Hello, my name is Casey, and I am from Rochester, New York. I am an avid Wikipedia user, and I like to contribute whenever possible, (although I often forget to sign in so I often contribute under my IP address!).
I always try to be a helpful member of the Wikipedia community and I love to add my particular expertise whenever I can. I am particularly knowledgeable on popular music from the Tin Pan Alley era through the 1950s, as well as on the subject of Hollywood's Golden Age. I am also interested in antiques, particularly antique instruments (including player pianos, pump organs, clavichords, harpsichords and the celesta) Thomas Edison, and 19th Century literature, particularly Charles Dickens. I love Christmas and Victorian era England. I am also interested in the history of recording technology (especially the cylinder phonograph and the Victrola) and television; I I have a great deal of knowledge on the history of a variety of television genres, especially soap operas.