Bachelor of Arts in Child Advocacy
A Bachelors in Child Advocacy is a type of postgraduate academic Bachelor's degree awarded by universities in many countries. This degree is typically studied for in Child advocacy.
Curriculum Structure
A Bachelors of Arts or Science in Child advocacy is a four year Bachelor's degree, depending on the program, child advocacy may be offered as a concentration to a traditional bachelor's degree in psychology.
Topics of study may include:
- Autonomy
- Children's rights
- child abuse
- child custody
- child neglect
- corporal punishment
- disability
- due process
- ethnicity
- Evolving capacities
- [[freedom of choice
- gender
- gender identity
- juvenile delinquency
- law
- morality
- national origin
- politics
- race
- religion
- sexual orientation
- standard of living
- Student rights
- Youth participation
- Youth program
Institutions with Child Advocacy Degree Programs
There are a relatively small number of universities that teach this course, albeit the number is growing. Here is a list of institutions in the United States that have an Bachelor's in Child Adocacy Degree Program:
See also
- Children's rights movement
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Parents' rights movement
- Voices for America's Children