Draft talk:Chinese Dama
Feedback on your article
Hi Kate, I really like your cutting edge article on "Chinese Dama". It is interesting to see that newspapers are directly quoting "Dama". My suggestions are as followers. 1. it would be interesting and vivid if you could include some images about "Dama" buying gold. You may find some interesting resources from this website: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-01/01/content_17208703.htm 2. I like the section "analysts' points of view". It would be great if you do not use numbers such as 1. 2. 3...to separate your paragraph as you are writing an "article". But it is clear while you are writing your draft now. 3. as "Chinese Dama" is a biased term referring to a certain group of women, it would be nice to explain more about this phenomenon and how it happens (i.e most of them stay at home and do not have a regular job. they spend their time chatting with others and etc.) Cheers --Zhengya3 (talk) 19:42, 27 February 2014 (UTC)