Bardock appeared in the manga. Volume 10 accd. to Viz. Check it out to get the chapter number, or I can do it later. In the manga, he's 'Burdock' though. And don't forget his son Raditz...
in the anime, didn't vegeta once say that bardock was a scientist and invented the technique of creating a false full moon? Xunflash 22:01, 17 July 2005 (UTC)
Burdock being a scientist was a line in the original dub only. He never was a scientist, and he never invented the "Power Ball" The S
About Burdock inventing the false moon.
I've been watching the japanese version of DBZ Uncut, and Vegeta never said that Burdock created the false moon. He said something along the lines that "only a few gifted saiyans have this ability". I think that the reference of Burdock creating the false moon, must have just been dialogue that FUNIMATION added in the dubbed american version of DBZ.