Change Partners
"Change Partners" is a popular song written by Irving Berlin for the 1938 film Carefree, where it was introduced by Fred Astaire. Hit records included Astaire, Ozzie Nelson and Jimmy Dorsey. The song reached #1 on Billboard's Record Buying Guide.
Notable recordings
- Fred Astaire - Carefree (1938)
- Ella Fitzgerald - Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Irving Berlin Songbook (1958)
- Frank Sinatra and Antonio Carlos Jobim - Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim (1967)
- Bjorn Skifs - Opopoppa (1971)
- Andy Williams - Close Enough for Love (1986)
- Renato Russo - recorded for The Stonewall Celebration Concert (1994), but only released on Série Bis: Renato Russo (2000)
- Harry Connick, Jr. - Come by Me (1999)
- Kurt Elling Nightmoves (2007)