky–Schützenberger theorem -- Choquet integral -- Choquet theory -- Chord (geometry) -- Chordal graph -- Chordal problem -- Chore division -- Chow coordinates -- Chow ring -- Chow test -- Chowla–Mordell theorem -- Chowla–Selberg formula --
Christoffel–Darboux formula -- Christoffel symbols -- Christofides algorithm -- Chromatic number -- Chromatic polynomial -- Chromatic spectral sequence -- Chronogram -- Chronology of computation of π -- CHSH inequality -- Chu space -- Chua's circuit -- Chudnovsky algorithm -- Chunking (division) -- Church encoding -- Church–Kleene ordinal -- Church–Rosser theorem -- Church–Turing–Deutsch principle -- Church–Turing thesis -- Church's thesis (constructive mathematics) -- Churchill Professorship of Mathematics for Operational Research -- Chuvash numerals -- Chvátal graph -- Cichoń's diagram -- Cinquefoil knot -- Cipolla's algorithm -- CIR process -- Circle -- Circle bundle -- Circle criterion -- Circle graph -- Circle group -- Circle map -- Circle of a sphere -- Circle of antisimilitude -- Circle of confusion -- Circle packing -- Circle packing in a circle -- Circle packing in a square -- Circle packing in an equilateral triangle -- Circle packing in an isosceles right triangle -- Circle packing theorem -- Circle-valued Morse theory -- Circles of Apollonius -- Circolo Matematico di Palermo -- Circuit complexity -- Circuit minimization -- Circuit rank -- Circuits over sets of natural numbers -- Circulant graph -- Circulant matrix -- Circular algebraic curve -- Circular-arc graph -- Circular coloring -- Circular convolution -- Circular distribution -- Circular ensemble -- Circular error probable -- Circular law -- Circular motion -- Circular points at infinity -- Circular prime -- Circular sector -- Circular segment -- Circular shift -- Circular surface -- Circular symmetry -- Circular uniform distribution -- Circulation problem -- Circumconic and inconic -- Circumference -- Circumference (graph theory) -- Circumscribed circle -- Circumscribed sphere -- Circumscription (logic) --
Cissoid -- Cissoid of Diocles -- Clairaut's equation -- Clairaut's relation -- Clairaut's theorem -- Clark–Ocone theorem -- Clarkson's inequalities -- Clasper (mathematics) -- Class (set theory) -- Class automorphism -- Class field theory -- Class formation -- Class function -- Class number -- Class number (disambiguation) -- Class number formula -- Class number problem -- Classical definition of probability -- Classical group -- Classical Hamiltonian quaternions -- Classical involution theorem -- Classical mathematics -- Classical mechanics -- Classical modular curve -- Classical orthogonal polynomials -- Classical scaling dimension -- Classical test theory -- Classical Wiener space -- Classification of Clifford algebras -- Classification of discontinuities -- Classification of electromagnetic fields -- Classification of Fatou components -- Classification of finite simple groups -- Classification of manifolds -- Classification theorem -- Classifier (mathematics) -- Classifying space -- Classifying space for O(n) -- Classifying space for U(n) -- Clausal normal form -- Clause (logic) -- Clausen function -- Clausen's formula -- Claw-free graph -- Claw-free permutation -- Clay Mathematics Institute -- Clay Mathematics Monographs -- Clay Research Award --
Cleaver (geometry) -- Clebsch–Gordan coefficients -- Clebsch graph -- Clebsch surface -- Clélies -- Clenshaw algorithm -- Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature -- Clifford algebra -- Clifford analysis -- Clifford bundle -- Clifford–Klein form -- Clifford module -- Clifford parallel -- Clifford theory -- Clifford torus -- Clifford's circle theorems -- Clifford's theorem -- Clifford's theorem (disambiguation) -- Clifford's theorem on special divisors -- Climate ensemble -- Cliodynamics -- Clique (graph theory) -- Clique complex -- Clique cover problem -- Clique number -- Clique percolation method -- Clique problem -- Clique-sum -- Clique-width -- Clobber -- Clock angle problem -- Clock position -- Cloister vault -- Clone (algebra) -- Clopen set -- Clos network -- Close-packing of spheres -- Closed and exact differential forms -- Closed braid -- Closed braids -- Closed category -- Closed convex function -- Closed form -- Closed form (disambiguation) -- Closed-form expression -- Closed geodesic -- Closed graph theorem -- Closed linear span -- Closed-loop transfer function -- Closed manifold -- Closed monoidal category -- Closed operator -- Closed range theorem -- Closed set -- Closed testing procedure -- Closed timelike curve -- Closeness (mathematics) -- Closest pair of points problem -- Closest string -- Closing (morphology) -- Closure (mathematics) -- Closure (topology) -- Closure operator -- Closure problem -- Closure with a twist --
CLS (complexity) -- Club filter -- Club set -- Clubsuit -- Cluster algebra -- Cluster analysis -- Cluster decomposition theorem -- Cluster sampling -- Cluster-weighted modeling -- Clustering coefficient -- Clutching construction -- CM-field -- CMA-ES -- CMAC -- CN group -- Co-NP -- Co-NP-complete -- Co-RE -- Co-RE-complete -- Co-RP -- Co-stardom network -- Coadjoint representation -- Coalgebra -- Coanalytic set -- Coarea formula -- Coarse function -- Coarse space -- Coarse space (disambiguation) -- Coarse space (numerical analysis) -- Coarse structure -- Coase theorem -- Coastline paradox -- Coates graph -- Coaxial --
Cobham's thesis -- Coble curve -- Coble hypersurface -- Coble surface -- Coble variety -- Cobordism -- Cobordism theorem -- Cobordism theorem (disambiguation) -- Cobweb plot -- Cochleoid -- Cochran-Armitage test for trend -- Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel statistics -- Cochran's C test -- Cochran's Q test -- Cochran's theorem -- Cochrane-Orcutt estimation -- Cochrane's C test -- Cocker's Arithmetick -- Cocker's Decimal Arithmetick -- Cocktail party graph -- Cocoloring -- Cocompact group action -- Cocountability -- Cocountable topology -- Cocurvature -- Cocycle class -- Codd's cellular automaton -- Codd's theorem -- Code (set theory) -- Codimension -- Coding gain -- Coding theory -- Codomain --
Coefficient -- Coefficient diagram method -- Coefficient matrix -- Coefficient of determination -- Coefficient of fractional parentage -- Coefficient of variation -- Coefficients of potential -- Coequalizer -- Coercive function -- Cofactor (linear algebra) -- Coffman–Graham algorithm -- Cofibration -- Cofinal (mathematics) -- Cofinality -- Cofiniteness -- Coframe -- Cofunction -- Coggeshall slide rule -- Cognitive pretesting -- Cognitively Guided Instruction -- Cograph -- Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau wavelet -- Cohen–Macaulay ring -- Cohen's class distribution function -- Cohen's cryptosystem -- Cohen's kappa -- Coherence (philosophical gambling strategy) -- Coherence (statistics) -- Coherence condition -- Coherence theorem -- Coherent duality -- Coherent ring -- Coherent risk measure -- Coherent sheaf -- Coherent space -- Coherent states in mathematical physics -- Coherent topology -- Cohn's irreducibility criterion -- Cohomological dimension -- Cohomology -- Cohomology of algebras -- Cohomology of algebras (disambiguation) -- Cohomology operation -- Cohomology ring -- Cohomology with compact support -- Cohomotopy group -- Cohort (statistics) --
Coiflet -- Coimage -- Coin flipping -- Coin problem -- Coincidence point -- Coincident -- Coinduction -- Cointegration -- Cointerpretability -- Cokernel -- Col (game) -- Colatitude -- Cole Prize -- Coleman-Mandula theorem -- Colexicographical order -- Colin de Verdière graph invariant -- Colinear map -- Collaboration graph -- Collage theorem -- Collapse (topology) -- Collapsing manifold -- Collatz conjecture -- Collection (mathematics) -- Collectionwise Hausdorff space -- Collectionwise normal space -- Collectively exhaustive events -- College Mathematics Journal -- College of Physical and Engineering Science (CPES) -- Collider (epidemiology) -- Collineation -- Collocation (remote sensing) -- Collocation method -- Cologarithm -- Colombeau algebra -- Color-coding -- Color wheel graphs of complex functions -- Colored graph -- Colored matroid -- Colossally abundant number -- Column space -- Column vector --
Comb space -- Combination -- Combinational logic -- Combinatorial class -- Combinatorial commutative algebra -- Combinatorial data analysis -- Combinatorial design -- Combinatorial explosion -- Combinatorial explosion (communication) -- Combinatorial game theory -- Combinatorial group theory -- Combinatorial hierarchy -- Combinatorial map -- Combinatorial number system -- Combinatorial optimization -- Combinatorial principles -- Combinatorial proof -- Combinatorial species -- Combinatorial topology -- Combinatorica -- Combinatorics -- Combinatorics and dynamical systems -- Combinatorics and physics -- Combinatorics on words -- Combinatory categorial grammar -- Combinatory logic -- Combs method -- Comeasuring -- Comma category -- Commensurability (mathematics) -- Commensurator -- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici -- Common-cause and special-cause -- Common integrals in quantum field theory -- Common knowledge (logic) -- Common logarithm -- Common operator notation -- Communication complexity -- Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems -- Communications in Contemporary Mathematics -- Communications in Mathematical Physics -- Communications in Statistics -- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics -- Community matrix -- Commutant -- Commutant-associative algebra -- Commutant lifting theorem -- Commutation matrix -- Commutation theorem -- Commutative algebra -- Commutative diagram -- Commutative property -- Commutative ring -- Commutativity of conjunction -- Commutator -- Commutator subgroup -- Commuting matrices -- Comodule -- Comonotonicity -- Compact cardinal -- Compact cardinal (disambiguation) -- Compact closed category -- Compact complement topology -- Compact convergence -- Compact element -- Compact group -- Compact Lie algebra -- Compact-open topology -- Compact operator -- Compact operator on Hilbert space -- Compact quantum group -- Compact Riemann surface -- Compact space -- Compact stencil -- Compactification (mathematics) -- Compactly embedded -- Compactly generated -- Compactly generated (disambiguation) -- Compactly generated group -- Compactly generated space -- Compactly-supported homology -- Compactness measure of a shape -- Compactness theorem -- Compacton -- Companion matrix -- Comparability -- Comparability graph -- Comparametric equation -- Comparing means -- Comparison of computer algebra systems -- Comparison of general and generalized linear models -- Comparison of statistics journals -- Comparison of topologies -- Comparison of vector algebra and geometric algebra -- Comparison test -- Comparison theorem -- Comparison theorem (disambiguation) -- Comparison triangle -- Compass (drafting) -- Compass and straightedge constructions -- Compass equivalence theorem -- Compatible system of ℓ-adic representations -- Competitive Lotka–Volterra equations -- Complement (complexity) -- Complement (group theory) -- Complement (set theory) -- Complement graph -- Complementarity theory -- Complementary angles -- Complementary event -- Complementary sequences -- Complementary series representation -- Complemented group -- Complemented lattice -- Complete (complexity) -- Complete algebraic variety -- Complete bipartite graph -- Complete Boolean algebra -- Complete category -- Complete coloring -- Complete Fermi–Dirac integral -- Complete field -- Complete graph -- Complete group -- Complete Heyting algebra -- Complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial -- Complete intersection -- Complete lattice -- Complete measure -- Complete metric space -- Complete numbering -- Complete partial order -- Complete quadrangle -- Complete quotient -- Complete School -- Complete sequence -- Complete set of invariants -- Complete spatial randomness -- Complete theory -- Completely distributive lattice -- Completely Hausdorff space -- Completely metrizable space -- Completely multiplicative function -- Completely randomized design -- Completely regular semigroup -- Completely-S matrix -- Completely uniformizable space -- Completeness -- Completeness (order theory) -- Completeness (statistics) -- Completeness axiom -- Completeness of atomic initial sequents -- Completeness of the real numbers -- Completing the square -- Completion (ring theory) -- Complex analysis -- Complex analytic geometry -- Complex analytic space -- Complex base systems -- Complex cobordism -- Complex conjugate -- Complex conjugate representation -- Complex conjugate root theorem -- Complex conjugate vector space -- Complex convexity -- Complex differential equation -- Complex differential form -- Complex dimension -- Complex dynamics -- Complex geodesic -- Complex geometry -- Complex group -- Complex group (disambiguation) -- Complex Hadamard matrix -- Complex lamellar vector field -- Complex line -- Complex logarithm -- Complex manifold -- Complex measure -- Complex mexican hat wavelet -- Complex multiplication -- Complex network -- Complex network zeta function -- Complex normal distribution -- Complex number -- Complex plane -- Complex polygon -- Complex polytope -- Complex projective plane -- Complex projective space -- Complex quadratic polynomial -- Complex reflection group -- Complex representation -- Complex space -- Complex squaring map -- Complex structure -- Complex structure (disambiguation) -- Complex system biology -- Complex torus -- Complex vector space -- Complex vector space (disambiguation) -- Complex wavelet transform -- Complexification -- Complexity -- Complexity class -- Complexity function -- Complexity index -- Complexor -- Componendo and dividendo -- Component (group theory) -- Component theorem -- Componentwise inequality -- Composant -- Composite field (mathematics) -- Composite number -- Compositio Mathematica -- Composition (number theory) -- Composition algebra -- Composition of relations -- Composition operator -- Composition ring -- Composition series -- Compositional data -- Compositional pattern-producing network -- Compound interest -- Compound of cube and octahedron -- Compound of dodecahedron and icosahedron -- Compound of eight octahedra with rotational freedom -- Compound of eight triangular prisms -- Compound of five cubes -- Compound of five cuboctahedra -- Compound of five cubohemioctahedra -- Compound of five great cubicuboctahedra -- Compound of five great dodecahedra -- Compound of five great icosahedra -- Compound of five great rhombihexahedra -- Compound of five icosahedra -- Compound of five octahedra -- Compound of five octahemioctahedra -- Compound of five small cubicuboctahedra -- Compound of five small rhombicuboctahedra -- Compound of five small rhombihexahedra -- Compound of five small stellated dodecahedra -- Compound of five stellated truncated cubes -- Compound of five tetrahedra -- Compound of five tetrahemihexahedra -- Compound of five truncated cubes -- Compound of five truncated tetrahedra -- Compound of five uniform great rhombicuboctahedra -- Compound of four hexagonal prisms -- Compound of four octahedra -- Compound of four octahedra with rotational freedom -- Compound of four tetrahedra -- Compound of four triangular prisms -- Compound of great icosahedron and great stellated dodecahedron -- Compound of six cubes with rotational freedom -- Compound of six decagonal prisms -- Compound of six decagrammic prisms -- Compound of six pentagonal antiprisms -- Compound of six pentagonal prisms -- Compound of six pentagrammic antiprisms -- Compound of six pentagrammic crossed antiprisms -- Compound of six pentagrammic prisms -- Compound of six square antiprisms -- Compound of six tetrahedra -- Compound of six tetrahedra with rotational freedom -- Compound of small stellated dodecahedron and great dodecahedron -- Compound of ten hexagonal prisms -- Compound of ten octahedra -- Compound of ten tetrahedra -- Compound of ten triangular prisms -- Compound of ten truncated tetrahedra -- Compound of three cubes -- Compound of three square antiprisms -- Compound of three tetrahedra -- Compound of twelve pentagonal antiprisms with rotational freedom -- Compound of twelve pentagonal prisms -- Compound of twelve pentagrammic antiprisms -- Compound of twelve pentagrammic crossed antiprisms with rotational freedom -- Compound of twelve pentagrammic prisms -- Compound of twelve tetrahedra with rotational freedom -- Compound of twenty octahedra -- Compound of twenty octahedra with rotational freedom -- Compound of twenty tetrahemihexahedra -- Compound of twenty triangular prisms -- Compound of two great dodecahedra -- Compound of two great icosahedra -- Compound of two great inverted snub icosidodecahedra -- Compound of two great retrosnub icosidodecahedra -- Compound of two great snub icosidodecahedra -- Compound of two icosahedra -- Compound of two inverted snub dodecadodecahedra -- Compound of two small stellated dodecahedra -- Compound of two snub cubes -- Compound of two snub dodecadodecahedra -- Compound of two snub dodecahedra -- Compound of two snub icosidodecadodecahedra -- Compound of two truncated tetrahedra -- Compound Poisson distribution -- Compound Poisson process -- Compound probability distribution -- Comprehensive School Mathematics Program -- Compressed sensing -- Compression (functional analysis) -- Compression body -- Compression theorem -- Computability in Europe -- Computability logic -- Computability theory -- Computable analysis -- Computable function -- Computable isomorphism -- Computable measure theory -- Computable model theory -- Computable number -- Computable real function -- Computation -- Computation in the limit -- Computation of CRC -- Computation of radiowave attenuation in the atmosphere -- Computation of the permanent of a matrix -- Computation tree -- Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory -- Computational complexity of mathematical operations -- Computational complexity theory -- Computational Diffie–Hellman assumption -- Computational electromagnetics -- Computational finance -- Computational formula for the variance -- Computational geometry -- Computational group theory -- Computational hardness assumption -- Computational indistinguishability -- Computational magnetohydrodynamics -- Computational mathematics -- Computational model -- Computational number theory -- Computational physics -- Computational resource -- Computational science -- Computational statistics -- Computational topology -- Computational tree logic -- Computer algebra system -- Computer-assisted proof -- Computer-based mathematics education -- Computer numbering formats -- Computer representation of surfaces -- Computing (journal) -- Computing the permanent -- Computus --
Concatenated error correction code -- Concatenation (mathematics) -- Concave -- Concave (disambiguation) -- Concave function -- Concave polygon -- Concave set -- Conceiving Ada -- Concentration dimension -- Concentration inequality -- Concentration of measure -- Concentration parameter -- Concentric -- Concepts of Modern Mathematics -- Conceptual graph -- Conchoid (mathematics) -- Conchoid of de Sluze -- Conchoid of Dürer -- Conchospiral -- Concolic testing -- Concordance correlation coefficient -- Concordant pair -- Concrete category -- Concrete Mathematics -- Concrete number -- Concurrent lines -- Concurrent validity -- Concyclic points -- Condegram spiral plot -- Condensation lemma -- Condensation point -- Condition number -- Conditional change model -- Conditional convergence -- Conditional entropy -- Conditional event algebra -- Conditional expectation -- Conditional independence -- Conditional mutual information -- Conditional probability -- Conditional probability distribution -- Conditional proof -- Conditional quantifier -- Conditional random field -- Conditional variance -- Conditionality principle -- Conditioned disjunction -- Conditioning (probability) -- Condorcet's jury theorem -- Conductance (graph) -- Conductor (class field theory) -- Conductor-discriminant formula -- Conductor of an abelian variety -- Cone (category theory) -- Cone (geometry) -- Cone (linear algebra) -- Cone (topology) -- Cone algorithm -- Cone of curves -- Cone-shape distribution function -- Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences -- Conference graph -- Conference matrix -- Confidence band -- Confidence distribution -- Confidence interval -- Confidence region -- Configural frequency analysis -- Configuration (geometry) -- Configuration graph -- Configuration space -- Confirmation bias -- Confirmatory factor analysis -- Confluent hypergeometric function -- Confocal -- Conformable matrix -- Conformal connection -- Conformal dimension -- Conformal equivalence -- Conformal geometry -- Conformal group -- Conformal Killing equation -- Conformal map -- Conformal pictures -- Conformal radius -- Conformal symmetry -- Conformally flat manifold -- Confounding -- Confusion of the inverse -- Congruence (general relativity) -- Congruence (geometry) -- Congruence (manifolds) -- Congruence lattice problem -- Congruence of squares -- Congruence relation -- Congruence subgroup -- Congruent number -- Congruent transformation -- Congruent transformation (disambiguation) -- Congruum -- Conic bundle -- Conic constant -- Conic optimization -- Conic section -- Conical combination -- Conical coordinates -- Conical function -- Conical surface -- Conifold -- Conjecture -- Conjoint analysis -- Conjugacy class -- Conjugacy class sum -- Conjugacy problem -- Conjugate (algebra) -- Conjugate closure -- Conjugate diameters -- Conjugate element (field theory) -- Conjugate Fourier series -- Conjugate gradient method -- Conjugate index -- Conjugate-permutable subgroup -- Conjugate points -- Conjugate prior -- Conjugate residual method -- Conjugate transpose -- Conjugated line -- Conjugation -- Conjugation (disambiguation) -- Conjugation of isometries in Euclidean space -- Conjunction elimination -- Conjunction introduction -- Conjunctive grammar -- Conjunctive normal form -- Conley index theory -- Connect (game) -- Connected category -- Connected component -- Connected component (disambiguation) -- Connected component (graph theory) -- Connected dominating set -- Connected Mathematics -- Connected ring -- Connected space -- Connected sum -- Connectedness -- Connectedness locus -- Connection (algebraic framework) -- Connection (mathematics) -- Connection (principal bundle) -- Connection (vector bundle) -- Connection form -- Connectivity (graph theory) -- Connector (mathematics) -- Connes embedding problem -- Connexive logic -- Conoid -- Consensus-based assessment -- Consensus dynamics -- Consensus forecast -- Consensus theorem -- Conservation form -- Conservation law -- Conservative extension -- Conservative force -- Conservative vector field -- Conservativity theorem -- Conserved current -- Conserved quantity -- Consimilar matrix -- Consistency -- Consistency (statistics) -- Consistent estimator -- Consistent heuristic -- Consistent pricing process -- Constance Kamii -- Constant (mathematics) -- Constant amplitude zero autocorrelation waveform -- Constant coefficients -- Constant curvature -- Constant factor rule in differentiation -- Constant factor rule in integration -- Constant function -- Constant of integration -- Constant problem -- Constant Q transform -- Constant sheaf -- Constant term -- Constrained Delaunay triangulation -- Constrained generalized inverse -- Constraint (mathematics) -- Constraint algorithm -- Constraint counting -- Constraint graph -- Constraint graph (layout) -- Constraint hypergraph -- Constraint inference -- Constraint optimization -- Constraint satisfaction problem -- Construct validity -- Constructibility -- Constructibility (disambiguation) -- Constructible function -- Constructible number -- Constructible polygon -- Constructible set (topology) -- Constructible sheaf -- Constructible topology -- Constructible universe -- Construction of the real numbers -- Constructions of low-discrepancy sequences -- Constructive analysis -- Constructive Approximation -- Constructive dilemma -- Constructive function theory -- Constructive non-standard analysis -- Constructive proof -- Constructive quantum field theory -- Constructive set theory -- Constructive solid geometry -- Constructivism (mathematics) -- Consumer math -- Consumption distribution -- Contact (mathematics) -- Contact dynamics -- Contact geometry -- Contact process (mathematics) -- Contact type -- Containment order -- Content (algebra) -- Content (measure theory) -- Content validity -- Context change potential -- Context-free grammar -- Context of computational complexity -- Context-sensitive grammar -- Context-sensitive language -- Contiguity -- Contiguity (probability theory) -- Contingency (philosophy) -- Contingency table -- Continuant (mathematics) -- Continuation map -- Continued fraction -- Continued fraction factorization -- Continuity correction -- Continuity equation -- Continuity set -- Continuity theorem -- Continuity theorem (disambiguation) -- Continuous big q-Hermite polynomials -- Continuous dual Hahn polynomials -- Continuous dual q-Hahn polynomials -- Continuous function -- Continuous function (set theory) -- Continuous functional calculus -- Continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space -- Continuous geometry -- Continuous graph -- Continuous Hahn polynomials -- Continuous knapsack problem -- Continuous linear extension -- Continuous linear operator -- Continuous mapping theorem -- Continuous modelling -- Continuous optimization -- Continuous predicate -- Continuous product -- Continuous Progress Mathematics -- Continuous q-Hahn polynomials -- Continuous q-Hermite polynomials -- Continuous q-Jacobi polynomials -- Continuous q-Laguerre polynomials -- Continuous stochastic process -- Continuous symmetry -- Continuous-time Markov process -- Continuous-time stochastic process -- Continuous wavelet -- Continuous wavelet transform -- Continuously compounded nominal and real returns -- Continuously embedded -- Continuum (set theory) -- Continuum (topology) -- Continuum function -- Continuum hypothesis -- Contorsion tensor -- Contour line -- Contour set -- Contourlet -- Contractible space -- Contraction (operator theory) -- Contraction hierarchies -- Contraction mapping -- Contraction principle -- Contraction principle (disambiguation) -- Contraction principle (large deviations theory) -- Contradiction -- Contraharmonic mean -- Contranormal subgroup -- Contraposition -- Contraposition (traditional logic) -- Contrast (statistics) -- Contributions of Leonhard Euler to mathematics -- Control flow graph -- Control limits -- Control-Lyapunov function -- Control of chaos -- Control reconfiguration -- Control system -- Control theory -- Control variates -- Control volume -- Controllability -- Controllability Gramian -- Controlled invariant subspace -- Controller (control theory) -- Controlling for a variable -- Controversy over Cantor's theory -- Conull set -- Convection–diffusion equation -- Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938 -- Convergence (mathematics) -- Convergence in measure -- Convergence of Fourier series -- Convergence of measures -- Convergence of random variables -- Convergence problem -- Convergence tests -- Convergent (continued fraction) -- Convergent series -- Convergent validity -- Converse (mathematics) -- Converse implication -- Converse nonimplication -- Converse theorem -- Conversion (logic) -- Conversion between quaternions and Euler angles -- Convex analysis -- Convex and concave polygons -- Convex bipartite graph -- Convex body -- Convex combination -- Convex cone -- Convex conjugate -- Convex curve -- Convex function -- Convex geometry -- Convex hull -- Convex hull algorithms -- Convex lattice polytope -- Convex metric space -- Convex optimization -- Convex plane graph -- Convex polytope -- Convex regular 4-polytope -- Convex set -- Convex uniform honeycomb -- Convex uniform honeycombs in hyperbolic space -- Convexity in economics -- Convexoid operator -- Convolution -- Convolution of probability distributions -- Convolution power -- Convolution random number generator -- Convolution theorem -- Convolutional code -- Conway base 13 function -- Conway chained arrow notation -- Conway group -- Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution -- Conway notation (knot theory) -- Conway polyhedron notation -- Conway polynomial (finite fields) -- Conway puzzle -- Conway triangle notation -- Conway's Game of Life -- Conway's LUX method for magic squares -- Conway's Soldiers -- Conway's thrackle conjecture --
Cook–Levin theorem -- Cook's distance -- Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm -- Cooperative game -- Coorbit theory -- Coordinate-free -- Coordinate-induced basis -- Coordinate rotations and reflections -- Coordinate space -- Coordinate system -- Coordinate vector -- Copeland–Erdős constant -- Copenhagen interpretation -- Cophenetic correlation -- Coplanarity -- Copositive matrix -- Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm -- Coprime -- Coproduct -- COPSS Presidents' Award -- Copula (probability theory) -- Copying mechanism -- CORDIC -- Core (graph theory) -- Core (group) -- Core damage frequency -- Core model -- Core-Plus Mathematics Project -- Corecursion -- Coreflexive relation -- Coreset -- Cornacchia's algorithm -- Corner -- Corner-point grid -- Corner solution -- Corner transfer matrix -- Corners theorem -- Corollary -- Corona set -- Corona theorem -- Correct sampling -- Correction for attenuation -- Correlate summation analysis -- Correlation (projective geometry) -- Correlation and dependence -- Correlation clustering -- Correlation dimension -- Correlation does not imply causation -- Correlation function -- Correlation function (astronomy) -- Correlation function (quantum field theory) -- Correlation function (statistical mechanics) -- Correlation immunity -- Correlation inequality -- Correlation integral -- Correlation ratio -- Correlation sum -- Correlogram -- Correspondence (mathematics) -- Correspondence analysis -- Correspondence principle -- Corresponding angles -- Corresponding conditional (logic) -- Corresponding sides --
Coset -- Coset construction -- Coset enumeration -- Coset leader -- Cosmic space -- Cosmic time -- Cosmic variance -- Cosocle -- Costa's minimal surface -- Costas array -- Costate equations -- Cotangent bundle -- Cotangent complex -- Cotangent space -- Cotes' spiral -- Cotlar–Stein lemma -- Cotolerant sequence -- Cotorsion group -- Cotton tensor -- Coulomb wave function -- Council for the Mathematical Sciences -- Count data -- Count On -- Countable chain condition -- Countable set -- Countably compact space -- Countably generated space -- Counter -- Counterexample -- Counterexamples in Topology -- Counternull -- Counting -- Counting board -- Counting measure -- Counting points on elliptic curves -- Counting process -- Counting quantification -- Counting rods -- Countryman line -- Couple -- Couple (disambiguation) -- Coupled map lattice -- Coupling (probability) -- Coupling from the past -- Coupon collector's problem -- Coupon collector's problem (generating function approach) -- Courant algebroid -- Courant bracket -- Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition -- Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences -- Courant minimax principle -- Course-of-values recursion -- Cousin prime -- Cousin problems -- Cousin's theorem --
Covariance -- Covariance and contravariance -- Covariance and contravariance (disambiguation) -- Covariance and contravariance of vectors -- Covariance and correlation -- Covariance function -- Covariance intersection -- Covariance matrix -- Covariant classical field theory -- Covariant derivative -- Covariant Hamiltonian field theory -- Covariant transformation -- Covariate -- Cover (algebra) -- Cover (topology) -- Coverage data -- Coverage factor -- Covering code -- Covering graph -- Covering group -- Covering groups of the alternating and symmetric groups -- Covering lemma -- Covering number -- Covering problem -- Covering problem of Rado -- Covering radius -- Covering relation -- Covering set -- Covering space -- Covering system -- Covering theorem -- Covering theorem (disambiguation) --
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model -- Cox process -- Cox-Zucker machine -- Cox's theorem -- Coxeter–Dynkin diagram -- Coxeter element -- Coxeter graph -- Coxeter group -- Coxeter–James Prize -- Coxeter notation -- Coxeter–Todd lattice -- Coxeter's loxodromic sequence of tangent circles -- CP decomposition -- CPCTC -- CR manifold -- Cracovian -- Craig interpolation -- Craig's theorem -- Cram (game) -- Cram (games) -- Cramér–Rao bound -- Cramér–von Mises criterion -- Cramér–Wold theorem -- Cramér's conjecture -- Cramer's paradox -- Cramer's rule -- Cramér's theorem -- Cramér's V -- Crank–Nicolson method -- Craps principle --
Creative and productive sets -- Credal set -- Credible interval -- Crelle's Journal -- Cremona group -- Crepant resolution -- Crew scheduling -- Criss-cross algorithm -- Criterion validity -- Critical graph -- Critical group -- Critical pair -- Critical pair (order theory) -- Critical point -- Critical point (disambiguation) -- Critical point (mathematics) -- Critical point (set theory) -- Critical value -- Criticism of non-standard analysis -- Crofton formula -- Cromwell's rule -- Cronbach's alpha -- Crore -- Cross-cap -- Cross-correlation -- Cross-covariance -- Cross entropy -- Cross-entropy method -- Cross-figure -- Cross-multiplication -- Cross-polytope -- Cross product -- Cross-ratio -- Cross section (geometry) -- Cross-sectional regression -- Cross tabulation -- Cross-validation (statistics) -- Crossbar theorem -- Crosscap number -- Crossed ladders problem -- Crossed module -- Crossed product -- Crossing number -- Crossing number (disambiguation) -- Crossing number (graph theory) -- Crossing number (knot theory) -- Crout matrix decomposition -- Crown graph --
Cruciform curve -- Crumpled cube -- Crunode -- Cryptanalysis -- Cryptographic hash function -- Cryptography -- Cryptomorphism -- Cryptonomicon -- Crystal Ball function -- Crystal base -- Crystal structure -- Crystal system -- Crystalline cohomology -- Crystallographic point group -- Crystallographic restriction theorem -- Császár polyhedron -- Cuban prime -- Cube -- Cube (algebra) -- Cube (film) -- Cube-connected cycles -- Cube root -- Cube root of two -- Cube Zero -- Cubic -- Cubic (disambiguation) -- Cubic field -- Cubic form -- Cubic function -- Cubic graph -- Cubic group -- Cubic group (disambiguation) -- Cubic harmonic -- Cubic Hermite spline -- Cubic honeycomb -- Cubic plane curve -- Cubic reciprocity -- Cubic surface -- Cubic threefold -- Cubitruncated cuboctahedron -- Cuboctahedral prism -- Cuboctahedron -- Cubohemioctahedron -- Cuboid --
Cuckoo search -- Cue validity -- Cuisenaire rods -- Cullen number -- Cullen prime -- Cultural algorithm -- Cumulant -- Cumulant-generating function -- Cumulative distribution function -- Cumulative frequency (disambiguation) -- Cumulative frequency analysis -- Cunningham chain -- Cunningham function -- Cunningham number -- Cunningham project -- Cuntz algebra -- Cup product -- Cupola (geometry) -- Curl (mathematics) -- Current (mathematics) -- Current algebra -- Current Index to Statistics -- Curry–Howard correspondence -- Curry's paradox -- Currying -- Curse of dimensionality -- Curta calculator -- Curtis–Hedlund–Lyndon theorem -- Curvature -- Curvature form -- Curvature invariant -- Curvature invariant (general relativity) -- Curvature of a measure -- Curvature of Riemannian manifolds -- Curvature tensor -- Curvature tensor (disambiguation) -- Curve -- Curve fitting -- Curve-fitting compaction -- Curve of constant width -- Curve orientation -- Curve sketching -- Curved space -- Curvelet -- Curves in differential geometry -- Curvilinear coordinates -- Curvilinear perspective --
Cusp (singularity) -- Cusp form -- Cusp neighborhood -- Cuspidal representation -- CUSUM -- Cut (graph theory) -- Cut-elimination theorem -- Cut locus (Riemannian manifold) -- Cut-point -- Cut-the-Knot -- Cuthill–McKee algorithm -- Cutler's bar notation -- Cutting-plane method -- Cutting stock problem -- Cuzick–Edwards test -- CW complex -- Cyberchase -- Cybernetics -- Cycle (graph theory) -- Cycle (mathematics) -- Cycle decomposition -- Cycle decomposition (disambiguation) -- Cycle decomposition (graph theory) -- Cycle detection -- Cycle double cover -- Cycle graph -- Cycle graph (algebra) -- Cycle index -- Cycle notation -- Cycle per second -- Cycle rank -- Cycle space -- Cycles and fixed points -- Cyclic (mathematics) -- Cyclic category -- Cyclic code -- Cyclic group -- Cyclic homology -- Cyclic module -- Cyclic negation -- Cyclic number -- Cyclic number (group theory) -- Cyclic order -- Cyclic permutation -- Cyclic polytope -- Cyclic quadrilateral -- Cyclic redundancy check -- Cyclic surgery theorem -- Cyclic symmetries -- Cyclically ordered group -- Cyclically reduced word -- Cyclohedron -- Cycloid -- Cyclostationary process -- Cyclotomic character -- Cyclotomic field -- Cyclotomic identity -- Cyclotomic polynomial -- Cyclotomic unit --
CYK algorithm -- Cylinder (geometry) -- Cylinder set -- Cylinder set measure -- Cylindric algebra -- Cylindrical σ-algebra -- Cylindrical algebraic decomposition -- Cylindrical coordinate system -- Cylindrical harmonics -- Cylindrical multipole moments -- Cylindrification -- Cylindroid -- Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad -- Cyprus Mathematical Society -- Cyrillic numerals -- Cyrus–Beck algorithm --