Systems biology
Systems biology is an academic field that seeks to integrate different levels of information to understand how biological systems function. By studying the relationships and interactions between various parts of a biological system (e.g., gene and protein networks involved in cell signaling, metabolic pathways, organelles, cells, physiological systems, organisms etc.) it is hoped that eventually an understandable model of the whole system can be developed.
Systems biology begins with the study of genes and proteins in an organism using high-throughput techniques to quantify changes in the genome and proteome in reponse to a given perturbation. High-throughput techniques to study the genome include microarrays to measure the changes in mRNAs. High-throughput proteomics methods include mass spectrometry, which is used to identify proteins, detect protein modifications, and quantify protein levels.
In contrast to much of molecular biology, systems biology does not seek to break down a system into all of its parts and study one part of the process at a time, with the hope of being able to reassemble all the parts into a whole. Some systems biologists argue that this reductionist approach to biology must always fail, either because of nature's redundancy and complexity, or because we have not understood all the parts of the processes. Some traditionalists respond that the alleged dichotomy between holistic and reductionist approaches generally exists in the mind of observers, rather than practitioners, of science. Still others accuse systems biologists of setting vague and poorly articulated goals without proposing concrete strategies, while the projects that they actually end up working on fall so far short of the initial goals as to be reductionist according to system's biology's own terms, or simply insignificant.
Using knowledge from molecular biology, the systems biologist can propose hypotheses that explain a system's behavior. Importantly, these hypotheses can be used to mathematically model the system. Models are used to predict how different changes in the system's environment affect the system and can be iteratively tested for their validity. New approaches are being developed by quantitative scientists, such as computational biologists, statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, and physicists, to improve our ability to make these high-throughput measurements and create, refine, and retest the models until the predicted behavior accurately reflects the phenotype seen.
Many of the concepts of systems biology are not new. Biologists and biochemists have long known that the detailed (reductionist) study of individual proteins is just the first step toward an understanding of the overall (integrated) life process. The current advances in biology (coming from bioinformatics in the post genomic era) are a direct result of the success of this reductionist approach.
The available experimental procedures necessarily forced a 'one protein at a time' analysis during the middle of the 20th century. Advances in experimental methodology (high-throughput screening technologies) have made the 'global' view accessible for the first time, allowing scientific research at the overall level of the cell or the organism possible.
The point is: while biologists have always known a protein must function within the context of the whole cell, it has only recently become possible to obtain data about this functional level.
Many predictions concerning the impact of genomics on health care have been proposed. For example, the development of novel therapeutics and the introduction of personalised treatments are conjectured and may become reality as a small number of biotechnology companies are using this cell-biology driven approach to the development of therapeutics. However, these predictions rely upon our ability to understand and quantify the roles that specific genes possess in the context of human and pathogen physiologies. The ultimate goal of systems biology is to derive the prerequisite knowledge and tools. Even with today's resources and expertise, this goal is immeasurably distant.
Notable organizations
Organizations created to further systems biology in the United States include the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, Washington, BioX at Stanford University, a new Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School, and the Systems Biology research group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The ISB is a non-profit research institute with a goal to identify strategies for predicting and preventing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and AIDS. Work at PNNL is focused on a variety of research areas, including oxidative stress and radiation, cell signaling networks, and microbial communities. There also exists the Systems Biology Institute based in Tokyo; the Institute for Systems Biology at St Petersburg, Russia, the Biosystems Informatics Institute in the UK, the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, the Institute for Molecular Systems Biology Zürich, Switzerland , SystemsX: the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology, and the Center for the Study of Biological Complexity.
See also
- Artificial life
- Biomedical cybernetics
- Computer simulation
- Gene regulatory network
- Model
- Important publications in systems biology
- Systems Ecology
- Regulome
- Hiroaki Kitano (editor), (2001) Foundations of Systems Biology, MIT Press; (October 15, 2001) ISBN 0262112663
- Gregory Bock and Jamie A. Goode (eds), (2002) "In Silico" Simulation of Biological Processes, Novartis Foundation Symposium 247, John Wiley & Sons Ltd,, ISBN 0-470-84480-9
- Marc Vidal and Eileen E. M. Furlong. Nature Reviews Genetics 2004 From OMICS to systems biology
- E. Klipp, R. Herwig, A. Kowald, C. Wierling, and H. Lehrach, Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2005, ISBN 3527310789
- Werner, E., "The Future and Limits of Systems Biology", Science STKE 2005, pe16 (2005).
- Bernhard Ø. Palsson. 2006 "Systems Biology - Properties of Reconstructed Networks," Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521859035
Systems biology organization websites
- - The International Society for Systems Biology
- - Community for Interactomics: Editable hypertext pages (a systems biology Wiki)
- - Research in multicellular developmental systems biology (US based)
- - Institute for Systems Biology (US based)
- - Systems Biology Institute (Japan based)
- Ottawa Institute for Systems Biology (Canada)
- Munich Systems Biology Forum - Systems biology groups in Munich and worldwide
- CSBi :: Computational and Systems Biology at MIT
- Biosystems Informatics Institute - Systems biology research institute in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- - Yeast Systems Biology Network worldwide
- Institute for Molecular Systems Biology
- - Systems Biology at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- SystemsX - The Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology
- CSBC - Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
- MCISB - The Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology
Systems biology research groups
- Stathopoulos Lab
- Elowitz Lab
- Davidson Lab
- McAdams Lab
- Kaern Dynamical Systems Biology Lab
- Quake Lab
- Sidow Lab
- Kim Lab
- Ferrell Lab
- Alon Lab
- Baliga Lab
- Systems Biology ETH Zürich
- Computational Systems Biology ETH Zürich
- Arkin Lab
- Collins Lab
- Bolouri Lab
- E-Cell group
- Kitano Lab
- Hood Lab
- Le Novere Group
- Pedro Mendes Lab
- Sauro Lab
- John Tyson Lab
- Virtual Cell Group
- Systems Biology at PNNL
- Systems Biology Research Group - UCSD
- CSBL - University of Virginia
- Computational Systems Biology - University of Sheffield, UK
- Systems biology research group - Hamilton Institute, NUY Maynooth, Ireland.
- Computational and Systems Biology at MIT
- National Simulation Research, University of Washington
- Center for the Study of Biological Complexity, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Computational Systems Biology at University of Edinburgh
- Endy Lab
- Tidor Lab
- van Oudenaarden Systems Biology Lab
- Harvard Virtual Cell Program
- Thattai Lab
- Computational Systems Biology Group at Carnegie Mellon University
- Kinetic Modelling Group at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Klipp Group
Please add other groups as appropriate
Software tools for systems biology
- SimTK
- Gaggle
- Systems Biology Workbench
- Systems Biology Markup Language
- The CellML language
- The little b Modeling Language
- Copasi (Version 4 of Gepasi)
- E-Cell System
- StochSim
- Virtual Cell
- JigCell (John Tyson Lab)
- Python Simulator for Cellular Systems
- Ingenuity Pathways Analysis
- BIOREL is a web-based resource for quantitative estimation of the gene network bias in relation to available database information about gene activity/function/properties/associations/interactions.
- SAVI Signaling Analysis and Visualization
- JSim
- BioNetGen
International conferences
- ICCS 2006 - International Conference on Complex Systems
- ICSB 2006 - 7th International Conference on Systems Biology
- ICSB 2005 - 6th International Conference on Systems Biology
- ICSB 2004 - 5th International Conference on Systems Biology
- ICSB 2003 - 4th International Conference on Systems Biology
- ICSB 2001 - The 2nd International Conference on Systems Biology
- The First International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB)
External links
- - The Open Source Systems Biology Portal dedicated to computational aspects of Systems Biology. Visit us for the first community wide Systems Biology Tools & Resources - Survey - 2005 results.
- - The Virtual Library of Biochemistry and Cell Biology: A Guide to Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Cell Biology on the Web
- - 'The unselfish gene: The new biology is reasserting the primacy of the whole organism - the individual - over the behaviour of isolated genes', Johnjoe McFadden, The Guardian (May 6, 2005)
- - PSIbase Database: Protein Structure Interactome Map Database Server: Structural Interactome Map of all Proteins
- - Special Issue: Systems Biology, Science, Vol 295, No 5560, March 1, 2002
- Nature - Molecular Systems Biology
- Systems Biology: An Overview - a review from the Science Creative Quarterly