User:The cardinal points are not news/1
Pope Francis says Mary is always in a hurry to help us.
- I'm like that too. I can't stand to see someone struggling to finish their dessert, so I jump right in.
Pope Francis sends fifty-second tweet.
- God has a loving plan for us? Fine, but it better not be as expensive as a nursing-care plan.
Pope Francis gives Sunday address for tenth time.
- The holy trinity is the face of God? Makes sense. There's the nose, the mouth, and the holy chin.
- Wait a minute. I think I forgot about the eyes.
Pope Francis sends fifty-first tweet.
- We all have in our hearts some areas of unbelief? I find that rather hard to believe.
Pope Francis says even atheists can go to Heaven.
- What's the point, though? When they get there they'll just say they're in Cloud City.
- Oops. That's the second star-wars reference I make today. Oddly enough, however, I seem not to know how to write star wars properly.
Pope Francis sends forty-ninth and fiftieth tweets.
- Our lady of Sheshan? She must be related to Asajj Ventress.
- Miracles happen but prayer is needed? I pray that's not true, 'cuz I don't believe in prayer.
Pope Francis sends forty-eighth tweet.
- The places where I live and work? Either that was bad phrasing or the holy father thinks everyone works at home.
Pope Francis holds audience with Salvadoran president Mauricio Funes.
- He also met with the president of Benin, Yayi Boni, this morning, but you people don't care about that do you? You're all a bunch of racist crackers is what you are.
- I've just told Obama on you. You're done for, news media.
Pope Francis speaks of savage capitalism during visit to Vatican soup kitchen.
- Savage capitalism? As in «the savage capitalism of the Vatican's financial-information authority, which until today had never released an annual report»?
- I'm sorry. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Pope Francis sends forty-seventh tweet.
- To live according to the gospel is to fight against selfishness? Hold your fire. If anyone's gonna send selfishness to Hell, it's gonna be me.