User:JackofOz/The Sinister World of Jack of Oz
- Aspetti, signorina, le dirò con due parole
- chi son, e che faccio, come vivo. Vuole?
- Chi son? Sono un poeta.
- Che cosa faccio? Scrivo.
- E come vivo? Vivo!
- In povertà mia lieta scialo da gran signore rime ed inni d'amore.
- Per sogni e per chimere e per castelli in aria, l'anima ho milionaria.
My name's Jack and I'm a 5th-generation Australian. I was born at a very young age, somewhere between the 31st of February and the 12th of Never. I live in Maffra (Gippsland, rural Victoria), where I share my life with my male partner. We were recently described as "Maffradites", an epithet we wear as a badge of honour.
Jenny Randles defines the Oz Factor as "the sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework ... where reality is but slightly different, [as in] the fairytale land of Oz" [1]. I can certainly relate to that. Oz is also a nickname for Australia.
I strongly identify with my Celtic roots - Irish mainly, with dashes of Scottish (and a bit of English for good measure). My two adult sons are ethnically half(ish)-Russian (one more than the other), with dashes of Serbian, Polish and Jewish. You can read more about my family connections here.
The term "Jack of all trades, master of none" was coined in my honour, personally. I've been a public servant, internal auditor, human resources manager, taxi driver, and policy adviser in the private health insurance industry (about which I have often said "Anyone who isn't confused by this business doesn't really know what's going on"). My latest gig is employment consultant (which is very appropriate since I myself am highly unemployable - and on 30 March I'll be returning to the ranks of the unemployed once more. It'll feel great to be home again). And I'm occasionally writing a book (but who isn't, these days) when I can ever get away from damn Wikipedia.
I am a kind of poor man's polymath ... well, pauper's polymath, more like it. Some people's weight goes to their stomach; I'm lucky - my weight goes to my brain. But I'm not so conceited that my brains have gone to my head. No, they reside in ... other parts. I was once asked to play the title role in War and Peace at my local kindergarten, but decided to let someone less experienced do it, to give them the break they so richly deserved.
I have always thought encyclopedically, so Wikipedia is very much my natural territory, and I spend as much of my spare time here as possible, without being a Wiki-addict about it (well, only sometimes; well, most of the time, actually - but what the hell, it's worth it). I like to take a broad intellectual view of issues and see them in perspective. I'm definitely a "glass half full" person and a "big picture" person. But seeing the big picture can sometimes cause me to sit on the fence, where I can listen, understand and accept opposing views without really knowing what I personally think of the issue. Then there are other subjects about which I have very passionate views indeed - as you might discover.
I'd like to think I have the artistic temperament and bohemian lifestyle of someone like Oscar Wilde ... if only this were true.
When it comes to "Shakespeare", I am a strong supporter of the Oxfordian theory. The evidence for the 17th Earl of Oxford is, to my mind, compelling. By far the best I've come across is contained in Mark Anderson's 2005 book "Shakespeare" By Another Name: The Life of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, The Man Who Was Shakespeare. Another very detailed, but less readable, work on the subject is Charlton Ogburn's The Mystery of William Shakespeare (1988). But I read and debate the upcoming literature with interest.
I have thick skin and broad shoulders, but I am not as ugly as that might lead one to believe. (Moreover, as Konrad Adenauer said, "Thick skin is a gift from God".)
To anyone who dares to disagree with me about anything, I can do no better than quote the conductor Hans Richter:
- Up with your damned nonsense will I put twice, or perhaps once, but sometimes always, by God, never.
Despite, or perhaps because of, all that, it should be clear by now that I am a perfectly wonderful human being. (Oh, and apparently I'm also a horse - [2]).