Andersen healthcare utilization model
The Andersen model is a conceptual model aimed at demonstrating the factors that lead to the use of health services. According to the model, physician usage is determined by three dynamics: predisposing factors, enabling factors, and need. Predisposing factors can be characteristics such as race, age, and health beliefs. Examples of enabling factors could be family support, access to health insurance, one's community etc. Need represents both perceived and actual need for health care services. The original model was developed by Ronald M. Andersen, a health services professor at UCLA, in 1968. The original model was expanded through numerous iterations and its most recent form models past the use of services to end at health outcomes and includes feedback loops.
Access and Mutability
A major motivation for the development of the model was to offer measures of access. Andersen discusses four concepts within access that can be viewed through the conceptual framework. Potential access is the presence of enabling resources, allowing the individual to seek care if needed. Realized access is the actual use of care, shown as the outcome of interest in the earlier models. The Andersen framework also makes a distinction between equitable and inequitable access. Equitable access is driven by demographic characteristics and need whereas inequitable access is a result of social structure, health beliefs, and enabling resources.
Earlier Models
The initial behavior model was an attempt to study of why a family uses health services. However, due to the heterogeneity of family members the model focused on the individual rather than the family as the unit of analysis. Andersen also states that the model functions both to predict and explain use of health services.
A second model was developed in the 1970s in conjunction with Aday and colleagues at the University of Chicago. This iteration includes systematic concepts of health care such as current policy, resources, and organization. The second generation model also extends the outcome of interest beyond utilization to consumer satisfaction.
The next generation of the model builds upon this idea by including health status (both perceived and evaluated) as outcomes alongside consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, this model include personal health practices as an antecedent to outcomes, acknowledging that it not solely use of health services that drives health and satisfaction.
Current Model
The latest iteration of Andersen’s conceptual framework focuses on the individual as the unit of analysis and goes beyond health care utilization, adopting health outcomes as the endpoint of interest. This model is further differentiated from its predecessors by using a feedback loop to illustrate that health outcomes may affect aspects such as health beliefs, and need. By using the framework’s relationships we can determine the directionality of the effect following a change in an individual’s characteristics or environment. For example, if one experiences an increase in need as a result of an infection, the Andersen model predicts this will lead to an increased use of services (all else equal).
Criticisms and Rebuttals
The model has been criticizd for not paying enough attention to culture and social interaction but Andersen argues this is included in the social structure component. (Portes kyle eaton 1992)
Overemphasizing need and at the expense of health beliefs and social structure. (WOlinsky and Johnson 1991) However, Andersen argues need itself is a social construct. This is why need is split into perceived and evaluated. Where evaluated need represents a more measurable/objective need, perceived need is partly determined by health beliefs, such as whether or not they think their condition serious enough to seek health services.