Slave patrol
Slave patrols (called patrollers, pattyrollers or paddy rollers by the slaves) were organized groups of white men who monitored and enforced discipline upon black slaves in the antebellum U.S. southern states. Slave patrols' function was to police slaves, especially runaways and defiant slaves. They also formed river patrols to prevent escape by boat. Patrols of small numbers would also hunt down fugitive slaves and used summary punishment against escapees, maiming or killing them. Slave patrols were first established in South Carolina in 1704, and the idea spread throughout the colonies.
Slave patrols began in South Carolina in 1704 and spread throughout the colonies; and lasted well beyond the American Revolution. As the population of black slaves boomed, especially with the invention of the cotton gin, so did the fear of slave resistance and uprisings. Its development began when other means of slave control failed to instill slave control and obedience. Their biggest concern lay with slaves on the plantations since that is where slave populations were highest. At first, incentives such as tobacco and money were offered to urge whites to be more vigilant in the capture of runaway slaves. When this approach failed, slave patrols were formally established. Laws were put into place to regulate the activities of both blacks and whites. Slaves who were encountered without passes were expected to be returned to their owners, as stated in the slave code. Punishment for runaway slaves could be expected. Black persons were subjected to question, searches, and other forms of harassment. Oftentimes, whippings and beatings for non-compliant and even compliant slaves could be expected. More than floggings and beatings, however, slaves feared the threat of being placed on the auction block. If caught by patrols and returned to their masters, being placed on the auction block was an option for masters who no longer wanted to deal with their non-compliant slaves. Slave patrols "apprehended runaways, monitored the rigid pass requirements for blacks traversing the countryside, broke up large gatherings and assemblies of blacks, visited and searched slave quarters randomly, inflicted impromptu punishments, and as occasion arose, suppressed insurrections."[1] During these times, slaves were often neglected and mistreated despite having permission to travel.
Slave owners feared slave gatherings would allow them to trade or steal goods and the potential for a rebellion. South Carolina and Virginia selected patrols from state militias. Slave patrols were often equipped with guns and whips and would exert brutal and racially motivated control. At times Blacks developed many methods of challenging slave patrolling, occasionally fighting back violently. The American Civil War developed more opportunities for resistance against slave patrols and made it easier for enslaved people to escape.
The Patroller
Slave patrollers had their characteristics, duties, and benefits. Slave patrol duties started as breaking up slave meetings. These slave meetings occurred on holidays, in which they would plan revolts and uprisings. Eventually, slave patrol expanded to be year-round, and not just on holidays. Slowly, new duties and rights of patrollers became permitted, including: breaking up religious meetings, searching slave quarters without a warrant, and whipping disobedient slaves. Slave patrols consisted of mostly white citizens. Most people in slave patrols came from working and lower middle-class conditions. In some southern states the militia and army served as slave patrols. In other southern states slave patrols came about from colonial or state government legislation. Slave patrols typically rode on horseback in groups of four or five, sometimes even in family groups.They often worked sun-up to sun-down and varied their times and locations of patrol, to lower the chances of slaves escaping. They used no special equipment. Their tools, instead, were whips and intimidation. Some states, such as South Carolina required every man (meaning all white men), under consequence of forty shillings, to arrest and chastise any slave away from their home without proper verification. After slaves were arrested and chastised they were returned to their masters. White men encouraged slaves to escape for the sake of being rewarded after the slave had been caught and returned to their masters. In some areas, killing a slave is not considered a crime by the courts or community. There were benefits of being a patroller. For example, patrollers were exempt from public, county, and parish taxes and fees during their term of service. In addition, some patrollers were paid additional sums with surplus money. Despite the power patrollers held, they had limitations. For example, although whippings and sometimes beatings were permitted, a deterrent also existed. This was the fact that, if whipped or beaten too severely, the slave was then of no use to their masters as laborers the next day. As a consequence, overly-brutal patrollers could expect revenge from slave owners.
Fugitive Slave Laws and Slave Codes
The Fugitive Slave Laws helped enforce the necessity for slave patrols in order to abide by the law. Although initially these laws were created to keep tensions low between the north and the south, it caused the physical formation of slave patrols.[2] During the Civil War, the theory of Contraband prevented the return of Southern slaves who reached Union-held territory. This helped limit the role of slave patrols/catchers and changed the war. Another form of help for slaves was the Underground Railroad which aided slaves in their escape to northern states. The use and physical formation of slave patrols came to its end in 1865 when the Civil War ended. This end however is linked to post civil war groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, which continued to terrorize and threaten the black community.[1]
Slave codes were different from state to state. Slave masters negotiated slave codes with their slaves.
External links
- Hummel, Jeffrey Rogers (July 2002). "Review of Sally E. Hadden – Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas." Economic History Services [dead link, checked 1/19/2013]
- Time Warner Unchained Memories: Readings From the Slave Narratives