Formed late 1999, Gameplanet is one of New Zealands premier gaming and internet communities. A online exspansion of the Gameplanet video game store in great Auckland, Gameplanet is composed of both the forums and the gameplanet store, which is closely tied in advertising and promotions with the forums, although this has lead to some controversy within the forums.
Gameplanet Forums
Located at As of Tuesday, May 30th 2006 it has a Total 216,561 threads, 4,412,026 posts, 41,842 members.
The Gameplanet forums is made up of a large number of forums spanning a number of topics, games and administration. However several forums in general make a large percentage of the forums active posting and have given lead to more personal conflicts and relationships that have made the forums worthy of some note.
-The Open discussion and sub-forums, known for being relatively personal and intimate with many members knowing or having met each other in real life.
-Counter strike New Zealand and sub-forums, Gameplanet serves as the major base of organisation and communication for New Zealand counter-strike clan play
Famous Members
At various points in time, Gameplanet has played host to various Z Grade Celebrities such as, Ian Wishart, and Karl Burnett. Both were burned as a result of being poor members in the GP e-society, similar to the lord of the flies ideology.
Members of Notable Mention
Brock Solid
Liz Shaw
Sgt. Molloy - A well known Anarchist and member of a pseudo KKK organisation, the National Front. Was recently jailed for his hate crimes involving an Auckland Mosque. NZHerald - Teen vandals get year for mosque attacks NZHerald - National Front Expels 'Haters'
Tomby - Eccentric Administror and moderator of both of the forums and gameplanet website, as well as working the gameplanet retail store, "Tombstone" aka Tomby was well known on the forums. After a unusual period of cryptic posting and much less activity, Tombstone packed up and decided to immigrate to England for a lifestyle change.
Stimpy - Highest post count on record.
Gameplanet In The Media
The controversy surrounding the Celebrities drug case fuelled a thread which speculated (against strict court order) who was believed to be the individuals implicated. This earned GPforums a place amongst the best in Current Affairs on NZ's Canadian Owned Television station : Canwest, and their Primetime TV3 News. The Gameplanet forums website was shown for a brief 8 second period during the introduction to a interview on Campbell live.
Forums user SimTV, who apparently works at TVNZ or Canwest/TV3, is credited with putting the site on national television.
Baby Fail