Squaresville is an American comedy web series created and written by Matt Enlow, staring Mary Kate Wiles and Kylie Sparks. In It premiered on YouTube on Mar 16, 2012 [1]. The show follows Esther and Zelda as they grow up in a small suburban town.
Squaresville used a Kickstarter campaign to raise the $12,000 needed for production. On November 13, 2011 they successfully raised $12,476 from 196 backers.
- 2013 IAWTV Best Comedy Web Series, Best Ensemble Performance, Best Writing (Comedy), (Matt Enlow) [2]
- 2013 IAWTV Best Directing (Comedy) (Matt Enlow), Best Female Performance (Comedy) (Mary Kate Wiles), Best Female Performance (Comedy) (Kylie Sparks) [3]
External links
- ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq8YjE-IvRI Ep. 1 Nerds On The Run (w/ Mary Kate Wiles, Kylie Sparks, & David Ryan Speer)
- ^ http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118064387/ CES: 'Squaresville' tops Web TV Awards
- ^ http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118064387/ CES: 'Squaresville' tops Web TV Awards