Show Me Show Me
Show Me Show Me is a television show on CBeebies presented by Chris Jarvis and Pui Fan Lee. They teach and show children and read stories about their toys. The presenters were former CBeebies presenters but Alex and Kerry replaced them.
It features five toys, Stuffy the soft fabric cube, Momo the robot, Knitted Miss Mouse , Teddington the teddy bear and Toddler Tom the felt doll, all of which appear in their own song.
Some episode have an animated section featuring a cartoon called Uki, where a little yellow character called Uki who is neither male or female who conveys emotions through laughter and smiles.[1]
Other episodes have Penelope the inquisitive blue koala as the animated section.[2]
Each episode begins by climbing the 10 storey tower block lift where a child's voice counts from one to ten. Subsequently to reaching 10 the tower reaches Chris and Pui's play room where a magical world of fun and games are explored.[3]
In the middle of the show usually around 13 minutes one of the characters songs will be featured also some episode have a story read by one of the presenters instead.
Each episode shows something different through the magical telescope such as combine harvesters, or sandcastles, to teach children about different things. Near the end of each episode there is a sequence of a shop usually Chris runs it, with Pui coming as different characters such as the Grand Old Duke of York, Little Bo Peep and twinkle the star.
The format of the show appears to be based on Playschool - the famous BBC programme from the '70s and '80s.
The show has been generally well received with it receiving 3 to 4 stars from reviewers on the CBeebies website.