This Spartan Life
This Spartan Life is a machinima talk show created by Bong + Dern Productions, produced and directed by Chris Burke, and hosted by Damian Lacedaemion. The show is created using the video game Halo 2. The half-hour episodes are released in shorter parts or "modules". Guests such as Bungie Studios' Martin O'Donnell are interviewed via Xbox within the online multiplayer worlds of Halo 2.
Every episode features an opening monologue, interviews with guests, and as two fixed features, the "Solid Gold Elite Dancers", a group of Covenant Elite dancers, and "Body Count", a debate segment in which players kill each other as they debate their points. Some of the comedy in the show itself is derived from holding serious interviews in a chaotic game world, highlighted via game glitches, combat with unruly guests, and the presence of other players who outwardly appear to be unaware that the show is being filmed at all. These players fire upon other players, camera operators, and even the host and his guests.
This Spartan Life won an award for Best Machinima Series at the 2005 Machinima Film Festival, and was featured on Reuters' "And Finally" on April 13. The video is available here, around 2:31.
This Spartan Life was also featured at Festival Nemo in France.[citation needed]
Episode list
- Episode 1 - Module 1 - Opening and Monologue
- Episode 1 - Module 2 - Travelogue
- Episode 1 - Module 3 - Bob Stein Interview
- Episode 1 - Module 4 - Solid Gold Elite Dancers
- Episode 1 - Module 5 - Peggy Ahwesh Interview
- Episode 1 - Module 6 - Body Count
- Episode 2 - Module 1 - Opening, Monologue and More
- Episode 2 - Module 2 - The ILL Clan Overview
- Episode 2 - Module 3 - Body Count
- Episode 2 - Module 4 - Marty O'Donnell Interview Pt. 1
- Episode 2 - Module 5 - The Solid Gold Elite Dancers
- Episode 3 - Module 1 - Opening and Monologue
- Episode 3 - Module 2 - Travelogue
- Episode 3 - Module 3 - Marty O'Donnell Interview Pt. 2
- Episode 3 - Module 4 - Meet Teh Leet
- Episode 3 - Module 5 - Malcom McLaren Interview
- Blog 1 - The Life of a P.A.
- Blog 2 - I Feel Whimsical
- Blog 3 - Dispatch from the Bodyguard Competition- Part 1
- Blog 4 - Dispatch from the Bodyguard Competition- Part 2
- Blog 5 - Can't Buy Me Web
- Damian Lacedaemion - Chris Burke
- Peaches - Terry Golob
- Sherry - Michele Darling
- Gunnery Sgt. Spillane - John Dylan Keith
- Fyb3roptik - Nick Wallace
- Mr. PoopeeDooDoo - Maxwell Staats
The Solid Gold Elite Dancers
- Tony - Matt Dominianni
- Amber - Mandy Bonhomme
- Bernardo, Sasha - Joshua Briggs
- Shondra - Rebecca Honig
- Producer and Director - Chris Burke
- Writers - Chris Burke and John Dylan Keith
- Camera Operators - Terry Golob and Michele Darling
- Editor - Terry Golob
- Technical Director/Extras Coordinator and Forum Admin - Nick Wallace (Fyb3roptik)
- Legal Consultant - Wendy Seltzer
- Glitch Consultant - Freddie Hewitt
- Community Builder - Chris Chappell
- Online Assistance - Keelbug, CloneTrooperKev, Armycaboose, MrMeltingAss9, Kamikaze Sal, Byran125, Pookadook, Kezsler, GruntSoldier, ApertureFilms, Technoside2, XRampancy, TheBoomBang, RedneckRampage, Plasmafrag, Spec Ops Elite.
- With assistance from - Louis Wu and Dennis Powers.
- Thanks to - Kim Morgan, The ILL Clan, Mikerowesoft, MackEntoshIII and acidflash.
- Theme Music by - Glomag
- Credits Music by - Nullsleep
External link
~Halo Physcist- Warrior 3000
~Kamikaze Sal=Almighty Sal(Im Kamikaze Sal I Got my Name Changed)