Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication provides unambiguous identification of users by means of the combination of two different components. These components may be something that the user knows, something that the user possesses or something that is inseparable from the user. A good example from everyday life is the withdrawing of money from a cash machine. Only the correct combination of a bank card (something that the user possesses) and a PIN (personal identification number, i.e. something that the user knows) allows the transaction to be carried out. Two-factor authentication is type of multi-factor authentication.
The use of two-factor authentication to prove one's identity is based on the approach that both the required factors must be used and must be correct. If one of the components is missing or is used incorrectly, a person's identity cannot be established beyond doubt. Access to the building, access to data or access to whatever is being protected by two-factor authentication remains blocked if this is the case. The factors may include:
- something that the user possesses, such as a USB stick token, a bank card, a key etc.,
- something that the user knows, such as a username, password, PIN, TAN etc., and
- something that the user is and is inseparable from, a physical characteristic of the user, such as a fingerprint, eye iris, voice, etc.
Mobile Phone two-factor authentication
The major drawback of authentication performed using something that the user possesses and one other factor is that the plastic token used (the USB stick, the bank card, the key or similar) must be carried around by the user at all times. And if this is stolen or lost, or if the user simply does not have it with him or her, access is impossible. In addition, there are costs involved in procuring and subsequently replacing tokens of this kind.
Mobile Phone two-factor authentication was developed to provide an alternative method that would avoid such issues. This approach uses mobile devices such as mobile phones and smartphones to serve as "something that the user possesses". If users want to authenticate themselves, they can use their personal access licence (i.e. something that only the individual user knows) plus a one-time-valid, dynamic passcode consisting of digits. The code can be sent to their mobile device by SMS, email or via a special app. The advantage of this method is that there is no need for an additional, dedicated token, as users tend to carry their mobile devices around at all times anyway. Some professional two-factor authentication solutions also ensure that there is always a valid passcode available for users. If the user has already used a sequence of digits (passcode), this is automatically deleted and the system sends a new code to the mobile device. And if the new code is not entered within a specified time limit, the system automatically replaces it. This ensures that no old, already used codes are left on mobile devices. For added security, it is possible to specify how many incorrect entries are permitted before the system blocks access.
Advantages of Mobile Phone two-factor authentication:
- No additional tokens are necessary because it uses mobile devices that are (usually) carried all the time.
- As they are constantly changed, dynamically generated passcodes are safer to use than fixed (static) log-in information.
- Depending on the solution, passcodes that have been used are automatically replaced in order to ensure that a valid code is always available; acute transmission/reception problems do not therefore prevent logins
- The option to specify a maximum permitted number of false entries reduces the risk of attacks by unauthorised persons
Disadvantages of Mobile Phone two-factor authentication:
- The mobile phone must be carried around by the user at all times.
- The battery of the mobile phone must be charged.
- The user must share their personal mobile number with the provider, reducing personal privacy.
- If the mobile phone is stolen or lost, or if the user simply does not have it with him or her, access is impossible. In addition, there are costs involved in procuring and subsequently replacing mobile phones.