Floodtide is a 1949 British romantic drama film directed by Frederick Wilson and starring Gordon Jackson, Rona Anderson, John Laurie and Jimmy Logan.
A young Scotsman becomes a ship designer instead of following the family tradition and entering farming. He works his way up the firm, marries the boss's daughter, and revolutionises shipbuilding.
- Gordon Jackson as David Shields
- Rona Anderson as Mary Anstruther
- John Laurie as Joe Drummond
- Jack Lambert as Anstruther
- Jimmy Logan as Tim Brogan
- Janet Brown as Rosie
- Elizabeth Sellars as Judy
- Gordon McLeod as Pursey
- Ian McLean as Sir John
- Archie Duncan as Charlie Campbell
- James Woodburn as John Shields
- Molly Weir as Mrs. McTavish
- Ian Wallace as 1st Director
- Alexander Archdale as 2nd Director
- Grace Gavin as Mrs. McCrae