Marine life of New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary
The Marine life of New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary refers to the variety of flora and fauna in and around Port of New York and New Jersey. For bodies of water within the estuary see Geography of New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary. Much of the harbor originally consisted of tidal marshes that have been dramatically transformed by the development of port facilitiies.[1] The estuary itself supports a great variety of thriving estuarine aquatic species; contrary to popular stereotypes, New York Harbor and its adjacent, interdependent waters are very much alive, and recovering from pollution. Tidal flow occurs as far north as Troy, over 150 miles away. The salt front (dilute salt water) can reach Poughkeepsie in drought conditions.[2]
Animal species
- Horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus A common visitor to Breezy Point, Rockaways, and Coney Island.
- blue crab Callinectes sapidus
- The crabs are typically found in the mouth of the Hudson River and occasionally wander into the brackish waters of small rivers and coves that pepper the western side of Long Island; up the Hudson they are found occasionally in the part of the river that runs through the lower Hudson Valley in the summertime. Up until the 1960s they could be eaten, but the State of New York currently recommends against attempting to do so on a regular basis, due to bioaccumulation of PCBs and cadmium that were discovered in the crabs in the 1970s. On the upside, a lack of hunting by man has caused this crab's numbers to grow heartily while others (notably the Chesapeake Bay) have decreased.[3]
- Lady crab Ovalipes ocellatus
- Atlantic rock crab Cancer irroratus
- A common crab found on the continental shelf within ten miles of shoreline. Found in all parts of the estuary. There is some concern over it competing with the invasive European green crab for habitat, but it is believed that the presence of Callinectes genuses in the bight may offer some refuge as it has been shown that the swimmer crabs of this genus like to prey upon the smaller green crab.
- Ghost crab Ocypode quadrata
- Common sight after twilight scurrying along the beaches of Western Long Island and the planktonic larvae is found all throughout the estuary.
- Portly spider crab Libinia emarginata
- American lobster Homarus americanus
- Massachusetts Bay is not the only home of the lobster on the East Coast. Usually found south of the Verrazano Bridge, near the Southwestern end of Long Island and just off Sandy Hook. Often attracted to artificial reefs found near Lower New York Bay, where they can reach very large sizes. Depredation by man within the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary is extremely rare.
- Atlantic jackknife clam Ensis directus
- Atlantic surf clam Spisula solidissima
- Steamer clam Mya arenaria
- Blue mussel Mytulis edulis
- Quahog Venus mercenaria
- Atlantic bay scallop Aequipectin irradians
- eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica
- Once widely found through much of the harbor and a staple of the local diet from the time of the Algonquians up through the 19th century. Oystering grounds were prevalent in the Upper Bay, as well as along the south shore of Staten Island and Jamaica Bay. The oyster still exists in the harbor but is not yet considered edible; there are plans to further clean up the areas so that the beds can be restored.
- Periwinkle Littorina littorea
- Almost certainly introduced in colonial times by the British as food and possibly in bilgewater from ships. Common sight clinging to rocks or wherever their favorite algae can grow.
- Channeled whelk Busycon canaliculatum
- Northern sea star Asterias vulgaris
- Atlantic starfish Asterias forbesi
- White Cross Hydromedusa Staurophora mertensi
- Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus
- American shad Alosa sapidissima
- American eel Anguilla rostrata
- Atlantic needlefish Strongylura marina
- Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix
- Northern pipefish Syngnathus fuscus
- Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus
- Found in the depths of Upper New York Bay, in the main channel of the Hudson River
- gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum
- striped bass Morone saxatilis
- One of the most prevalent species in the harbor, and the most extensively fished one. The Hudson River Estuary system has been a nursery for stripers going back before European settlement and overall it's one of the most important breeding grounds for this species in the Northeast.
- white perch Morone americana
- Atlantic herring Clupea harengus
- summer flounder Paralicthys dentatus
- winter flounder Pleuronectes americanus
- Scup Stenatomus chrysops
- Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus
- Tautog Tautoga onitis
- American butterfish Peprilus triacanthus
- Weakfish Cynoscion regalis
- lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus
- atlantic silverside Menidia menidia
- Tomcod Microgadus tomcod
- black drum Pogonias cromis
- sand lance Ammodytes americanus
- Mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus
- harbor seal Phoca vitulina
- grey seal Halichoerus gryphus
- Historically both pinniped species were abundant natives in the harbor until hunting and other human activity extirpated them from the area by at least the late 19th century. In recent years, however, these two species, along with the some more typically northerly seal species like the harp seal have been found in the harbor in pursuit of some of the species mentioned above. Colonies of harbor seals can be found happily basking in the sun off Staten Island and Jamaica Bay from December through April, and as of 2011 they have been spotted playing just off Coney Island.
- Harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena
- Has been seen in Upper New York Bay.
- River otter Lutra canadensis
- Native to the Hudson River and occasionally is seen at the mouth of the River. Restoration efforts by the state of New York are underway and appear to be successful.
- bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus
- humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae
- minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata
- blue whale Balaenoptera musculus
- fin whale Balaenoptera physalus
- North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis
From 2007-2009, an expert from Cornell University did an experiment listening in on the acoustics of the Harbor Estuary, where, to the astonishment of many, he discovered at least six species of whale singing to each other...less than 20 miles from where the Statue of Liberty stands, just past the Verrazano Bridge where the water gets deeper.[4] [5] Historical records show that whales were plentiful in the area going well back into colonial history: in 1697, the charter for Trinity Church received its official royal charter, which gave it not only a large chunk of land in Lower Manhattan, but also the profit from any whales or shipwrecks along the banks of the Hudson.[6] The return of these whales is proof of the environment's improvement over the past thirty years: in 2009, a young humpback whale attempted to penetrate the gateway to the upper harbor when it passed under the Verrazano Bridge, causing the men and women ashore watching the whole debacle from Fort Hamilton a great deal of concern for its health and the safety of the Coast Guard officers trying to herd it back out to sea (the whale returned unharmed.)[7]
Although not aquatic animals, these birds are supported by the food and habitat the harbor provides, particularly Jamaica Bay.
- Common Gull Larus canus
- American Herring Gull Larus smithsonianus
- Great blue heron Ardea herodia
- Snowy egret Egretta thula
- Yellow-crowned night heron Nycticorax violaceus
- Black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax
- Mallard Anas platyryncha
- Black Skimmer
- American oystercatcher Haematopus pallatius
- Brant Branta bernicla hrota
- Canada goose Branta canadensis
- American wigeon Anas americana
- Osprey Pandion haliaetus
- Bald Eagle Halieeatus leucocephalus
- Has been seen up the Hudson River every winter consistently for over a decade, feeding on a wide variety of both freshwater and saltwater fish. Has also been seen using the New Jersey Palisades and piers near the Harlem River as a perch from which to swoop down and grab its quarry in the estuary.
Great White Heron: Adults spotted since 2009. In late May of 2012 there have been numerous juveniles spotted.
- ^ NY/NJ Estuary
- ^ Hudson Estuary Basics Dept. of Environmental Conservation, NY State.
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- NY/NJ Estuary
- "Fishing for Answers in an Urban Estuary" - Teaching Guide About Newark Bay for Elementary Schools (NJDEP)
- New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program - US EPA
- US EPA: Newark Bay Study 2004
- US Army Corps of Engineers: Newark Bay
- Cornell University