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Today is Thursday, December 5, 2024, the day after yesterday (or the day before tomorrow). Legally, it is the period of time in between the last midnight and the next midnight.
Yesterday, "today" referred to yesterday, and tomorrow "today" will refer to tomorrow.
Daily information
Both of these pages are updated daily:
- Current events — includes the news so far today.
- Main Page — includes selected anniversaries, etc.
News media
- The Today programme is a current affairs programme on BBC Radio 4
- Today is a morning news program on the United States' NBC network
- Today is a morning news program in Australia
- Today FM in Ireland
- the Today Network in Australia
- Today (group) was a New Jack Swing group
- Today is a 1988 album by Galaxie 500
- Today is an album released by Elvis Presley in 1975
- Today! is an album released by the Beach Boys in 1965
- Today is the third song on the Smashing Pumpkins album Siamese Dream, released in 1993
- Today is the fourth song on the Jefferson Airplane album Surrealistic Pillow, released in 1967
- A different song of this title was a UK Top 20 hit for Talk Talk in 1982
- The Today sponge is also a brand of female contraceptive