Integrated Emergency Medical Service (IEMS) is also a derived acronym of EMS Emergency Medical Service or System. EMS in English-speaking countries is a pre-hospital first aid service based either like in UK on an Public Health NHS Ambulance Service based on ambulance professionals emergency medical services in the United Kingdom, or on a non-integrated-with-public-Health-Service or in USA based on rescue agencies (Fire Brigade or police) Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) called in many times "Paramedics" Emergency medical services in the United States. IEMS (SIUM in Latin languages traduction) is a public Health and Medical Emergency care agency and based in professional registered care givers (Physician Nurse Ambulance Technicians and Medical Regulation Assistants) extended from prehospital First Aid to Intensive specialized Hospital care and including even a specific exclusive call center (Samu) SAMU.