Patrick Muglia
Patrick Muglia (born November 23, 1962 in La Rochelle, France) is an Olympic sailor,[1] World champion, Pan-am gold medalist and NCAA National Champion. He has sailed since age 11, with sailors such as America's Cup and Olympic medalists Dennis Conner, Mark Reynolds, John Kostecki and John Shadden.
Muglia sailed with Pete Melvin in the Tornado catamaran in the 1988 Olympic Games. Melvin was the lead designer of Team New Zealand's AC72 catamaran sailed in the 2013 America's Cup in San Francisco.
Sailing Achievements
- 1988 Summer Olympic Games, Competitor, Seoul, Korea
- 1988 US Olympic Team Member
- 1988 US Olympic Trials - Winner
- 1988 Top US Competitor, World Championships, Germany
- 1988 Top US Competitor, European Championships, France
- 1985 NCAA Collegiate All-American
- 1985 NCAA Collegiate National Champion
- 1985 US National Champion
- 1995 World Championship, 5th place, Argentina
- 1983 Pan-Am Games, Gold Medalist, Venezuela
- 1981 World Champion