U.S. Canada Education Program Working Group Drafts
Editing of this page is restricted to members of the U.S. Canada Education Program Working Group. Editors desiring to comment on this draft should do so on the talk page.
The following end-state objectives will be achieved May 31st, 2013 by a functioning US Canada Education Program Board of Directors[1] and appropriate staff[2] working with the appropriate stakeholders in the Wikimedia Foundation, Academia and the Wikipedia Community:
Implementation of tasks necessary to accomplish Phase II objectives are contingent on approval from the Wikimedia Foundation of this strategy and the objectives and action plans it contains.
U.S. Canada Education Program Working Group Drafts
Editing of this page is restricted to members of the U.S. Canada Working Education Program Working Group. Editors desiring to comment on this draft should do so on the talk page.
Phase II Milestones (December 1st, 2012 - May 31st, 2013)
RFC concluded
(Mike Christie)[Date]
RFC concluded and results compiled to further inform neccessary actions during Phase II implementation.
Board of Directors selected
(Selected[3] working group members and others[4] as approved by the Wikimedia Foundation) [Date]
Selection process includes the establishing the composition of the board (numbers and disciplinary representation), identifying potential board members to fill board positions, soliciting individuals to fill board positions and finally, making a decision as to the final board member list.
Proposed composition and process can be reviewed here [link]
Board of Directors established
(Board nominees and selected working group members) [Date]
Legal, Financial and other steps necessary to formally designate a Board of Directors are finalized and the new Board holds its inaugural meeting.
Includes Articles of Incorporation, required IRS filings, establishment of By-Laws, establishment of corporate officer requirements.
Includes steps to establish formal affiliation with Wikimedia Foundation
Active Board assumes responsibilities
(Board of Directors) [Date]
Official governance is established through the approval of bylaws[6]
Election of Chair and Corporate Officers
Approves Phase II Budget and immediate funding requirements
Critical staffing actions completed
(Board of Directors) [Date]
Board identifies critical staff positions and implements actions necessary to fill those positions.
Critical positions might include:
Executive Director
Education Director
Development Officer
Long-term organizational strategy finalized
(Board of Directors in concert with stakeholder groups) [Date]
Long-term funding strategy established
Includes short-term funding strategy for transition and eminent operations as well as funding to grow the products and services the organization provides and support its volunteer workforce.
Wikipedia Community and Academic Community Engagement strategies established
Includes volunteer support structure strategy
Technology infrastructure strategy established
Marketing strategy established
Two year organizational budget established
Product and services strategy established
Critical organizational processes established and functioning
(Executive Director) [Date]
Financial system(s) to include bank accounts, IRS reporting, audits and operating procedures established.
Transition plan established
Finalize specific steps, actions and coordinations necessary to transition responsibilities now performed by the Wikimedia Foundation Global Education Program to the US Canada Education Program.
Includes plan to manage volunteers (Ambassadors, etc.) currently in program and future volunteers.
Includes plan to sustain engagement with academics and institutions participating in current program.
Includes plan for initial fund-raising initatives
Implementation of Transition Plan Complete
(Executive Director) [Date]
All necessary actions, tasks and coordinations to transition the existing program to the control of the US Canada Education Program organization have been completed.
Wikimedia Foundation acknowledges that transition is complete and the US Canada Education Program organization has assumed responsibility.
Full staffing/infrastructure/operational processes completed
(Executive Director) [Date]
All staffing, operational processes and infrastructure required for the organization to successfully deliver products and services to its stakeholders after May 31st, 2013 are complete.
All staffing, operational processes and infrastructure required for the organization to successfully become self-sustaining through independent fund raising after May 31st, 2013 are complete.
US Canada Education Program Organization Prepared To Execute
(Executive Director) May 31, 2013
US Canada Education Program organization has capbability to raise funds, recruit and train volunteers, recruit and train partners in academic institutions, assess results, and support its current commitments to the Wikipedia Community and Higher Education institutions.
^Selected working group members will accomplish the initial tasks to establish the board and transition responsibility/authority to the board as appropriate.
^Appropriate individuals representing representing stakeholder groups who did not participate in Phase I planning
^Once established, the board at its descretion may carry out tasks assigned to it through Board sub-committees, Advisory Councils or other working groups as necessary. These authorities are usually addressed in the By-Laws.
^Proposed bylaws are included in this strategy (link)
U.S. Canada Education Program Working Group Drafts
Editing of this page is restricted to members of the U.S. Canada Working Education Program Working Group. Editors desiring to comment on this draft should do so on the talk page.