Article section on Money Market Fund Reform Money market fund#Systemic_Risk_and_Regulatory_Reform. This is a huge test of FSOC's effectiveness on systemic risk. Illustrates that U.S. financial regulators were all in silos for at least 20 years. Dodd Frank, FSOC and OFR are all supposed to be effective at closing up those gaps in the future? This will be a great initial "test case".
Review of bank stress tests around the world with rapid links. List of bank stress tests. Given the degree of interconnectedness the failure of a systemically important bank by definition can cause big trouble elsewhere. Are the stress tests given to these large banks anywhere near uniform throughout the world? No, they are not. Is stress testing a nascent technology? Clearly!
Systemically important financial market utility non bank, non broker financial firms deemed to be systemically importantT to the overall health of the U.S. financial system. These entities are now under the supervision of the Fed, and entitled to certain bail out help when under duress.
Probe into JPMs trading 2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss Deep dive here to see if all regulators are singing from the same sheet of music in perfect harmony? Loss was big, so risk was large. Have the regulators effectively moved to stem the risk? Is this type of risk endemic to large banks?