Prolicide is the act of killing one's own offspring.[1] It may refer to
- Filicide
- Infanticide (killing of one's infant, 0-12 months)
- Feticide
See also
- Child murder
- Infanticide
- Suicide, the killing of one's self
- Familial killing terms:
- Avunculicide, the killing of one's uncle
- Fratricide, the killing of one's brother
- Mariticide, the killing of one's spouse
- Matricide, the killing of one's mother
- Nepoticide, the killing of one's nephew
- Parricide, the killing of one's parents or another close relative
- Patricide, the killing of one's father
- Sororicide, the killing of one's sister
- Uxoricide, the killing of one's wife
- Non-familial killing terms from the same root:
- Deicide is the killing of a god
- Genocide is the killing of a large group of people, usually a specific and entire ethnic, racial, religious or national group
- Homicide is the killing of any human
- Regicide is the killing of a monarch (king or ruler)
- Tyrannicide is the killing of a tyrant