Survivor: Borneo
Survivor: Pulau Tiga was the first installment of the popular United States reality show Survivor. It was originally broadcast under the name Survivor but was later referred to as Survivor: Borneo, Survivor I, or Survivor: Pulau Tiga to distinguish it from subsequent installments of the series.
The show was filmed during 2000 and aired later that year on CBS. It was set on the island of Pulau Tiga in the state of Sabah, off the coast of Borneo, Malaysia. The two initial tribes were Pagong and Tagi.
The contestants were (in order of how they finished, starting from the first one eliminated and ending with the winner):
Place | Name | Tribe |
16th | Sonja Christopher | Tagi |
15th | B.B. Andersen | Pagong |
14th | Stacey Stillman | Tagi |
13th | Ramona Gray | Pagong |
12th | Dirk Been | Tagi |
11th | Joel Klug | Pagong |
10th | Gretchen Cordy | Pagong |
9th | Greg Buis | Pagong |
8th | Jenna Lewis | Pagong |
7th | Gervase Peterson | Pagong |
6th | Colleen Haskell | Pagong |
5th | Sean Kenniff | Tagi |
4th | Susan Hawk | Tagi |
3rd | Rudy Boesch | Tagi |
2nd | Kelly Wiglesworth | Tagi |
1st | Richard Hatch | Tagi |
The show was a phenomenal success and led to several subsequent series and a number of other reality shows.
Survivor: Pulau Tiga was followed by Survivor: The Australian Outback.