Fairy Tail is an anime series based on the manga of the same name written by Hiro Mashima. The series is directed by Shinji Ishihara, written by Masashi Sogo, and animated by A-1 Pictures and Satelight. The series follows the adventures of the wizard Lucy Heartfilia after she joins the Fairy Tail wizards' guild and partners with Natsu Dragneel, who is searching for the dragon Igneel. It began broadcasting in Japan on TV Tokyo on October 12, 2009 and is currently airing its third year.[1] The first DVD compilation was released in Japan on January 29, 2010, with individual volumes released monthly. In 2010, Animax Asia licensed the series for an English-language release in Southeast Asia. It premiered on September 30, 2010, but was canceled following the first season due to time limitations; however, it resumed airing episodes beginning with the second season on February 10, 2012.[2] In 2011, Funimation Entertainment licensed the first season for an English-language release in North America. The first DVD set was released on November 22, 2011.[3]
Twenty pieces of theme music have been used for the episodes: ten opening themes and ten ending themes. For the first eleven episodes, the opening theme song is "Snow Fairy" by Funkist and the ending theme is "Kanpeki Gū no ne" (完璧ぐ〜のね, "Complete Loss for Words") by Watarirouka Hashiritai. The second opening and ending theme songs, which are used for episodes 12 through 24, are "S.O.W - Sense of Wonder" (S.O.W.センスオブワンダー, S.O.W Sensu obu Wondā) by Idoling!!! and "Tsuioku Merry-Go-Round" (追憶メリーゴーランド, Tsuioku Merīgōrando, "Reminiscence Merry Go Round") by Onelifecrew, respectively. For episodes 25 through 35, the opening used is "Ft." by Funkist and the ending is "Gomen ne Watashi" (ごめんね。私, "I'm Sorry") by Shiho Nanba. For episodes 36 through 48, the opening used is "R.P.G. (Rockin' Playing Game)" by SuG and the ending theme is "Kimi ga Iru Kara" (君がいるから, "Because You Are Here") by Mikuni Shimokawa. Episodes 49 through 60 feature "Egao no Mahō" (エガオノマホウ, "Magic Smile") by Magic Party and "Holy Shine" by Daisy x Daisy as the fifth opening and ending for the series, respectively. For episodes 61 through 72, the sixth opening song is "Fiesta" by +Plus, and the sixth ending is "Be as One" by W-inds. The seventh opening is "Evidence" by Daisy x Daisy and the seventh ending is "Lonely Person" by ShaNa, used for episodes 73 through 85. The eighth opening is "The Rock City Boy" by Jamil and the eighth ending is "Don't Think. Feel!!!" by Idoling!!!, used between episodes 86 through 98. For episodes 99 through 111, the ninth opening is "Towa no Kizuna" (永久(とわ)のキズナ, "Everlasting Bond") by Daisy x Daisy and the ninth ending is "Kono Te Nobashite" (この手を伸ばして, "Reach Out This Hand") by Hi-Fi Camp. Beginning with episode 112, the tenth opening is "I Wish" by Milky Bunny and the tenth ending is "Boys Be Ambitious!!" by Hi-Fi Camp.[4]