180 (2011 American film)
180 Movie
“180” is a 33-minute award-winning documentary[1] produced by best-selling author and TV co-host of the Way of the Master program (with actor, Kirk Cameron), Ray Comfort.
According to Comfort, “180" wasn’t the video I meant to produce. I wrote a book called "Hitler, God and the Bible" and asked my publisher (World Net Daily) if they would like a free video to go with the book. They said they would, so I ended up interviewing 14 people—mainly university students, who had no idea who Adolf Hitler was.” Comfort also filmed two neo-Nazis and a Russian Jew who lost loved ones to Nazis. Those interviewed in 180 are put into a moral dilemma: “It’s 1943. A German officer has a gun pointed at you. He wants you to get in to a bulldozer and drive it forward. In front of the bulldozer is a pit in which there are 300 Jews who have just been shot. Some of them are still alive. He wants you to bury them alive! If you don’t do what he says, he is going to kill you and do it himself. If you do what he says, he will let you live. Would you drive it forward?” Comfort said, “If the person would refuse to bury them, on a compassion basis, I would ask “So, how then do you feel about abortion?” and then asked them one other question, and was amazed at how many did a complete 180 and changed from being adamantly pro-abortion, to being pro-life, in seconds“[2]
Went Viral
Within days, the 180 had over half a million views on Youtube[3] and over 9,000 comments. Comfort said, "I am very thankful for the Internet. It is so often used for evil, but in this case it is being used for good. In just 10 days 180Movie.com has had over 600,000 views. Keep in mind that this isn't a one-minute humorous clip that doesn't bite into your day. This is a commitment of 33 minutes of intense film, giving the viewer a rollercoaster ride of emotions. In an age where there's more chance of flossing the back teeth of hungry lions at the LA Zoo at feeding time than getting '180' on secular television, millions are going to see it uncensored via the Internet … and many will change their minds about abortion.”
Joni Erikson Tada, Kay Arthur, John Piper, Ken Ham, Randy Alcorn, Mark Hall, Francis Chan, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and many other Christian leaders endorsed 180.[4]