A dictionary is a list of words with their definitions, a list of characters with their glyphs, or a list of words with corresponding words in other languages. In some languages, words can appear in many different forms, but only the lemma form appears as the main word or headword in most dictionaries. Many dictionaries also provide pronunciation information; grammatical information; word derivations, histories, or etymologies; illustrations; usage guidance; and examples in phrases or sentences. Dictionaries are most commonly found in the form of a book.
Word order
Today, dictionaries of languages with alphabetic and syllabic writing systems list words in alphabetical or some analogous phonetic order. Words and characters in ideographic writing systems such as Chinese are sorted according to one of numerous schemes based on the components, number of strokes, overall shape, or pronunciation of each character. Due to the nature of Chinese characters, linear sorts are particularly unsuitable for Chinese dictionaries. (See collation for more information on linguistic sorting).
The first English alphabetical dictionary came out in 1604 and alphabetical ordering was a rarity until the 18th century. Before alphabetical listings, dictionaries were organized by topic, i.e. a list of animals all together in one topic.
Dictionaries have had a variety of means of expressing the means of pronouncing words in those languages that are not entirely phonetic. Three different methods are common.
The earliest was simply to indicate the syllables that have greater stress using accent marks, such as in Samuel Johnson's eighteenth century dictionary. Here the accent mark followed the stressed syllable. This is analogous to the tonal marks for Chinese or the accent nucleus for Japanese. Regular languages such as Spanish do not need any special marking for this purpose.
For languages that have no official standard pronunciation, like English or German, a system of respelling was introduced with the letters given diacritics, also known as accent marks, (e.g., macrons, tildes, breves, circumflexes) that do not occur in ordinary writing, to assist the reader in pronouncing the words. These had the additional capacity for accepting regional differences, especially in a federal society. For example, most Americans pronounce the first vowel in one group of words such as "ask" and "dance" in one manner, while it is standard for the English to pronounce them in a consistently different manner. Some dictionaries before 1970 added an accent mark of one dot atop the letter "a," which specifies this choice, rather than either one definitively.
Finally, totally new phonetic alphabets such as IPA were devised, especially for those languages like French which have an official pronunciation. These use an accent mark that precedes a stressed syllable. It is also used to indicate only one preferred pronunciation, such as RP or General American, for foreigners to learn the language or for domestic people to alter their dialect. Currently this system has prestige, but it cannot easily interrelate dialectic variations.
Dictionaries vary wildly in size and scope. A dictionary that attempts to cover as many words from a particular speech community as possible is called a maximizing dictionary (e.g. the Oxford English Dictionary), whereas a dictionary that attempts to cover only a limited selection of words from a speech community is called a minimizing dictionary (e.g. a dictionary containing the 2000 most frequently used words in the English language).
Special-purpose dictionaries
There are many different types of dictionaries, including bilingual, multilingual, historical, biographical, and geographical dictionaries.
Bilingual dictionaries
In bilingual dictionaries, each entry has translations of words in another language. For example, in a Japanese-English dictionary, the entry tsuki has the corresponding English word, moon. In dictionaries between English and a language using a non-Roman script, entry words in the non-English language may be either printed and sorted in the native order, or romanized and sorted in Roman alphabetical order.
Specialized dictionaries
Specialized dictionaries (also referred to as technical dictionaries) focus on linguistic and factual matters relating to specific subject fields. A specialized dictionary may have a relatively broad coverage, e.g. a picture dictionary, in that it covers several subject fields such as science and technology (a multi-field dictionary), or their coverage may be more narrow, in that they cover one particular subject field such as law (a single-field dictionary) or even a specific sub-field such as contract law (a sub-field dictionary). Specialized dictionaries may be maximizing dictionaries, i.e. they attempt to achieve comprehensive coverage of the terms in the subject field concerned, or they may be minimizing dictionaries, i.e. they attempt to cover only a limited number of the specialized vocabulary concerned. Generally, multi-field dictionaries tend to be minimizing, whereas single-field and sub-field dictionaries tend to be maximizing. See also LSP dictionary.
Character dictionaries
In East Asian languages, a dictionary form for Han (Chinese) characters has developed, called Kan-wa jiten (literally 'Han-Japanese dictionary') in Japanese and Okpyeon ('Jewel Book') in Korean. Each entry has one Chinese character with information about stroke count and order, readings (pronunciations), and a list of words using that character.
Data dictionaries
Data sets and databases collected and utilized for statistical analysis are typically accompanied by, or able to be used to generate, a list of all variable names used within the data set, as well as matters such as their meaning, values, level of measurement, length, decimal allowances, and stype (numeric, string, etc.)
Another variant is the glossary, an alphabetical list of defined terms in a specialized field, such as medicine or science. The simplest dictionary, a defining dictionary, provides a core glossary of the simplest meanings of the simplest concepts. From these, other concepts can be explained and defined, in particular for those who are first learning a language. In English, the commercial defining dictionaries typically include only one or two meanings of under 2000 words. With these, the rest of English, and even the 4000 most common English idioms and metaphors, can be defined.
Variations between dictionaries
Prescription and description
Dictionary makers apply two basic philosophies to the defining of words: prescriptive or descriptive. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is descriptive, and attempts to describe the actual use of words. Noah Webster, on the other hand, intent on forging a distinct identity for the American language, altered spellings and accentuated differences in meaning and pronunciation of numerous words. This is why American English now uses the spelling "color" while the rest of the world uses "colour". (See American and British English differences.) While disapproved of in the UK, the US spellings are universally understood; likewise the British spellings are not acceptable in America.
While descriptivists would charge that prescriptivism is an unnatural attempt to dictate usage or curtail change, prescriptivists would argue that to document, without judgment, usages which they consider improper or inferior sanctions those usages by default, causing the language to deteriorate in practice. Although much is made of these differing views, they usually apply to a very small number of controversial words, while not affecting the vast majority for which there is common agreement. But the softening of usage notations, from the previous edition, for two words, ain't and irregardless, out of over 450,000 in Webster's Third in 1961, was enough to provoke outrage among many with prescriptivist leanings, who branded the dictionary as "permissive."
The prescriptive/descriptive issue has been given so much consideration in modern times that most dictionaries of English apply the descriptive method to definitions, while additionally informing readers of attitudes which may influence their choices on words often considered vulgar, offensive, erroneous, or easily confused. Merriam-Webster is subtle, only adding italicized notations such as, sometimes offensive or nonstand (nonstandard.) American Heritage goes further, discussing issues separately in numerous "usage notes." Encarta provides similar notes, but is more prescriptive, offering warnings and admonitions against the use of certain words considered by many to be offensive or illiterate, such as, "an offensive term for..." or "a taboo term meaning..."
Because of the broad use of dictionaries, and their acceptance by many as language authorities, their treatment of the language does affect usage to some degree, even the most descriptive dictionaries providing conservative continuity. In the long run, however, usage primarily determines the meanings of words in English, and the language is being changed and created every day. As Jorge Luis Borges says in the prologue to "El otro, el mismo": "It is often forgotten that (dictionaries) are artificial repositories, put together well after the languages they define. The roots of language are irrational and of a magical nature."
Other variations
Since words and their meanings develop over time, dictionary entries are organized to reflect these changes. Dictionaries may either list meanings in the historical order in which they appeared, or may list meanings in order of popularity and most common use.
Dictionaries also differ in the degree to which they are encyclopedic, providing considerable background information, illustrations, and the like, or linguistic, concentrating on etymology, nuances of meaning, and quotations demonstrating usage.
Any dictionary has been designed to fulfil one or more functions. The dictionary functions chosen by the maker(s) of the dictionary provide the basis for all lexicographic decisions, from the selection of entry words, over the choice of information types, to the choice of place for the information (e.g. in an article or in an appendix). There are two main types of function. The communication-oriented functions comprise text reception (understanding), text production, text revision, and translation. The knowledge-oriented functions deal with situations where the dictionary is used for acquiring specific knowledge about a particular matter, and for acquiring general knowledge about something. The optimal dictionary is one that contains information directly relevant for the needs of the users relating to one or more of these functions. It is important that the information is presented in a way that keeps the lexicographic information costs at a minimum.
The art and craft of writing dictionaries is called lexicography.
One of the earliest dictionaries known, and which is still extant today in an abridged form, was written in Latin during the reign of the emperor Augustus. It is known by the title "De Significatu Verborum" ("On the meaning of words") and was originally compiled by Verrius Flaccus. It was twice abridged in succeeding centuries, first by Festus, and then by Paul the Deacon. Verrius Flaccus' dictionary was an abridged list of difficult or antiquated words, whose usage was illustrated by quotations from early Roman authors.
Shuo Wen Jie Zi (说文解字), written in the early 2nd century, was the first Chinese language dictionary. The author Xu Shen first organized Chinese characters by radical.
The first true English dictionary was the Table Alphabeticall of 1604, although it only included 3,000 words and the definitions it contained were little more than synonyms. The first one to be at all comprehensive was Thomas Blount's dictionary Glossographia of 1656. This was followed by Samuel Johnson's famous and more complete dictionary of 1755.
In 1806, Noah Webster's dictionary was published by the G&C Merriam Company of Springfield, Massachusetts which still publishes Merriam-Webster dictionaries, but the term Webster's is considered generic and can be used by any dictionary.
The most complete dictionary of the English language is the Oxford English Dictionary. The first edition was properly begun in 1860 and was completed in 1928, by which time a supplement that took an additional five years to complete was already necessary.
Also see A Brief History of English Lexicography ʄ
The Irish mathematical physicist, J. L. Synge, created a game, Game of Circ, to emphasize the circular reasoning implicit in the defining process of any standard dictionary.
List of major dictionaries
- Kitab al-Ayn
- Al Mujam al waseet
- Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic
- Shuowen Jiezi(《说文解字》)(an dictionary of ancient Chinese)
- Kangxi dictionary(《康熙字典》)(an dictionary of ancient Chinese)
- Rime dictionary
- Xinhua dictionary(《新华字典》)(an dictionary of contemporary Chinese)
NOTE:All the Chinese given above are in simplified Chinese character.(in GB code, not in Unicode)
- Oxford English Dictionary (descriptive)
- Concise Oxford Dictionary
- New Oxford Dictionary of English
- New Oxford American Dictionary
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary
- Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language (prescriptive)
- Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language (prescriptive)
- Webster's Third New International Dictionary (descriptive)
- The Century Dictionary
- The Macquarie Dictionary, a dictionary of Australian English
- The Chambers Dictionary
- The Collins COBUILD
- The Collins English Dictionary
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Law Dictionary - includes legal terms from the Bouvier Law Dictionary.
- W3Dictionary - incorporates several popular and reliable dictionaries into one online source.
- Dean's Law Dictionary - created by artificial intelligence with over 185,000 terms and 300,000 case cites.
- Wiktionary
- Le dictionnaire de l'Académie française (prescriptive)
- Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française ("Le Robert") (descriptive)
- Petit Robert (abridgement)
- Dictionnaire de la langue française (Littré)
- Duden
- Der Große Muret Sanders by Langenscheidt
- Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~cd2/drw/
- Deutsches Wörterbuch by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm http://www.dwb.uni-trier.de/
- Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache http://www.dwds.de/?woerterbuch=1&qu=
- PONS Großwörterbuch Englisch
- The Complete Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Hebrew
- Even-Shoshan Dictionary
- De Mauro Italian definition
- Oxford Paravia Italian«--»English
- Garzanti Linguistica Italian definition, Italian«--»English, Italian«--»French (free registration is required)
- Programma Dizionario Over 90 free dictionaries from/to Italian by Dictionary Team
- Main article: Japanese dictionaries
- Shin Meikai kokugo jiten (新明解国語辞典), a medium-sized Japanese-Japanese dictionary
- Kōjien (広辞苑), a large, often quoted Japanese-Japanese dictionary
- Nihon Kokugo Daijiten (日本国語大辞典), the largest Japanese-Japanese dictionary, in 14 volumes
- Shogakukan Progressive Japanese-English Dictionary (小学館 プログレッシブ和英中辞典), a medium-sized Japanese-English Dictionary
- Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary (新和英大辞典), the largest Japanese-English Dictionary
- Dai Kan-Wa jiten (大漢和辞典), a comprehensive kanji dictionary containing about 50,000 characters.
- Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa (Dicionário Aurélio)
- Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa
- Michaelis
- Dicionário do Português Contemporâneo (Lisbon Academy of Sciences)
- Grande Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa (Porto Editora)
- Priberam
- Vladimir Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language
- Sergei Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language (Slovar' Russkogo Yazyka)
- Dictionary of International Words (Slovar' Inostrannykh Slov)
- Diccionario de la Real Academia Española [1]
- Diccionario de uso del español de María Moliner
English into Urdu Dictionary http://www.urduseek.com/
- Cambridge University Press
- Chambers Harrap
- Collins
- Funk and Wagnalls
- Merriam-Webster
- Oxford University Press
- Longman
- Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
List of online dictionaries
Online versions of printed dictionaries
- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- The Compact Oxford English Dictionary
- Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary etc. (Cambridge Dictionaries Online)
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary 4th edition (note: Korean site, but all results in English)
- Talking, fully crosslinked dictionary using Webster, Wiktionary and Wikipedia
- The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition
- The Oxford English Dictionary (requires subscription)
- The Macquarie Dictionary Australian English (requires subscription)
- Four Japanese Dictionaries
- Kenkyusha Online Dictionary Japanese dictionary (requires subscription)
Online-only general dictionaries
- Dictionary.com A dictionary and thesaurus and other language aids.
- Dictionary.co.uk A British English online dictionary.
- Dictionary Definition
- eLook Dictionary A dictionary with synonyms, antonyms, and related words.
- English dictionary Fast and simple English dictionary with US and UK spellings.
- hyperdictionary.com One of the more comprehensive online dictionaries.
- Lookword free online Dictionary English dictionary.
- Misspelled.com Dictionary Definitions of English Words
- TheFreeDictionary.com A dictionary, a thesaurus, a literature reference library, and a search engine all in one.
- ObjectGraph.com Suggestive dictionary, suggests words as you type.
- Portuguese dictionary
- WordWebOnline.com A dictionary/thesaurus and meta-search
- Verboso dictionary Collection of free dictionaries includes WordNet,Dictionary of Computing and Collaborative International Dictionary
- Online English Spelling Words Dictionary Search
Dictionary Collections
- A-Z-Dictionaries Directory of Dictionaries
- All free dictionaries project
- Dictionary directory
- Freesearch dictionary British English dictionary provided by Cambridge University.
- Liendex One request creates more than 60 URL that reach the main english language resources.
- OneLook Searches almost 1000 online dictionaries for more than 6 million indexed words.
Specialty Dictionaries
- Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon German-English bidirectional visual dictionary
- Double-Tongued Word Wrester A dictionary of new and old words from the fringes of English
- Danish-English Accounting Dictionary The authoritative dictionary on Danish and English accouting terminology with collocations and phrases.
- Danish-English Law Dictionary On-line dictionary covering Danish and English legal language
- The Early Modern English Dictionaries Database A collection of the earliest English language dictionaries
- Pseudodictionary Slang, colloquialisms, and made-up words.
- The Skeptic's Dictionary Dictionary taking a cynical view on new age and occult words.
- Urban Dictionary Slang dictionary that you can edit.
Multilingual Dictionaries
- Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian-English Dictionary
- Catalan Dictionaries Catalan-English, English-Catalan dictionary
- English-French-English Dictionary
- dict.cc - English-German (and vice-versa) Dictionary
- ilexer - English-German (and vice-versa) Dictionary
- English-Hindi Dictionary
- English-to-Italian Dictionary
- Italian English Dictionary- one directional dictionary with 20,000 entries
- e-DICT English-Polish, Polish-English dictionary
- Yahoo! Spanish-English Dictionary
- Americana English-Russian Dictionary
- POPjisyo Online Japanese/Chinese/Korean/English dictionary
- Universal dictionary Multilingual dictionary interconnecting more than 35 languages.
- Majstro Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- Online dictionary Multi-lingual online dictionary between English and one of nine other languages
- Webster's Online Dictionary Rosetta Edition. Over 3,000,000 terms across 90 languages
- Leo - English-German (and vice-versa) dictionary; English-French (and vice-versa) dictionary
- English-German Dictionary (and vice-versa) with IPA pronunciation information
- Terminology database of the EU, with 11 EU languages
- Sprawk Semantic Dictionary, based on WordNet with over 20 languages
- woerterbuch.info - English-German Dictionary with over 600.000 translations
- WWWJDIC online Japanese-English/German/French dictionary. Has text-glossing, verb conjugations, etc.
- English - Spanish Financial Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary of Finance Terms.
- Spanish - English Financial Dictionary Spanish to English Dictionary of Finance Terms.
- English - Spanish Accounting Dictionary Spanish to English Dictionary of Acounting Terms.
- Spanish - English Accounting Dictionary English to Spanish Dictionary of Acounting Terms.
- Chinese-English Talking Dictionary Chinese - English dictionary with word and character etymological decomposition.
- Chinese - French Dictionary - Chinese - Spanish Dictionary - Chinese - English Dictionary
- Basic Computer dictionary (English, Chinese, Japanese, Trilingual dictionary) Downloadable GIF pages by iyoway.jp
Downloadable Dictionaries
- TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Universal dictionary download - Hundreds of downloadable free dictionaries.
- Online Plain Text English Dictionary – based on the Gutenberg Webster's Abridged Dictionary
- The Gutenberg Webster's Abridged Dictionary – In parts. First 200 pages available without copyrights, rest available.
- WordWeb Free international English dictionary for Windows (Pro version also available)
- iFinger: FREE Merriam-Webster Concise Dictionary Free registration is required after clicking on DOWNLOAD
- LingoDict - English-German / Spanish-German Dictionary for Windows (Freeware)
The DICT protocol is a client/server model for dictionaries. Many free dictionaries are appearing in the dict format.
List of collaborative dictionaries
An open content dictionary project is the Collaborative International Dictionary of English, using Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) and WordNet as its sources. The GNU version of it, GCIDE, is being developed collaboratively under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Other collaborative dictionary projects:
- Papillon Multilingual Dictionary with a Pivot Structure [2]
- EDICT Digital Japanese-English dictionary. [3]
- Everything2 Contains, among other things, an entire Webster 1913 dictionary
- freedict Bilingual dictionaries, released under the GPL
- PseudoDictionary New coinages and unusual words, mostly slang
- Reading Tutor - Digital multilingual dictionary: Japanese-Japanese, Japanese-English, Japanese-German, Japanese-Dutch
- Free Online Dictionary Easy to use dictionary, containing over 170,000 terms and definitions, and also a large thesaurus with related words for each term
- Urban Dictionary Slang dictionary
- Wiktionary A sister project of the well-known collaborative encyclopedia Wikipædia
See also
- Thesaurus
- Rhyming dictionary
- Pronouncing dictionary
- Monolingual learners' dictionaries
- Encyclopedic dictionary
- Corpus linguistics
- COBUILD, a large corpus of English text
- Pronunciation (simple guide to markup, American)
- DICT, the dictionary server protocol
- Lexicographic error
- Centre for Lexicography
- Lexigraf
- Manual of Specialised Lexicography, Henning Bergenholtz/Sven Tarp (eds.), Benjamins Publishing, 1995
- Diction and Stylistics of the 21st century, Darwin, Charles Schickelgruber Maxis (ed.), Jackson Publishing, 2001
- The Bilingual LSP Dictionary, Sandro Nielsen, Gunter Narr Verlag 1994
- Dictionaries, The Art and Craft of Lexicography, Sidney I. Landau, Simon & Schuster, 1998, hardcover, ISBN 0684180960
- The Professor and the Madman, A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary, Simon Winchester, HarperPerennial, New York, 1998, trade paperback, ISBN 0-06-017596-6. (published in the UK as The Surgeon of Crowthorne)