Physical constant
Quantity | Symbol | Value |
permeability of vacuum | μ | 4π x 10-7 H.m-1 (defined) |
speed of light in vacuum | c0 | 299 792 458 m.s-1 (defined) |
permittivity of vacuum | ε0 = 1/μ0c02 | 8.854 187 816 ... x 10-12 F.m-1 |
Planck's constant | h | 6.626 075 5(40) x 10-34 J.s |
h_strikethrough = h/2π | 1.054 572 66(63) x 10-34 J.s | |
elementary charge | e | 1.602 177 33(49) x 10-19 C |
electron rest mass | me | 9.109 389 7(54) x 10-31 kg |
proton rest mass | mp | 1.672 623 1(10) x 10-27 kg |
neutron rest mass | mn | 1.674 928 6(10) x 10-27 kg |
atomic mass constant, (unified atomic mass unit) | mu = 1u | 1.660 540 2(10) x 10-27 kg |
Avogadro constant | L, NA | 6.022 136 7(36) x 1023 mol-1 |
Boltzmann constant | k | 1.380 658(12) x 10-23 J.K-1 |
Faraday constant | F | 9.648 530 9(29) x 104 C.mol-1 |
gas constant | R | 8.314 510 (70) J.K-1.mol-1 |
zero of the Celsius scale | 273.15 K (defined) | |
molar volume, ideal gas, p = 1 bar, θ = 00C | 22.711 08(19) L.mol-1 | |
standard atmosphere | atm | 101 325 Pa (defined) |
fine structure constant | α = μ0e2c0/2h | 7.297 353 08(33) x 10-3 |
α-1 | 137.035 989 5(61) | |
Bohr radius | a0 | 5.291 772 49(24) x 10-11 m |
Hartree energy | Eh | 4.359 748 2(26) x 10-18 J |
Rydberg constant | Rinfinity | 1.097 373 153 4(13) x 10-7 m-1 |
Bohr magneton | μB | 9.247 015 4(31) x 10-24 J.T-1 |
electron magnetic moment | μe | 9.284 770 1(31) x 10-24 J.T-1 |
Lande g-factor for free electron | ge | 2.002 319 304 386(20) |
nuclear magneton | μN | 5.050 786 6(17) x 10-27 J.T-1 |
proton magnetic moment | μp | 1.410 607 61(47) x 10-26 J.T-1 |
proton magnetogyric ratio | γp | 2.675 221 28(81) x 108 s-1.T-1 |
magnetic moment of protons in H20, μ'p | μ'p/μB | 1.520 993 129(17) x 10-3 |
proton resonance frequency per field in H20 | γ'p/2π | 42.576 375 (13) M.Hz.T-1 |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant | σ | 5.670 51(19) x 10-8 W.m-2.K-4 |
first radiation constant | c1 | 3.741 774 9(22) x 10-16 W.m2 |
second radiation constant | c2 | 1.438 769 (12) x 10-2 m.K |
gravitational constant | G | 6.672 59(85) x 10-11 |
standard acceleration of free fall | gn | 9.80665 m.s-2 (defined) |