Pesantren or Pondok Pesantren is an Indonesian word for schools with an Islamic focus. Although students follow curriculum approved by the state, their studies include many offerings in Arabic, Koranic literature, Islamic law, and the like.
Within the Pesantren students follow a regimented lifestyle structured around the five daily prayers required of all Muslims. Truancy may be punished by assigning miscreants to latrine duty, or worse, to cleaning out the open sewers of debris to prevent flooding.
All pesantren are led by a group of teachers and religious leaders known as Kyai (Key-eye). The Kyai are largely the great-grandchildren of the pesantren's founder. The Kyai are respected as teachers and devout men, some are even reputed to have supernatural powers, such as the ability to throw fire, absorb bullets, or shoot down aircraft.
Many of the Kyai have worked to ensure that their students learn practical skills in addition to their religious training.